Silent Killing

Chapter 672

In today’s society, how to make everyone think you are the kind of person you want him to think.

That is constant propaganda, internet, television, newspaper, radio. There are too many stupid people in this World. According to the laws of mathematics, a considerable number of people have IQ levels below the average.

Brainwashing is successful when you continue to promote the same point to them through various media.

Therefore, with the rise of Seven-Color Legion, countless powerhouses continue to carry out propaganda in various aspects through various media channels in order to strengthen people’s recognition and opinions.

The Vatican emperor explained the Bible daily in live broadcasts, showing Gods Vestige, every day countless people regretted and joined Jews.

The Prophet of Truth narrates scripture books, live stoning, decapitation, treatment of terminal illness, and a bulletin message lottery to send loli and big discs to kill pagans every day.

In Russia, the King of the North Kingdom broadcasts his own conference, work, and propaganda of the fusion of capital and communism. However, when more and more people were found secretly going to the lottery to send loli, the king also changed his mind.

He lifted the armored car with one hand, tore the heavy tank with his bare hands, and after taking a vodka, he went shirtless and wrestled with dozens of black bears on the Siberian plain of the world of ice and snow. Those who sign up will also have a chance to win a full case of vodka.

These activities are obviously easier to attract the eye, and it is easier to increase his light ring power.

Because most people don’t care about the proletariat at all, what exactly is capitalism. As long as they see you every day and every day you hear that you claim to represent the proletariat and capitalism, most people will think that you are the propagandist, performer of both.

The power of the ring of lights. The point is that everyone thinks of identity, not the real thought of the holder.

In another mysterious country, the digitally unnamed powerhouse also brought a major earthquake across Southeast Asia. This is probably where the fierce fighting between red legion and yellow legion is. Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Thailand and other countries have become their battlefields. Almost turned into a huge swath of ruins.

But even in this case, they are still broadcasting live, singing, speaking, inspiring, meeting, talking, and public trial. A completely different scheme from other anchors, they conquered the people with unique charm, and enhanced their strength with heated blood.

The small seeds planted by Zuo Qingcang changed the situation in the entire world.

Everyday, there are rare beasts landing, alien spaceships coming, weirds attacking cities, special Celestial Phenomenon caused by magnetic field shocks, and humans who have acquired the seven-color Legion superpowers. Earth has never been as lively as it is now.

And Seven-Color Legion has gradually established its relationship with mortals, and their strength comes from mortals. They can rule mortals, but they also need to make an all-out effort to protect them. Live broadcast, news, publishing, and advertising have become the most effective publicity. This is the way to grow power.

The same is true of Clark, but he has a huge advantage in the heavens when he has a strong interactive force field.

This allowed him to increase the formidable power of True Yuan by a dozen times.

If the battle strength is a number, then the strong interaction force field is multiplied by a fixed coefficient, and Clark’s own True Yuan strength is another number that can grow.

The force field has multiplied his battle strength hundreds of times, and the yellow light ring can enhance his power, which is True Yuan.

So he also began to control public opinion and began broadcasting live. After raising True Yuan in one breath. His battle strength and power amplified by the powerful field will naturally increase in a straight line.

“Is it started?” Clark asked to the camera.

A soldier nodded with a camera and gave a thumbs up.

Clark slowly flew towards the position of rare beast in the camera. There was also a voice of understanding in the video.

“At five and a half kilometers ahead is the deep-sea rare beast Setters that landed this time. It is over 150 meters long, over 50 meters tall, and weighs more than XNUMX tons. According to the detection information, within the body has strong nuclear radiation.

And what appeared to you was the rapid reaction force formed by Clark Your Majesty … “

Not many people continue to listen carefully to the explanation, because in the screen in front of them, Clark has gradually moved towards rare beast. Setters leaned forward, the camera zoomed all the way, this state-of-the-art camera and Clark The live broadcast network is called so that all audiences can see the silhouettes of rare beast and Clark in the same way.

In order for everyone to see the battle clearly, Clark deliberately slowed down and stopped in front of Seths.

It seems that the instincts of the beasts can feel the strength of each other. Seeters, the size of the skyscraper, stopped their footsteps when they saw the small silhouette in front of them. The truck-sized eyes stared at Clark, There was a depressing roar in his mouth.

However, in the face of the threat of this rare beast, Clark seemed as worthless as the roar of a wild dog.

He moved towards Seths step by step in the void with the movement that the audience could see carefully. Facing his calm pace, Sets stepped back, his dog whimpered. .

Someone explained in the video: “If it makes sense, if Seths can adjust his mentality, this battle is not impossible. However, Your Majesty does have an overwhelming advantage, and Sets will see if he can escape. “

At this moment, it seemed that he could not bear the increasing pressure. After all, the bestiality in Seths’ heart was over reason, his huge mouth opened, his body flung forward, and he bit into Clark’s body.

boom! The air waves flashed in the air, Seths failed to close his mouth at all, and his nose has been boxed with millions of tons of force.

If you look at it in slow motion, you can see that the height of Setters’s ten meters head is completely sunken, as if hit by an invisible sledgehammer on the front. The entire body empties and moves towards the cliff behind. past.

The commentator shouted, “This wave is not lost!”

But Setters flew halfway, and Clark had grabbed his tail directly.

In theory, Seths ’tail is thicker than a train. Even if Clark is strong enough, where is the volume of the palms, it is impossible to grasp the opponent ’s tail with one hand.

But the existence of the force field, wrapping the opponent’s tail, is like an invisible giant hand, directly grabbing the chick and lifting the Seths volley with a length of more than 150 meters. Although he was struggling and shaking, but Even if a typhoon with a four-fifth level was rolled up, it was impossible to escape Clark’s snatch.

Clark continued, as if a fly grabbed a person, and then threw the person’s body, throwing the person out of the atmosphere. He shakes Setters’ body, causing a gale of magnitude eight. Numerous trees have been directly erected by the hurricane. The violent wind has even made many soldiers on the scene back and forth.

Then there was a loud bang, and when the blast came to a halt, Seths ’body brought out a white gas directly. It looked like a meteorite, but instead of falling, it just soared into the sky and directly moved towards the space. go with.

“Output explosion.”

“Special effects, all are special effects!”

“Teach him to be a man.”

On the webcast, a lot of barrage swept past.

Clark looked at his palms, and the rays of light of yellow became more and more condensed. He could feel that his True Yuan was strengthened at once, so the battle strength multiplied by the powerful field was also strengthened again. Obviously this time the live broadcast was outstanding.

So Clark crooked his head and laughed: “Help me play with those guys in Europe and Asia. I want to play ten.”

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