Silent Killing

Chapter 642

Exclamation, scolding, alertness, and various voices came over, turning into invisible waves of naked eye, which appeared in Zuo Qingcang’s eyes.

Zuo Qingcang, sitting cross-legged, stretched out a hand, wiped away like the eraser towards the Chibei Gate, and exclaimed, angered, and warned that all the air vibrations would be one after another smooth.

Everyone is like a frozen ice sculpture, standing still in place, not because they don’t want to move, but an inner-out force oppresses their bodies, letting them even have one finger Can’t move.

Only the eyes that turned constantly revealed their astonishment and fear.

Just then, a voice came from their ears, which was the extremely cold voice of Zuo Qingcang.

“Too weak.”

“Why so weak?”

Looking at Chibeimen and Cold Ice Sect in front of them, like a trembling rabbit, looking at himself with horror, Zuo Qingcang coldly said: “You have no value to be killed … but …”

As he said, he pointed it out with a single finger, and saw a blood flower flashing on the chests of the crowd, followed by six blood flower flashes. Everyone present was distorted, if not Zuo Qingcang Taking control of their bodies, I’m afraid they have screamed frantically for a long time.

Each finger is enough to cause heartbreaking, each finger is tightly pressed against the inflection point of human limit, enough to teach a collapsed pain bomb to explode in everyone’s nerves.

In this way, the seven fingers in a row left seven pains and pains on the bodies of the people, even the scars of extreme humiliation, looking at the eyes of anger, hatred, fear, and fear.

A bit of cruelty flashed on Zuo Qingcang’s cheek: “If you want revenge. If you want to kill me, then hate it, hate me. Then live ugly and become stronger. Then come to me to get revenge Right. “

With that said, the silhouette of Zuo Qingcang had disappeared, and the control of the crowd had suddenly disappeared. Almost everyone fell to the ground and cried out in pain.

Some people were constantly rolling on the ground with pain, others were blowing their noses and tears, and some were directly dizzy.

Chitianxing half-knelt on the ground, and the severe pain tortured his muscles. The cold sweat on his forehead sprang up like raindrops, but no matter how painful he was, he couldn’t compare with the humiliation in his heart.

Looking at the seven scars on his chest and abdomen, a strange shame filled his brain.

both of his hands clung to the frost on the ground, eyes staring at the direction in which Zuo Qingcang disappeared, there was only one thought in his mind.

“No matter who you are, no matter where you flee, I will surely find you, kill you, and make you regret everything you have done today.”

What he didn’t see was. Cold Ice Sect Wen Wanqing also looked at the place where Zuo Qingcang disappeared. Although the cheek pain was like a layer of pale paper, the layers of killing intent in the eyes couldn’t be blocked.

Afterwards, the two revenge for Zuo Qingcang. Stay under the iceberg to realize martial arts Taoism, practice hard, and learn how to surrender one after another to unite hundreds of people from all over the world.

But specifically how they cultivate, how painful, how hateful, it is within the concern of Zuo Qingcang.

The entire iceberg remains and ground text are the remains of Zuo Qingcang’s retreat. The last time that the 20th percentile eliminated God left black Demon Sword, but this time has permanently changed the magnetic field of a region.

The human body watching the text will be connected with the magnetic field here, and will be impacted by will and experience.

If Chi Tianxing and Wen Wanqing can really persist in hard work. It is indeed possible to reach a considerable height.

After finishing a leisurely move, Zuo Qingcang has moved in the direction of Haijing.

A trail of True Yuan spread all over the body. Makes his skin look slightly dark. But in fact no one could see him at all, whether it was air. The dust is a tree, and everything in front of him is directly sucked into the imaginary space by True Yuan.

He could not see the silhouette or hear the sound, and he was moved towards Haijing like the same breeze.

In his mind was thinking about the gains and losses of retreat practice at this time.

After more than a month of retreat, Zuo Qingcang finally eliminated the side effects after the 30th percentile devoured, and the whole person’s strength was further sublimated again.

Not only that, with the rapid improvement in strength, Zuo Qingcang has organized all his martial arts Taoism from beginning to end, from Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire, Extreme Profound Formless Yin Astral, shadow flashes, lightning eyes , Spirit Light Sword, God and Demon Transformation to Earth Roar Annihilation Tyrant Palm, Storm Azure Mist, Heavenly River Overturned, Cold Light Fluctuation Sword, Hell Sect’s Hell King Golden Body, Hells, Karma Disk, Myriad Ghosts Profound Nether Claw.

There are also Rashomon, Red Blood Profound Light Fiend, Blood 魃, Zou Ying, Da Hei Tian, ​​etc.

One door of martial arts, one-handed karate was learned and absorbed by him. Then summarize, summarize, and integrate.

Zuo Qingcang’s brain, like a supercomputer, interpreted these martial arts Taoism one after another, so he also quickly discovered that the martial arts Taoism had something in common.

Although the means are different, all changes in nature, whether molecular movement, atomic change, or electronic transition, are interlinked.

The same is true of martial arts Taoism, especially after Zuo Qingcang has integrated Saga’s Lightspeed Boxing, he can perform atomic and even electronic level operations.

And True Yuan’s ability to communicate the space of imaginary numbers at one go allows him to move molecules, atoms, and even electrons effortlessly.

So he started to simulate martial arts with martial arts and martial arts with martial arts. Enhance martial arts with martial arts and martial arts with martial arts.

Waves, rays, vibrations, radiation, all kinds of things appeared in his eyes. With the various parameters provided by the superb observational power of the left eye, his progress was enough to shock anyone’s chin.

So after devouring the 30% god, combining the seven demons and eliminating the influence, and trying Martial Fusion, Zuo Qingcang found himself stepping into a new world—Void Refining Good Fortune.

Standing on the cliff, Zuo Qingcang looked at the colorful Haijing City in the dark, and slowly stretched out a hand.

I saw that his palms were open, Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning kept encircling them. The small palm seemed to be all-encompassing, embodying all kinds of Human World.

But … not enough.

Now Zuo Qingcang has reached the Void Refining Good Fortune in the description of the ancient book, which is the so-called realm of the union of heaven and man and the integration of heaven and earth.

The combination of the so-called True Yuan and World Aura is to produce microscopic atoms and even electrons realm.

Every move can bring up various natural phenomena.

But Zuo Qingcang, who understands Theory, knows that although this kind of enhancement is powerful, in the final analysis, it is still bound by human’s understanding of nature.

The deeper you understand the natural phenomena, the theory of heaven and earth, the greater the power you can exert.

‘But this is obviously wrong …’ Zuo Qingcang said in his heart: ‘martial path is to believe, and the strongest force is the will. Throughout the ages, unless Daowu Shuangxiu, there is no martial artist who studies the phenomena in nature.

Naturally, there is no way to simulate natural phenomena with True Yuan.

The only thing they do is exercise through various cultivation techniques, realize their own spirit, and naturally have that ability. ‘

Zuo Qingcang’s eyes narrowed: “I can’t think of my Taoist martial arts. The scientific outlook that was cultivated in the previous life has now turned into my Martial Dao. Going forward, it really shows the obstacles of Good Fortune formidable power.

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