Silent Killing

Chapter 659

Rebars were inserted in the center of Times Square. They were inserted by Clark and twisted together, standing on the intersection of this world like a steel jungle.

As time went on, the news about the Times Square incident became more and more hot, and more inside information about the incident was revealed.

The destruction of university campuses, the wreckage of fighter jets, and the attacks on the White House in Washington, one after another, stimulated the eyes of the public, making people feel more exciting than American blockbusters.

Especially the s on Clark’s chest, as well as the strength, speed, and ability to fly, made people more curious about his true identity.

This makes journalists across the United States almost want to watch developments for 24 hours. However, the US government soon designated a three-kilometer area of ​​Times Square as a military control area.

Although there are still many reporters who want to sneak in, in the face of the forces of the army, they can’t break through the blockade and photograph the situation inside Times Square.

But not everyone will give up.

On a building five kilometers away from Times Square, Louise carried an optical Telescope and searched for the location of Times Square.

Behind him, a videographer said, “Louis, it’s not good to do this. If it is found by the military, we are finished.”

Louise said impatiently: “If you don’t want to do it, don’t do it. This is Superman. Big news that has not been seen for five thousand years is enough to get us Pulitzer.”

The cameraman twitched his lips, whispering, “Don’t you really think that your name is Louise, you can hook up with Superman. Besides, this guy doesn’t look like a real Superman.”

Louise didn’t bother to care about him, and stared at Telescope constantly looking towards the distance, suddenly she screamed: “Look, what are they doing?”

I saw distant open spaces and buildings. Countless special soldiers were dispatched together. They took it in their hands and carried it on their backs. It is a series of strange devices.

“It seems to be a weapon,” said the photographer. “It’s too far to shoot.”

But just next moment. The whole space seemed to be shaking, and the visible ripples of naked eye radiated from the direction of Times Square. This is the latest sonic weapon developed by the United States.

Infrasound waves directly attack the human brain, nerves and internal organs, and cause death by resonance of natural frequencies. He can even penetrate the concrete or tank steel plate above ten meters directly, even if hiding.

But even with such a powerful weapon dedicated to attacking the inside of the body, Clark was helpless.

I saw him press his ears. As if I heard some noise, I turned my head and looked towards the soldiers. A stream of high-energy particles from scarlet-red shot out of his eyes and swept across the sky like a searchlight.

Dozens of soldiers and equipment were silent, and turned into dust under the rays of light.

Where the light passed, the steel bars were melted, the cement was decomposed, more than a dozen buildings were cut off by the waist, collapsed in the loud noise of hong long long, and splashed with soot, which caused countless panics.

“Retreat! Retreat!”

“Infrasound weapons are ineffective.”

“Evacuate at full speed!”

There was a constant sound of the US army lose one’s head out of fear in the Wireless Electronics signal.

Five kilometers away from the building. Louise screamed, “Did you take it? Did you take it?”

Although this time could not capture the specific combat picture, just capturing this Superman’s signature tricks has made Louise to be wild with joy.

After half an hour. Reports and videos of Superman emitting heat rays have begun to ignite the Internet.

On the other side, the Pentagon commanders had a headache.

“Sonic weapons have no effect.”

“According to our calculations, his surroundings are covered with a high-intensity force field.”

“Call the White House.”

In the White House office, Obama frowned: “Did the 32nd battle plan also fail?” For nearly 45 hours, the U.S. military experimented with countless of the most advanced weapons and the most terrifying attacks. In addition to heavy weapons such as nuclear bombs and cloud bombs, they Almost all methods have been tried.

But since even radioactive toxins. High-energy laser strike, infrasound. Strong sound waves, ion flames above XNUMX degrees, and other weapons can’t kill each other. Then a nuclear bomb would not work either.

Obama tilted his head and said, “Are all the people he asked for ready?”

“Yes, the Special Events Service has urgently signaled 30 physicists and 200 engineers from nasa.”

“Are our people sent in?”


Three hours later, under extreme confidentiality, 30 industry-renowned physicists and 200 engineers arrived in New York, where they would construct the transmission gates and perform various cutting-edge experiments under Clark’s command.

With this World ’s extremely high relative time flow rate, Zuo Qingcang will make great progress from these experiments and further improve his ability.

During the 45-hour battle, the United States and China thoroughly understood Clark’s power. Although he was unwilling to admit it, the opponent was indeed an opponent they could not defeat now.

Finding Clark’s weaknesses and finding a project to defeat Superman are still underway, but both human and financial resources have been adjusted to the lowest priority.

On the contrary, for the protection of Clark, or for the protection of Times Square, the US government spares no effort.

The five kilometers are turned into military restricted areas in turn. A large number of barracks, sentry cards, laboratories, dormitories and other facilities have been established. Countless consortium, government, military and other spies gathered here to get Clark to go further. Intelligence.

All humans related to Clark were also tightly protected, and almost everyone around them was gradually replaced by FBI agents.

Times Square has changed from the intersection of the world to the most mysterious place today. Everyday there are countless reports flowing out from here. Everyone cares about this superman who suddenly appeared, what he is going to do.

Time was spent in full swing. The senior Americans all watched the information flowing from Times Square. Because Zuo Qingcang communicated with dozens of physicists through Clark, each and everyone ’s theory beyond the times was hidden by the US government. stand up.

It’s all shocking enough to change the physical theory of the world. Because of the emergence of this knowledge, many senior figures in the United States have identified the identity of Clarke Superman, and many believe that this is technology from Pingxing.

It wasn’t until six months later that the long-sounding Xiao sounds traced the news of Clark to the folks a little bit cooler, but the world is destined to usher in new turbulence and unrest.

Among them, various religions were born, various movements broke out, and local conflicts intensified. China, Russia, the United Kingdom, Japan and other countries expressed strong dissatisfaction with the behavior of the United States to hide Superman.

There have been great changes throughout Earth, but none of them have been in Clark’s heart. He just carried out various experiments and the construction of transmission gates under the command of Zuo Qingcang.

Obama looked at the design drawings on the desktop and asked: “Do you think I can understand what this is? Tell me directly.”

A bearded physicist said: “Her President, based on what we learned from Clark and his understanding of the quantum bubble, we guess this thing, which is what Clark did with all his strength, I’m afraid it’s some kind of space-time Transmission Gate. “

“Space-Time Transmission Gate?” Obama frowns saying, “Where does it lead?”

“I don’t know. The technology of the Transmission Gate is at least 100 years older than us. He may lead to the fire star, Jupiter, or other galaxies, or even other universes.

But Self Manifestation believes he didn’t build this thing to be able to travel to Europe. “

Bearded said a cold joke, and no one was able to laugh at the scene.

“Serious ways to stop him, no matter what is across the door, will not allow him to come over,” Obama said gravely.

Just then, an intelligence officer rushed in: “There was a blackout across New York.”

Bearded said, “It’s impossible. According to the plan, there should be another month before he can complete this portal.”

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