Silent Killing

Chapter 637

Hearing Zuo Qingcang’s words, all the people in the audience’s eyes showed surprise.

Just listen to Zuo Qingcang and then say, “You may have guessed a little bit about the Martial Dao method I practiced.” His gaze glanced at everyone in front of him.

After all, his several shots were big moves that shocked the world, not to mention the major forces, even if his subordinates didn’t guess at all, it was impossible.

To this day, Zuo Qingcang does not intend to hide too much, and directly says: “My within the body, there are several evil forces, and they grow with me, they may even be stronger and more evil than me .

They are cruel, cold-blooded, with destruction and destruction as food, and in the next few decades, you will take them as enemies and try to suppress them so that this world will not be destroyed by me. “

The seven people present heard the words, all with a surprised look on their faces. Ji Nanxian couldn’t help but say, “Sir, do you want us to be against you?”

“For the enemy …” Zuo Qingcang said for a while in silence: “I just want to give you a little more chance to live. Your aptitude on this planet is already in ten-thousand and does not have one, a genius amongst geniuses, but it is far from enough to defeat this evil power within me. “

“What kind of power is it?” Ayue asked.

“I will introduce them when I call other people in the future.” Zuo Qingcang said, “In my estimation, what can stop me today is probably only Prometheus in Ghost Cry Valley, mysterious person in North Demon Sect. And the so-called emperor. “

These are the most secretive and probably the most Peaky characters in the world today. During this time, Zuo Qingcang naturally told Atlantis several people.

And human beings are fighting against Zuo Qingcang himself. Such words, of course, Zuo Qingcang will only speak to the most loyal people in front of them, and they have been loyal to them for more than ten years. In the past half month, Zuo Qingcang intentionally or unintentionally dropped the Mirror Flowers Water Moon, within the body and Blackbone parasitized, naturally it is impossible to disclose the news.

Otherwise, it will be known all over the world. Everyone came to attack him, to attack Atlantis. That would be counterproductive and even lead to disaster in advance.

As is now the case, with several nations standing up, several major powers desperately developing force, military and technology under the threat of each other are the best situations.

Before the strike against Michelle, Zuo Qingcang also had this consideration.

Watching the expression of thoughtful expression of the seven people in front of him, Zuo Qingcang gave them a little time for digestion, and then said, “Yingzhou.” He looked at the big man with scars on his face. Said: “After you established Chia, you were mainly responsible for overseas intelligence. I want you to direct a force to investigate the situation of the North Demon Sect in the Central Plains Northern Section. I want you to find that it is best to find the North Demon Sect directly. people.”

“Bitter thinking.” Zuo Qingcang turned his gaze and looked towards another pale-faced Guard leader who said in front of him: “fbi is mainly responsible for the internal affairs. I want you to completely block Ghost Cry Valley and investigate the remains in it. To find a way to control the ruins, I will contact Prometheus. “

Then Zuo Qingcang looked towards the youngest Mo Fangyun: “You use pale Guard. I want to know all the information related to Tianzi.”

Then he said to Joe again, “The power of Pale Guard next is mainly to gather all the talented and innate talents in the new continent.”

“As you bid.” The four of them knelt on the ground together, with a solemn expression.

“Let’s go.”

The silhouette of the four flashed. Each has completely disappeared into the room.

Zuo Qingcang then looked towards Ji Nanxian: “You have to work with the electric commander to develop the group, the speed of technological weapons promotion, and after having the information of the shelter, the Self Manifestation letter can reach a very fast speed.

Next I will retreat for a month. During this time I will prepare some Taoist and martial arts materials. At that time, you will be responsible for distributing the materials so that everyone in the world can see them. “

Zuo Qingcang this time retreat. One is to completely wipe out the side effects of the 30% of God’s remnants with Supreme Spiritual Will, and then the power soared. He has more countless means and capabilities, and he needs to go to its dross. Take the essence and condense your martial arts Taoism.

Hell Sect. The Tianhe School, the South Holy Gate, the Great Sect in Central Plains, and the martial arts of the royal family all follow one after another, and write down his own theory of martial arts and Taoism.

“Everyone?” Ayue frowns saying: “What kind of cheats?”

“It’s a martial arts Tao that you can practice.”

After hearing these words from Zuo Qingcang, Ah Yue and Zhu Bang and Ji Nanxian frowned: “Sir, it doesn’t matter?”

Ji Nanxian did not understand: “If the martial arts martial arts continues to spread again, even in the Central Plains, the empire has learned the martial arts you passed down, wouldn’t it help them improve the battle strength?”

“It is to help them improve their battle strength.” Zuo Qingcang said, “After 20 years, we have fought for 20 years. Even a good Fortune realm master is not there. It is too slow. Not only them, but also in our army. Vigorously promote the cultivation of martial arts Taoism. “

“The Taoism is not prosperous, but countless has ushered in the golden age. I just don’t know how many geniuses will emerge among hundreds of millions of humans?” Zuo Qingcang’s eyes seemed to pierce the endless void and saw the operation of the entire history.

In the 20 years of war, the Empire, Atlantis, Great Qi, Kunlun, and the Four Kingdoms, as in the Cold War era, military and technology will usher in explosive development, and Zuo Qingcang scattered martial arts Taoism The approach is even more like pouring oil on the fire and dragging the entire world into a golden age of force.

“So many geniuses, just don’t know if there will be one or two who can stop me?”

Zuo Qingcang looked towards his own hands, feeling his own power.

Since devouring the 30th percentile of God, he has hardly practiced even for more than half a month, but the power of within the body is still growing all the time.

That was the 40% God’s oppression, and it was also his own instinct. This is only his own. The growth rate of the 40% himself is far beyond his previous expectations.

Ah Yue and the others looked at Zuo Qingcang in front of them, and the breath on the other side became more and more uncertain, as if they were not in the same world as them.

“Sect master.” Just then, a voice awakened Zuo Qingcang.

“Are you back? Everything about the empire has been probed clearly?” Zuo Qingcang said, watching Aval suddenly appear in front of him.

“Yes.” Avar was nodded

Zuo Qingcang said to Ayue and the others, “You go.”

So Ayue and the others left with complex psychology, leaving Awal to report some confidential information of the empire like Zuo Qingcang.

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