Silent Killing

Chapter 654

Twelve years later, Clark Kent has shown tonate out of the masses’ innate talent from urinating.

With more than 160 IQs, he can get the best results no matter which course is biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, literature, history.

At the age of 12 years, he has won numerous national awards, jumped three times in a row, completed all high school courses in five months, and was selected as a student representative at the graduation ceremony.

It’s not just academic excellence, his physique is also amazing. The 12-year-old has grown to 1.7 m. A strong body doesn’t look like 12 years old but looks like 16 or 17 years old.

If it weren’t for the slightly immature face, I’m afraid no Mortal Manifestation would believe that he was only 12 years old.

So after graduating from high school this year, he received an invitation from a world-renowned university.

College life assaults the senses in a colorful world. Clark first knew that there were so many fun things in this world.

As told in all the stories, Clark was obsessed with a girl with long waterfall-like golden hair and glamorous eyes like sapphire.

Clark felt crazy about falling in love with the school cheerleader Captain, obsessed with each other’s words, face, *.

But at the age of 12, he didn’t understand women at all, nor did he know what it is to chase women.

He can only approach the girl with his clumsy method, go to class with the girl, help the girl and his companion occupy a seat, make up homework for the girl, and go to school with the girl.

Finally, his efforts were successful, and he was regarded by the girls as the closest … girlfriends.

The sad Clark could only hide behind the girl, listening to the girl’s little secret, watching the girl change one boyfriend after another.

Until that scene like the American youth comedy of dog blood.

“Clark, can you accompany me to the hospital?”

Looked pale before his eyes. For a girl with a slightly raised belly, Clark only felt that his heart seemed to be torn in half.

“who is it?”

The girl was reluctant to say that Clark probed the identity of the other party wildly when he returned from the hospital. I finally knew who that man was.

The basketball team is 40% guard, grandson of Wall Street predators. A campus star surrounded by countless haloes.

‘Maybe this is a pair of two talented women. ‘A 12-year-old boy can only go back to his bedroom and return to his bed to heal himself.

Educated by morals, gentleman spirit, equality between men and women, and freedom of human rights, he had to respect love, respect each other, and girls’ choices.

But when the girl called to ask her to go to the mountains to watch the stars. He still agreed without hesitation.

She looked at the stars, he looked at her.

She said, “Do you love me? I know you love me.”

Clark didn’t speak, but looked at the girl flushed.

“If you love me, jump right here.”

Clark looked at the hillside more than ten meters high and jumped down without hesitation.

As soon as he rolled down the hillside, he was covered by countless flashes.

40% Wei is carrying the girl and watching him with dozens of college students laughing heartily.

“you’re so dumb.”

“Look at this idiot and you will be the headline for the whole school tomorrow.”

“Little potato, would you kneel and lick me xx.” 40% Wei looked at Clark with a mocking look and made a waist-up gesture.

The girl looked at Clark apologetically and said, “Clark. Don’t come to me in the future. Mike doesn’t like me being too close to other male children.”

The unique vitality and youth of college students. Into wanton ridicule and ridicule hiding the sky and covering the earth moved towards Clark overwhelmed.

But at this moment Clark laughed, as if something was breaking in his head.

The corrupted information was finally repaired at this moment, and the black air flow floated between Clark’s eyes.

During this 12-year period in Earth, the information that had been damaged was only continuously accumulating energy under the operation of Zuo Qingcang.

At the moment when the data was finally repaired, 12 years of energy had exploded like hiding the sky and covering the earth, and Clark’s body was rising and becoming stronger at a rate he could not imagine.

He instantly became a Void Refining powerhouse, and then he became stronger and continued to become stronger.

No one around the university noticed this. For them, women. Games and marijuana, and despise everything that can be despised. It seems that it is the most important thing to oppose everything that can be opposed, and to reflect your own existence in this way.

But at the next moment, they don’t want to pay attention, because Clark stepped towards 40% Wei and the girl step by step, with black glow in his eyes.

The earth was torn at his feet, the clouds were scattered by his momentum, and the mountains and rivers trembled under his will.

All things that could not be figured out in the past are figured out, all things that were not understood in the past are understood, and as the information is continuously decompressed from consciousness, Clark’s personality has undergone unimaginable changes, and has been ripened as if promoted by Yu Miao. .

He looked at the woman and 40% of the guards with a strange face he had never seen before, frowned: “It’s hard to believe, I would like a woman so superficial as you.”

“It’s just … a bunch of rotten meat.”

Clark’s palm waved gently, True Yuan fired at once, and the forceful Electromagnetic Force swept across. Numerous molecular structures were destroyed by straight lines. 40% of Wei and the girl had been decomposed into hundreds of rotten meats. Really together.

“I wasted so much time with something that I can easily erase.”

Morality, reason, justice, and law collapse at this moment.

Horrified shouts broke out from the crowd, and college students moved towards all around to escape.

Clark didn’t look towards them, but clinging to his head, countless data was multiplying at a speed of hundreds of gigabytes per second, and his slightly fragile head was a little hard to withstand such a high speed.

So he felt pain, severe pain.

And the pain will be called out.

Clark knelt down on the ground with his head in his hands and slammed his hand on the ground, roaring, “What a fucking pain!”

The terrifying sound wave turned into a naked eye. The visible waves moved towards all around, 194decibel, Earth’s maximum intensity sound that theoretically could spread into the ears of every escaping university.

Everyone’s brain was shaken into a mass of paste in an instant, Qiqiao bleeding and fell to the ground.

Clark rubbed his head and stood up, looking at the corpse in one place as if seeing an ant in one place.

His eyes murmured like black and white, like a pair of dark circles.

“Go, find the leader of this world, and use the drawings I gave you to build a quantum transmission gate.”

There was a sneer in the corner of Clark’s mouth, and his body was slightly bent. The whole man jumped suddenly and flew into the altitude of several hundred meters.

Watching the ground under his feet swiftly passed, his body kept falling, Clark’s fists squeezed violently, and there seemed to be a flash of electric current in the air.

His body rolled and flew out, as if it had hit a teaching building like a meteorite.

There was a loud noise, soaring into the sky, and the earth shook like a wave. Most of the schools turned into a crater in this shock.

A silhouette also began to fly.

Clark twisted the geomagnetic field and flew, just like a bird who just learned to fly, drawing a winding curve in the sky.

He is not comparable to Zuo Qingcang in strength, but as the projection of Zuo Qingcang, he has the knowledge and skills transmitted by countless others.

Ten seconds later, he looked like a swimming fish in the sky.

Looking at the ruins on the ground cruelly, the horrified crowd, countless dead bodies, Clark was lightly paused, the whole person has pulled out a white gas that can not see the end, and moved towards the east at ten times the speed of sound.

Goal … White House.

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