Silent Killing

Chapter 648

In more than a year, Markas established Atlantis’s first aviation brigade.

The arms group formed by the TV commander began selling the newly developed arms to Great Qi.

Haijing City was rebuilt, and the notorieties of fbi and chia gradually spread internationally.

Pale Guard is again a nightmare for countless people.

At the same time Atlantis expanded its army by one million, and a large number of martial arts sorted out by Zuo Qingcang were sent down. Not only the entire army learned, but even the folk were widely circulated. Even the Central Plains and the Empire could see a lot of piracy flooding.

On the bright side, Charlie is the President of the Federal Republic of Atlantis and is revered and admired by countless people.

But the real top executives on Earth all know what kind of monster is hidden behind Atlantis. They are worried, afraid, and nervous, so they can only go all out to continuously increase their strength, strengthen their army, and develop weapons in an attempt to combat this monster.

Although I didn’t focus on these things, the whole world really made rapid progress with the intentional or unintentional push of Zuo Qingcang.


Europa, the original Imperial Capital is still being cleaned up at this time, so the emperor moved the address of Xindu to a new city more than 500 kilometers away from Fanas.

At the same time, under the encouragement of Michel, the new capital was renamed the second new capital city.

A test is currently underway in the Empire District Magic School’s North District, the second new capital city.

“Tom, magic level 3.”

Looking at the test report in front of him, the boy named Tom showed a bitter expression.

“Hehe, why haven’t geniuses made any progress in seven years?”

“Hmph, this waste really lost the family’s face.”

“If it weren’t for his father, Teacher, how could this waste be kept.”

After the war, the importance of the sacred will empire was magnified again and again, as one of the important components of the magician. Even before the First World War, it had become an important training target for the Empire.

The Empire Magic Academy hasn’t known how many geniuses and great men have been cultivated for the Empire for more than 20 years.

Almost all the nation is considered to possess magic innate talent. The apprentices of Ming Cong were sent to the Empire Magic Academy for training.

As a man who has studied at the Magic Academy for eight full years, Tom has never been able to break through. The magic energy always stays at Level 3, cannot reach the Fifth Level, and breaks through the level of the magic apprentice (life training plex) to become a wizard (repair Heavenly Palace).

In such a social environment that values ​​battle strength and mage level, Tom naturally suffers from irony and sarcasm.

Hearing the taunt in his ear, Tom smiled bitterly and moved towards the field. Since breaking Level 3 in the first year, he has been hailed as a magic genius, and now he has not broken through for seven consecutive years. As a fallen genius, he has long been accustomed to warmth and coldness.

Instead of staying here to see other people’s tests, he moved towards the school outside. Today, he still has to go to the ruins of the former Imperial Capital. As the original empire capital, although it has become a ruin, there are still a lot of precious items left.

If one or two can be found there, it can be described as an overnight rich.

Although the empire has banned such incidents, there are always people willing to take risks.

Thinking about the various costs and expensive tuition that father pays to keep him in school, he wants to find something to subsidize his family.

More than four hours later, Tom had rushed to the ruins of Imperial Capital. Looking for valuable things among the wreckage.

After more than two hours, he looked at the iron plate in his hand and was shocked in his heart: “This is … the Ministry’s warehouse?”

Ministry of Magic. As the most mysterious and most powerful section of the empire, it can be said that it has mastered the most powerful force of the entire empire, which is countless mage.

Compared with Great Qi in the past hundreds of years, the appearance of Imperial Court siege, Daizong and Zuo Qingcang several times, caused the number of monks to drop sharply.

Although the number of mages of the Empire was slaughtered by Zuo Qingcang for one round, it was still more than three times that of Great Qi.

Thinking of the ruins under his feet may be a warehouse of the Ministry of Magic in the past, thinking of all kinds of precious magic materials. Magic guide, and various research materials. Tom let out his eyes and dug down.

But the more you dig. The worse the disappointment in his eyes.

All kinds of sundries, garbage, there is no so-called treasure and cheats.

Tom sighed with ridicule, thinking about it, if there is anything precious, I’m afraid it has been taken away by the Ministry of Magic. Why would he wait for him one year later?

But just when he was going to leave here and try his luck in another place, he tripped under his feet, looked down, and saw a black wooden box next to his feet.

“what is this?”

Looking at the black wooden box in front of him, Tom’s eyes flashed a little confused, and there seemed to be countless murmurs in his ears.

“Open it … open it … open it …”

“This is your treasure, this is your treasure.”

Tom squatted down with a look of confusion, his hands moved towards the black box, and opened it.

Then I saw a long sword with a dark body and a faint halo appearing in the box. The black sword body contained a strange charm. When Tom saw the black sword, he couldn’t help but touch it gently. .

“This is the best baby in the world …”

“As long as you have him, you will have everything.”

“Everyone who looks down on you will look at you.”

A fascinating voice kept ringing in his ear, his eyes flashed a struggle, but he was finally overwhelmed by the endless **, his hands stretched out in the direction of the black sword.

“Boy, let go of that thing.”

“This is our place. Where is your kid?”

Tom turned his head, and there seemed to be a flash of black gas in his eyes. Ten or ten meters behind him, the five big men looked at Zhao with an unwilling intention, and approached him step by step as their eyes swept over the black sword With greed flashing in both eyes.

Even if there is no magical power of the black sword, Guangguang knows that it is not ordinary by looking at the appearance of the sword.

These people are the rubbish gangs here, who make a lot of money by picking up trash in search of the ruins of Imperial Capital. Their Sect Leader even bought through officials, recycling waste products, and dividing up the site, and the power became more and more inflated.

Now they certainly couldn’t let go of the black sword in front of Tom’s eyes.

If it was before, Tom knows the strength of these people, knowing that he is not an opponent, he may have surrendered.

But now there was an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and he reached up to pick up the black sword, and I was in my hand.

“From today, the cowardly, kind, stupid Tom will leave.”

“Five of you, as a sacrifice for my new birth.”

“Practice the strongest martial arts, do the most beautiful woman, and drink the strongest spirits.”

“I will be … the king of the world.”

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