Silent Killing

Chapter 687

Michelle looked at the clone Legion in front of her, and she worked hard for three years without losing any effort. These clones were enough to crush any army in the world. Even if Zuo Qingcang reappears, it is absolutely impossible to beat them.

But at this moment, her face suddenly disappeared, and she pressed the communication earring on her right ear again and asked, “What did you say?”

“Atlantis has published two papers.”

“What content?”

Of the two papers published by Atlantis, it is natural that Zuo Qingcang wanted to check what they published, and he wrote them himself, respectively, about some theories of Taoism and martial arts.

It redefines Taoism and martial arts, which are collectively referred to as superpowers, attribute Taoism to mutation ability, and defines martial arts as supersensory ability.

“Daoshu is a variation of physical organs that gives the human body supernatural powers. These physical variations, known as combat organs in ancient times, were the weapon most studied by the wise men of the time.”

“The mutated organ is called Ming Cong. Ming Cong can’t only be born by nature. Like the first appearance in the past, he can be artificial.”

Although the paper does not describe how to make specific artificial life clusters, it provides a variety of ideas to make Michelle frown more and more.

But this is not much. Although the ideas are provided, countless studies and experiments are needed from ideas to specific implementation steps.

After all, for the data on artificial life, the refuge only gave Zuo Qingcang a little bit, and Zuo Qingcang himself has been studying the content of True Yuan and all kinds of Taoist specific scientific theory, so not at all He spent more time in the biological field, especially in artificial life, and in fact he did not plan to spend too much time on it.

So Michele was only annoyed when she saw the dissertation on Taoism. After all, this is a field that she is proud of, leading the world. Now she is so unexplained that Zuo Qingcang burst out a lot of things, which makes her very uncomfortable.

“Atlantis, are they crazy? They published such important information casually.”

She then looked down again, and that was the part about Martial Dao.

“Martial Dao. It is the practice of boxing and raising the brain, stimulating the power of the brain, and finally reaching the Void Refining realm, with True Yuan that interferes with the real world. This power is one of the four basic forces in the universe, the so-called Electromagnetic Force. “

When Michelle saw here, her eyes were already full of killing intent, watching Zuo Qingcang explain in detail how the brain excites the Electromagnetic Force and applied the Electromagnetic Force field. Why did Martial Dao call it super-sense, she just wanted to kill the other person immediately.

Over the years, as a survivor of the whi research organization, she has worked hard to control the development speed of the world’s technology and keep it out of her control, but now Zuo Qingcang is not only introducing Martial Dao Theory, but also the content of the four basic forces one after another introduced it, from the existing part of the world to the various cutting-edge theories, and even all the formulas are also included, including Gravitation Force, boson, etc. Extremely crazy.

Frozen. Heat, kinetic energy and various methods of using True Yuan at one go have proposed a general idea. It can be said that this paper is definitely a paper sufficient to change the entire history of Earth cultivation.

Although there is no specific cultivation method, the theory alone is enough to make the current Martial Dao practice, and the breakthrough of masters is countless times simpler.

But the following content in the thesis made Michelle even more frightened.

“If a primitive person saw a person playing a kite, and the silk thread of the kite is transparent, then in the eyes of the primitive person. The person who plays the kite controls the kite across a distance of several hundred meters. The person who plays the kite, his Each time you shake your hand, you can bring the kite to the same instantaneous shake.

In the eyes of primitive people, people and kites have a mysterious connection. “

“Essence of all things … all things in the world are one … whether it is planet, galaxy, universe. Even the multiverse is one …”

“As big as the universe, as small as the cell particles, they are all entangled by invisible forces. They are entangled … but we can’t observe them, just like the lines of a kite …”

“As long as we can truly communicate the world, the unity of heaven and man can directly skip the role of the four basic forces. Control everything with will …”

The full time and space of quantum mechanics, entangled details, semi-spin verification, Michelle looked at the three hypothetical experiments described in the paper, but he couldn’t find any weak spot at all.

The emperor aside looked at Mi Michel and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Kite,” Michel said sternly. “He succeeded? He found that line? How could that be?”

The experiments and demonstrations in the second half of the thesis have already exceeded the physical knowledge and quantum theory grasped by the original whi. Thinking that the other party might have embarked on an unprecedented avenue, Michelle looked at the clone army in front of him, but felt such a glare.

“Impossible, in just three years, how could he do this.”

“Is it something that Heavenly Son gave him? Or is it a super-ancient ruin somewhere else?”

Michel calmly thought for a while, and inferred in his heart: “Zuo Qingcang is a fighting lunatic, although he is powerful. In just three years, he could not find that he has made such a big progress and found such important research results.

There is also the previous four strong knowledge. According to the truth, he must have inherited a certain ancient antiquities. “

Thinking of this, her mind is a little more stable, and the more she thinks about it, the more she thinks that this possibility is more reliable than Zuo Qingcang’s own research, so that the purpose of Zuo Qingcang’s publication of the paper is also very clear.

“He wants to take advantage of his strength to publish a dissertation, drive the development of science and technology around the world, and then plunder the results.”

“But do you really think it’s still three years ago?” Michelle coldly smiled, looked at the cloning army in front of her, picked up the paper and ran to the laboratory. She would immediately conduct experiments to verify the theory in the paper. If they are correct, then these theories obviously help her clone, Legion.

If really as she guessed, she is confident to verify and apply these theories before Zuo Qingcang, after all, scientific research is her job.

Suddenly she stopped and turned to the emperor and said, “Send the best agents to the new continent. I want to know what step Zuo Qingcang has reached.

No matter what method you use, I need all the scientific research data of Atlantis in the last three years, as well as those super-ancient relics they have explored in the past three years. Give me as much data as you can, even if you sacrifice new Continent has no relationship with all intelligence channels. “

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