Silent Killing

Chapter 652


Tom stared at Zuo Qingcang with his eyes wide open. He opened his lips slightly, and seemed to want to say something, but saw a shadow shaking in front of Zuo Qingcang’s eyes, which was a slight movement of his palm.

Bang, there seems to be a bomb exploding in the air, Tom’s body has already banged on the ground, and a huge pit was printed directly.

‘where? Chest … head? Still thigh? pelvis? ‘Tom only felt the pain in his body, but he couldn’t feel what part of his body was hit by the opponent. He just felt that the muscles and the body of his body were broken, and his body couldn’t move.

“Devil? Are you there? Devil!” He screamed black Demon Sword inside the body, but the other side seemed to be stupid and didn’t respond to his call at all.

Just then, the cold voice of Zuo Qingcang passed into his ear: “Don’t shout, he won’t respond to you.”

Zuo Qingcang squatted down and pressed one hand on Tom’s chest: “I didn’t intend to come to you so early, it was better to let you grow up for a while.

But now it seems that giving you more time is wasted. “

While speaking, black layers of black mud-like things spread from Tom’s body surface, and then gradually grabbed Zuo Qingcang’s hands, pulling them out like radishes.

“What are you doing?” Feeling the power of within the body drain away quickly, like the Yangtze River moved towards the other’s within the body, and his face turned pale with fright, he frantically called: “Devil, you Where? Answer me! “

It’s a pity that the other party still didn’t respond to his shout at all, Tom could even feel that the demon was hiding in the deep of his consciousness and shivered, seeming to have been completely frightened by Zuo Qingcang who appeared before him.

The black mud kept rushing out of Tom’s within the body, and they took shape again in Zuo Qingcang’s hands. Gradually turned into a black long sword, emitting black waves of black demonic energy.

Tom’s face was already desperate, feeling the less and less power within the body. The increasingly exhausted True Yuan was furious, as if he was ten years old in an instant.

It’s like giving someone the greatest hope. But when he stepped on the cloud, he pulled the other side down and fell to the ground.

Zuo Qingcang did not look at Tom on the ground, but concentrated all the remaining Demon Sword in one hand.

Looking at the hand slightly shaking, as if begging for mercy, as if trembling Demon Sword, Zuo Qingcang looks like a pair of scissors that have been missing for a long time at home, no matter how to find them, suddenly one day the scissors appeared again Got the same before him.

With black Demon Sword on his waist. Zuo Qingcang looked at Tom on the ground with a look of despair, his eyes moved slightly, and the force field directly wrapped Tom’s body, breaking down the opponent’s body from the atomic level.

Watching his body quickly break down from his feet, Tom roared, and he looked at Zuo Qingcang with a sullen expression: “Zuo Qingcang, are you Zuo Qingcang, do you dare to give me a chance?” We set a five-year period and give me five years and I will definitely surpass you. “

Zuo Qingcang didn’t even look at Tom, just frowned, the other’s body accelerated decomposition. The blink of an eye has been turned into a mass of fly ash disappeared.

He reached out, True Yuan enough to operate at the atomic level has been moved towards Qing Yueyang and He Ziran on the ground wrapped in the past, capable of atomic level operations. It means that Zuo Qingcang is free to change the molecular structure of matter at the micro level.

He can directly drive electric energy with True Yuan gas, break the interaction between molecules, that is, chemical bonds, and then reconstruct the molecular structure of matter.

However, even a nail has thousands of molecules, and it is very difficult, delicate and time-consuming to carry out a large-scale material reorganization and material transformation based on this alone.

But Zuo Qingcang does not need to do this now, he just corrects the fracture of the two within the body, and stops the internal bleeding and broken internal organs of the two. Adhere to the wound inside the body.

After a while, their injuries have gradually stabilized. There were footsteps in the distance. It was the end of the concert, and Esther came with a lot of staff and bodyguards.

“what are you doing!”

“Not allowed to move!”

When you see Zuo Qingcang standing still. When there were wounded all over the ground, more than a dozen bodyguards rushed straight up, but was stopped by Estelle waving.

“Sir.” Estelle walked in front of Zuo Qingcang alone and could see everyone behind him looking at each other in shock. Even in the face of Atlantis’s president Charlie, Estelle was not so respectful.

“They’re fine, don’t worry about me,” Zuo Qingcang said lightly, “continue your own business.”

When Estelle looked up, Zuo Qingcang’s silhouette was long gone.

Pure power stepped out from the feet of Zuo Qingcang, and the magnetic field of the entire earth appeared in the naked eye of Zuo Qingcang. He changed the frequency of his True Yuan breath, and disturbed the gravity by disturbing the Earth’s magnetic field to fly at super high speed.

This is what Zuo Qingcang can do after analyzing Earth Fiend’s Taoism. Now he can fly at 20 times the speed of sound casually. Even because True Yuan communicates the relationship of imaginary space at one go, he is not affected by the atmosphere. The frictional limitation of resistance can also improve your flying speed on this basis.

But it is no longer necessary, because in just over ten seconds, he has crossed the distance of hundreds of kilometers and came to the laboratory.

The fragments of Transmission Gate are still marked by each and everyone in different categories and placed in the lobby.

But another circular platform, constructed of metal and surrounded by hundreds of rings, has recently been completed.

Although Zuo Qingcang failed to perfectly restore the space-time gate found in the PLA.

But based on the quantum electrodynamics provided by the refuge, the parallel universe theory, and the rich knowledge of multi-world Theory, etc., as well as the assistance of Marcus and Prometheus and his own ideas, they were created on the basis of True Yuan. There is another form of quantum transmission device.

‘True Yuan’s force field itself has quantum properties. With True Yuan’s force, Planck-scale oscillations occur. At such a small space-time scale, particles and energy are generated instantaneously, and then annihilated, and the energy of the virtual particles is constantly increasing. Can cause vacuum fluctuations. ‘

While thinking, Zuo Qingcang inserted the black sword into the groove prepared for sight.

Without wires and pipes, True Yuan is the best conductor, the best controller, and the best platform.

The existence of the black sword can replace the human to keep the machine running for a long time.

Electrons of light flickered in the air, and the magnetic field began to change drastically. Countless metal rings around the round platform in front of them, began to accelerate and surround crazy.

‘The formation of quantum foam through vacuum fluctuations conveys material information, and then space-time transmission becomes possible. ‘

In Zuo Qingcang’s left eye, photons continue to be born and perish, the birth and annihilation between electrons and positrons, and even heavy particles have joined the dance of destruction.

The magnetic field generated by the electron’s spin is constantly rising in this tiny and violent manner, and his magnetic distance is constantly increasing.

If it weren’t for Zuo Qingcang’s left eye, he wouldn’t have seen it, let alone the scene in front of him.

But after all, he did it. In the sight that only the left eye could see, countless stars and dots appeared like light spots before his eyes.

Quantum bubbles, according to the refuge theory, represent countless channels of the parallel universe.

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