
Silently counting the number in his heart, Zuo Zhicheng was in Tochi’s desperate eyes, and the last one took his life.

“It’s 26 people right.” Now that the numbers match the count before doing it yourself, the next thing to do is deal with the corpses.

No matter in which era, after the killing, let the other party not find the body, it is the best way to hide. And this small grove where Tochi and they took Zuo Zhicheng was also a good place to hide the dead. It’s just that their approach was too unprofessional before.

I saw Zuo Zhicheng walked into the bush and found the shovel that had been thrown out again. Then he started digging in the open space of the grove.

According to Zuo Zhicheng’s experience, burial of such a body requires a pit at least two meters deep. Second, like the corpse that Toch buried, at first glance, it was buried in a hasty way, I am afraid that one meter is not deep enough. At such a shallow distance, it may be washed out by water in rainy days or turned out by animals, and it is easy to smell the smell of corpses. This is extremely amateur to Zuo Zhicheng.

So Zuo Zhicheng had to dig a hole for that corpse for a while. He was discovered someday in the province, and it affected 26 corpses made by Zuo Zhicheng.

In this way, a total of 27 corpses were counted. For security reasons, Zuo Zhicheng would dig a total of 27 two-meter deep pits. If it is the last life, I am afraid that he may not be able to dig it up for one day and one night, but fortunately, he has greatly increased his physical strength. He has already been at the monster level, and it is much easier to dig a pit.

Pushing a corpse into the pit again, Zuo Zhicheng buried the big pit under his feet, then compacted the burying soil, and repaid the weeds all around.

It looks as if nothing happened.

“It’s been a long time since I did this.”

While doing the burial, Zuo Zhicheng couldn’t help but remember the last time he killed the brother in the Brother Xi city in Mexico, he transported the body outside the city, and then planned to bury it.

But who knew he had dug one meter deep, and found that the place where he had dug was already buried.

At first, he had to fill the pit again, and then across a distance of 15 kilometers, he dug another pit to put the body. Now that I think of it, things that felt very hot at that time seemed to have become interesting memories. Zuo Zhicheng thought so.

After burying the body, I returned to the small Lan Family and had to explain that he was helping the restaurant to wash the dishes. This is also an excuse Zuo Zhicheng has been saying recently. In fact, he will indeed go a few times recently to help others. Wash the dishes.

“Zuo big brother, it’s too hard for you. I don’t think you should work so late. You have to practice martial arts and cleaning during the day.” Xiaolan helped Zuo Zhicheng squeeze his shoulders and said with some distress: “Acid What? “

“It’s okay,” Zuo Zhicheng said, “go to bed first, and get up early tomorrow.”

“I’m okay.” Xiaolan naturally did not stay asleep because Zuo Zhicheng didn’t return. She yawned and asked: “Left big brother, are you hungry? Would you like me to give Do you make something to eat? “

Seeing the other person looked like the same unwake kitten, Qiang said this sentence in a spirited manner. Zuo Zhicheng rubbed Xiaolan’s head and said, “It’s nothing, I’m tired, I’ll go to bed after washing. You go to bed too. “

“Um.” Xiaolan nodded and yawned again: “Then I’ll go to bed first, good night left big brother.”

“good night.”

Fortunately, two months ago, Song ’s old man drove out to sea, fishing in the ocean, and Zuo Zhicheng saved a lot of explanations.

However, although the last few nights have been covered up, Zuo Zhicheng still feels that it is time to find an opportunity to move away from Xiao Lan’s home. Otherwise, as more and more things happen, the possibility of exposure will also increase, and Easy to implicate Xiaolan’s father and daughter.

About two hours later, Zuo Zhicheng stepped into the night like a ghost of black again, and routinely took a detour. After confirming that no one was following him, Zuo Zhicheng came to the secret base again.

It’s still the same process every day. First, exercise Martial Arts Legacy, North Peng Approaching Heaven Form in the yard. Watching purple’s instincts become more and more powerful under the style of Martial Arts Legacy.

Because of the need to heal him, Zuo Zhicheng couldn’t exercise well. So far, the percentage of purple congenitality has reached 45%.

After finishing the practice of Martial Arts Legacy, followed by a half-hour exercise on nourishing qi.

In this way, regardless of wind and rain, he insisted on practicing consistently every day, and Zuo Zhicheng witnessed his strength step by step.

In fact, if there is no psionic food, so that daily exercise has its limits, Zuo Zhicheng may not go to dojo to practice martial arts during the day. Another way to cover up your identity, like in the tomb, is to exercise daily to exceed your limits.

But unfortunately, without psionic food, Zuo Zhicheng’s * is also limited. Basically, the amount of training every night has reached the maximum. If it is exceeded, it may be too much exercise, causing various internal injuries. Already.

As for the news of psionic food, Zuo Zhicheng has been exploring Xinlugang for a long time, and still does not have any relevant information. It seems that the psionic foods of this era have become more demanding than he thought.

After finishing the exercise, Zuo Zhicheng came to the basement, lit the oil lamp, and came to the experimental table.

On the table, several dark vessels were put together, next to them was a pile of dark gray unknown metal.

On the table, these are everyday items that Zuo Zhicheng bought from the stall. According to the intelligence he collected and the tests he conducted, many metal vessels of this age still contained many elements of lead.

This is also normal, as he had previously guessed. After all, in the history of Earth, the element lead has been widely recognized by human beings because of its wide distribution, easy extraction, easy processing, high ductility, and low melting point.

It is then used in a variety of everyday items, weapons, gunpowder and even cosmetics.

This World seems to be the same. Humans have long found the existence of lead and used it as a metal element in various metal tools and utensils.

The reason why Zuo Zhicheng wanted to collect these things was to extract a part of the lead and make a radiation protection suit for himself. The reason for this is to prevent the psionic vision of the priests from detecting the innate existence.

After all, he now has a congenital coverage area that is too high for ordinary people to notice, but once a cultivator has a psionic vision, he can see his difference.

Even if the other party has seen Ghost Boxing, they can immediately see that the two are the same person. Although Zuo Zhicheng hasn’t encountered this situation in recent months, in order to plan ahead, Zuo Zhicheng also began to prepare.

After all, this underground base was originally built to make similar gadgets.

The dull days passed, Zuo Zhicheng practiced martial arts at his own pace, made things, helped dojo or Xiaolan solve a little trouble, but he became more and more powerful by little by little.

Jiang Master is busy with various things of Wushu Association. Jiang Qing was also known by many other dojo students because of the establishment of the association, and was enthusiastically pursued by several people.

Song Boss has never been to the sea, Zuo Zhicheng also simply moved out the time to wait for Song Bo’s return. Xiaolan in the province lives in danger alone.

Time passed slowly until trouble came again.

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