Silent Killing

Chapter 632

Frieza’s tricks, Zuo Qingcang at the moment are more skilled and more powerful.

Just because it has devoured the spot, Blackbeard, Blue Dye, Saga, Dior and Frieza have six personalities, Zuo Qingcang, and their power is more than twice that of Frieza.

The black rays of light flashed on the palm of Zuo Qingcang. The dark shock wave was directly emitted from the stomach of Yan Dumpling. The violent power was like the Yangtze River flowing backwards. It not only swallowed Yan Dumpling completely, but even left the other party with nothing. The force of resistance directly followed the expanding black True Yuan shock wave, and shot all the way towards the outer space.

“Stop!” Angry roar, the photon streamer in Crab * ‘s hand fired continuously, but this time it was directly absorbed in the dark sky and was instantly absorbed and disappeared.

No matter how powerful your ability is, you can’t see each other.

At this moment, Zuo Qingcang enters the state of the big black sky. The human figure seen by the crab * naked eye is just the interface between the imaginary space and the real world that’s all. Although the future of reversal is great, Crab * has not hit the other’s realm without relying on Yiyi.

Seeing that the stream of photons suddenly fell into the darkness, Zuo Qingcang turned his head and looked down from high. The cold eyes were enough to freeze the blood of ordinary people.

That’s it, the rays of light from red shine out, leaving the crab * without resistance.

There is a hint of black light in this red, which is Zuo Qingcang’s Red Blood Profound Light Fiend. This powerful form of formidable power, after gaining the Prominent Saint specialties of Saga, Frieza, Blackbeard and the others, the formidable power increased again.

Zuo Qingcang directly pushed it out with the atoms inside the body, and at the same time, the formidable power was also turned on to the maximum power, allowing the eyeball to rupture and muscle necrosis to continue to recover in a state of ultra-fast regeneration.

At the same time push the atom out. After being absorbed by black True Yuan, all electrons kept disappearing and appearing again, releasing amazing energy.

The black red light instantly swallowed the crab *. The air passing by is completely evaporated and becomes a plasma flame. It was as if the northern lights were shining in the sky.

The particle stream hits Crab * and hits the opponent with a strong kinetic energy like a meteor to the ground.

Boom bang bang bang bang! The thick red beam of black dropping from the sky is like Divine Punishment dropped by Spiritual God, hitting crabs * on the ground all the way, then melting the ground, piercing glaciers, seawater, rock formations, and carrying crabs *, Constantly push the opponent deep into the ground.

One palm. At a glance, the two emperors had already entered the earth one by one, and they had no resistance at all.

Michelle also understands that the critical moment is at hand. The three of the Great Qi glare like a tiger watching his prey. Zuo Qingcang must abandon the crab * and the Yan Jiao as soon as he starts. This is not the time to hide his strength.

I saw a burst of bleak air coming out of her body, and the silver nano-armor on her face faded a little, revealing a cheeky face, all with violent blue veins on her face, her eyes red.

No one has seen it in person. I’m afraid I can never imagine that a person’s face can be stubborn. Terrifying to such a degree, it is no longer like a person’s face.

This is Michelle’s hidden personality. Opened his personality.

In a lunatic as big as a lonely castle, she naturally has a lot of gains. Because of the strength of True Yuan, strength, attributes, Prominent Saint and so on, it is all related to the will and the degree of paranoia.

So after observing thousands of lunatics, she had the idea of ​​gathering all kinds of personality advantages to create a strong personality.

And now the personality she has released is the result.

This personality brings together countless of the bloodiest in Europa history. The most perverted, the darkest. The craziest murderer, a cultist. A lunatic, a terrorist, can be said to be a completely crazy personality.

But it is also because of this madness of her personality that she has stepped into the realm of Void Refining Prominent Saint and the gods, and has the power that ordinary people dare not imagine.

An evil smile emerged from Michelle’s face: “The great dark sky at the South Gate …”

As a member of the organization that existed in modern civilization XNUMX years ago, Michelle naturally knew the existence of the Great Dark Sky.

She also understands the strengths and weaknesses of Daikokuten.

“It’s not the full version of Hei Tian Da Devils … for a duration of up to two minutes … it should not be hard.”

A series of thoughts flowed in her mind, and the nano-armor on Michelle’s body continued to tremble, and she saw True Yuan mixed with these alienated flesh and blood constantly expanding, turning into 12 light wings appearing behind her.

At the same time, part of the scapula projected sharply, and two arms had broken from the flesh at the next moment.

The silver nano armor did not know when it turned into a blood red, which was one of the three banned moves of the Empire, the War God, which made Michelle stronger and more skilled at the moment.

Twelve tail flames spewed out of her body, and her whole body took a leap, already catching up with the black shock wave from Zuo Qingcang. Then she probed out and caught the black shock wave.

Virtual particles, Gravitation Forces, photons, and bosons. Small to invisible particles in various universes are manifested in her palm. A quantum bubble that cannot be observed by naked eye appears and disappears.

With the artificially created vacuum fluctuations, next moment, all the black shock waves passing by her palm were intercepted by the waist and then suddenly appeared in the center of Red Blood Profound Light Fiend.

The black and red rays dropping from the sky and the black shock wave flashing from the void suddenly collided together, triggering a series of big explosions of heaven shaking earth shattering.

The fire light swept over Zuo Qingcang’s body. He retracted his hands unconsciously, and also received two kinds of attacks. Turning his gaze, for the first time, he looked positively towards Michelle in front of his face.

He differedly said: “Awesome power.”

The other party has brought the fantasy to this point, regardless of skills, knowledge, and strength, which is why Zuo Qingcang only said this.

He continued: “Are you going to protect these two?” He didn’t know Michelle’s identity yet.

A bit of cunning rays of light flashed in Michelle’s eyes: “Now so many people are watching here, as far as my electromagnetic induction is concerned, at least three people who are not weaker than you and me all look at us, as well as the Central Plains. Three old ghosts are beside. “

She gave a cold glance at Ji Xingling and the others, and then said, “You don’t want to be picked for cheap, right? Let’s just stop there.”

“Okay.” Zuo Qingcang nodded, and he turned away when he turned around. Seeing Michelle froze slightly, he did not expect the other person to be so decisive and calm.

But at the next moment, Zuo Qingcang’s silhouette brush disappeared. This is the start of Shadow Form.

Although the shadow almost does not reflect all kinds of rays, and any rays pass through the body, it cannot affect the reduction of Gravitation Force and the influence of space on him.

Michelle’s eyes flashed through countless data, his eyes turned at high speed, followed the slight changes of the Gravitation Force wave, and immediately swept to the correct position of Zuo Qingcang.

The 12 tail flames violently sprayed behind him, and the whole person has taken up a series of afterimages to catch up.

But it was too late to see that Zuo Qingcang had come to the dull Yan Jiao.


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