Silent Killing

Chapter 664

The current British Prime Minister, David Cameron frowned with the documents in his hand.

In the past half month, the tyrant superman in the United States has made headlines around the world, and has become the target of headaches for major organizations in the world.

When the most powerful country in the world once was in the hands of a fiery, self-centered Superman, especially when the opponent has at least tens of thousands of nuclear bombs, and he has the power to promote asteroids and above, no one will Do not feel big head.

And the collapse of the US economy and Clark ’s unilaterally torn agreements and treaties have affected everything around the world. This is the biggest economic crisis in history. Just like Domino Bone Token, with the collapse of a large number of American companies, it has directly affected Latin America, Europe, Asia and other regions. The human world has introduced an unprecedented Great Depression.

The tsunami created by Clark himself in the Atlantic Ocean directly or indirectly killed tens of millions of people, and Ireland and southern England were also severely hit.

Britain’s fiscal position is almost on the verge of life, walking on a tightrope. Every day an emergency call comes in, and Cameron’s head can almost be blasted.

But he still set aside half an hour to watch the documents in his hand and meet several intelligence and researchers in front of him.

Looking at the continuous decline in the hand, the daily all decreased significantly, and it seemed that the line chart near moving towards 0 kept moving, and Cameron asked a little unknowingly: “I don’t understand. Your document is intended to explain the recent two Is the frequency of volcanoes and earthquakes declining every month? Is this a problem? “

An old man with gray hair in front of his eyes said, “It’s not that simple. Earth is moving every moment, accompanied by the energy in the earth’s core. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, all kinds of disasters are anytime, anywhere. It’s happening, but most of them we can’t feel that’s all.

But according to our recent statistics. The number of earthquake volcanoes found is far below the lowest historical value, and is even decreasing, which is very abnormal. “

British Prime Minister Cameron was impatient of frowned. Then said: “So I said, is there anything wrong with this? Is it possible that earthquakes happen every day? I am busy now. Now every second an Englishman is trapped, gentlemen, if you have nothing more important If anything, then forgive me … “

Just as he was about to kill several researchers in front of him, one of them came out, came to a whiteboard, and picked up his strokes.

He drew a large circle, and then several circles in the center of the circle.

The staff on the side wanted to pull the young people away. But Cameron waved and stopped.

I saw the young man explain: “Our Earth is turning every minute and every second. The revolution and rotation will transfer energy to the earth’s core, so it bears the most violent energy and pressure, which is also a manifestation of Earth’s vitality.

The earth’s core is constantly burning and agitating, and then spreads energy and pressure, which forms the earthquake volcano, lava and tsunami, as well as the magnetic field and continuous plate motion of our planet.

But now the extreme speed of earthquakes and volcanoes is reduced, indicating that the Earth’s core Temperature is decreasing, which will make both pressure waves and lava forces out of the Earth’s surface.

If the decline in the Earth’s core Temperature continues. Then lava will gradually cool and solidify into rocks, and even the large amount of high temperature liquid metal that makes up the core itself will solidify.

Thermal expansion and contraction are the same here. After these things turn into rocks and metals, a large number of voids will be vacated at the center of Earth. These holes will spread from the center of the earth to the mantle layer, and then to the crust. A large number of holes and planets will rotate to bring strength to keep the rocks and soil constantly Shrink toward Earth center.

The earth will break, various tens or even hundreds of kilometers of trenches will be criss-crossed on the Earth’s surface, and seawater will penetrate through the holes, further reducing the underground Temperature. Become solid ice.

Before long, there will never be a drop of water on Earth’s surface. The branch of the atmosphere changes because of the disappearance of the ocean, all animals. We, including us, will become extinct because we cannot adapt to the new atmospheric environment.

Of course, 90% of the people on Earth had died of dehydration before then.

The entire Earth’s surface will become large expanses of desert and Gobi, and humanity will be destroyed. “

On the white board, there are a lot of formulas written by young people, as well as broken continuous, little fork of death. Cameron, who heard this shocking remark, looked very serious and asked, “Are you sure of this …”

“Mr. Earth Core …” the side added.

“Yes, this core, are you sure his Temperature is lowering?”

“It is true that we have repeatedly calculated based on the recent Seismic Wave transmission changes and the current status of more than 20 regions. The Geo-Temperature is not only decreasing, it is even decreasing faster and faster, and so on … … “

Cameron put out a breath: “How much time do humans have?”

“No more than a month and a half.”

Cameron looked at the crowd with a serious face and said, “First block the news …”

“It won’t be long before the blockade, and the Seismological Bureaus of all countries can quickly reach this conclusion.”

“Then what should we do?” Cameron frowned and said, “Throw a few nuclear bombs underground?”

“It’s impossible.” The young man said, “We can’t even penetrate the 2800 km mantle layer, let alone the core of the earth. Moreover, the chemical reaction in the depths of the heart is far from being comparable to a few nuclear bombs. Every minute there is a violent explosion comparable to a nuclear reaction. “

Cameron shook the head, and the moved towards side aide said, “Find someone to verify this and temporarily control them.”

“You don’t understand.” The young man rushed up, but was stopped by the staff, but he kept saying: “No time, we can’t save Earth, we must quickly build a spaceship, fire star, Titan, Everywhere is good, otherwise all humanity will be extinct. “

At the same time, if you continue to penetrate Earth, across the crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, across the Gutenberg surface, and descend more than 3000 kilometers, endless fire and explosions will fill your eyes.

The outer core composed of liquid iron and liquid nickel is filled with 4000 degrees of high temperature and unprecedented pressure. Even when the diamond stone arrives here, it will be pressed into butter because the pressure per square centimeter here exceeds 1700 tons. The liquid solids here The position moved every year is about one centimeter.

But in this case, a lizard-like body swept across the fire sea like a sea monster in the sea, and then disappeared.


“Haha haha, Zuo Qingcang, things are even better than I thought. In a world where no one is blocking, and there is nothing to worry about, our projection will soon grow stronger than us. You are sure you will continue to build the transmission gate What? “

Another said calmly: “Now you send yourself over, not only will you destroy yourself, but also Earth where we are.”

“Are you scared?” Zuo Qingcang indifferently said: “A bunch of idiots.” After that, he ignored the words of the project and focused his mind on Clark.

“I can’t wait to get over.”

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