Silent Killing

Chapter 679

However, no matter how you analyze it, the results are the same. No matter whether nasa, fbi, cia, the Ministry of Defense, or the White House, Earth is definitely unable to compete with this high-tech race.

In the past two months, the other party has not taken the next initiative. It is likely that this is the first time that the other party has encountered an alien race and is observing human beings and studying the next diplomatic strategy.

Of course, some researchers think that this is the palm of a certain kind of supercosmic creature, but this possibility has been ridiculed by many people and has been given the lowest priority.

“Fuck Clark, nothing is left behind.” Thinking of Clark, O’Hare hated gnashing teeth. If it wasn’t for the other party’s plan to build this space-time portal, how could human beings encounter this unprecedented crisis.

Nothing was left of Clark, and the US government did not know what race or what was on the other side of the door.

Just as Okui stared at the moon and giant palm in a daze, several black spots in the sky quickly zoomed in.

For a moment, a middle-aged man wearing a red and blue shirt and more than ten red Legion fighters had leapt to the top of Okui and his party.

More than a dozen red Legion fighters were five big and three thick, with muscles soaring, looking like polar bear disguise.

The head of the man’s sparse blond hair, strong body and vicissitudes of his face could not cover the amazing power under his body. Even if they were far apart, Okui could feel the movement of the opponent’s body and the two forces would move each other. Entanglement, confrontation, seems endless.

People slowly drifted down, but the sound had already arrived.

“Hahahahaha.” Along with a series of rare beast-like laughter, the northern tsar shouted, “I haven’t seen you in a few months. Brother Ao, you will be better than ever.” Then he glanced across the black with cold eyes. Hundreds of wars behind Knight. With a scornful expression, “But what’s the matter with you bringing so much waste wood? All of them look dead.

It’s better that you and I do the last one before people get together and let them see what is called the real powerhouse. “

Although the other party spoke like a rough man with no head. But Okui, who controls cia and fbi, understands that the mind of the other party is definitely not as simple as the way the other party speaks now.

The so-called tone and words are just side effects brought about by the light ring, but basically the Vatican Emperor, the Prophet of Truth, including Okui ’s own Legion powerhouse, for better live broadcast and better publicity. They have long been restrained from this tone side effect.

Only the Russian tsar did not quit this side effect, but carried it forward in Russia, causing a wave of great emperor cavity. Obama thought this might have something to do with the strange aesthetics of those polar bears.

Although he knew everything, O’Hare couldn’t help saying at the moment: “Volodya, you speak like this …”

“Well, you and I are just talking about it. Brother Ao called me Apu.”

“Okay … Ah … Ap.” Just such a simple name brought an unprecedented sense of shame to Obama, and he began to regret talking to the other party.

“Don’t you feel sad to talk like that? The people over you didn’t respond.”

“Well, Ozai, you’re saying this wrong.” Volodya frowned, with a face over him. With a serious face, he said, “It is important to know that when I wait for powerhouse to go against the sky all my life, the most important thing is a heart that never fails and everything is difficult to disturb. If a few words can disturb my mind, why should I? March into the Martial Dao Peak and enjoy the world’s best style, haha ​​haha ​​… “

“Ao Tsai …” Ao Hei only felt that the nerves all over his body seemed to beating, and he regretted talking to the other side more and more.

Volodya went on to say, “As for the people of Greater Russia, haha. Are you ashamed, mournful?”

A scar on his face. The big-haired Russian man in a military uniform stood up, apparently he was the so-called mournful.

“How is it possible. Powerhouse is getting more frustrated all the time. Others jerk at me. I want to stand up against the sky and ask these gangsters to answer me all.”

Okui rubbed his eyebrows and no longer planned to continue talking to the Russian lunatics. After the two sides were silent for a while, several groups of men and women arrived in the sky in turn.

They are the divine emperor line of the Vatican in Italy, the prophet line of Central Asia, several mysterious powerhouses in East Asia, heroes of some primitive tribes in Africa, and many mythical legendary characters in various countries, etc., which are basically today. Peak powerhouse belonging to the seven-color Legion on Earth.

Today, almost all powerhouses in the world are called here, naturally because of the steel city in front of them.

The giant palm in the sky hung above everyone’s heads all the time, like the sword of a beam, threatening the lives of everyone on Earth at all times.

As the actual controllers and leaders of countries around the world, the powerhouses present are naturally unable to allow this huge threat to hang on their heads at all times.

So after repeated attempts and tentative communications without any feedback, the leaders present finally decided to join forces.

And countless survey data, research reports, conclusions from major laboratories, and analysis from Intelligence Sections of all countries, all of them point to the city of steel in front of them. The huge palm is clearly the space-time transmission door opened by Clark.

Therefore, the city of steel is the key to the palm of your hand. If you can close or even destroy the front door of time and space, then there is a great possibility that you can cut off the energy supply of giant palm.

But according to nasa’s current detection results, the gravitational force and electromagnetic field that have gradually stabilized today are the main reason for the mysterious effect from the palm of the hand.

If you really attack the city of steel, the palm of your hand will lose control, which may cause irreparable damage to Earth again, and even cause a strong counterattack.

Therefore, the real purpose of the human side is not to really destroy the transmission gate, but to attract the other party’s attention.

After all, with the technological strength demonstrated by the other party, I found that the Earth powerhouse has changed with no difficulty, and I want to communicate with the other party. This is what everyone wants to do.

Even if they knew that their only bargaining weight would be nothing more than jade fragmentation.

As expected by everyone present, as more and more Peak Powerhouses of Seven-Color Legion arrived on the scene, abnormal changes in the air did indeed occur.

Electro-optical light flickered a little, and the next moment was that countless earth and stones floated from the ground, then combined with each other, and finally turned into a human shape.

This is exactly what Zuo Qingcang looks like.

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