Silent Killing

Chapter 690

On the other side, in the Great Snow Mountain in the northwest, the entire group is walking among the vast snowy mountains.

The king of Kunlun, Qing Yeluo, is a contemporary descendant of Jianlou. The two famous masters are now behind the other, and they look respectful enough to make everyone who knows them in the world unbelievable. eye.

And the man in front of them, with white and delicate skin on his body, looks like a stunning woman, with red lines on his face, and a weird hair accessory of the Southwestern generation on his head, which looks strange and old. feel.

He looked up towards the vast Great Snow Mountain in front of him, indifferently said: “It’s a place to gather mountains and rivers, a place where Kowloon converges, and here is the sword of Wanjian.

“Senior is right, according to the records of this book, Wan Jiantu should really be near here.” Jian Que stared and looked around. “But the terrain on the snowy mountain changes, I need to take time to confirm.”

“No need.” A ray of strange rays of light flashed through the eyes of the man, and then his robe shook, and a green smoke flew from his within the body, and it turned into a ten in a blink of an eye. A huge insect that is more than two meters long and two meters thick.

Qing Yeluo changed his face fiercely, and his heart was shocked: “How can the soul swallow worm … be so big … this old monster …”

The young man in front of him appeared in an accident.

In recent years Kunlun has been building fortifications, building cities, and boardwalks in the reckless mountains of the southwest. Stimulated by the threat of war, they developed very quickly, and because of the alliance with Great Qi, they have made great progress in commerce, education, and military.

However, in a fiery building, a group of mountain people suddenly found an ancient cemetery in the excavation that they did not know how long they had been quietly lying in the mountains.

There are many organs in the tomb, as well as many malicious monster insects that have been passed down from the Western Witch era.

At first, the mountain people thought that there was a treasure in it, and rushed in. The result was heavy casualties. Only a few people escaped, but they died within a few days. But they at least carried the news.

So the ruins of the ancient tomb in the mountain suddenly attracted many experts, but no matter who came. This tomb in the mountain is like the same meat grinder. How many people come directly come and return.

In the end, under the leadership of Qing Yeluo, Kunlun Faction sent thousands of soldiers and civilians together, digging and blasting mountains. This is how to crack the institution all the way, and while ensuring the integrity of the ancient tomb, excavate the funeral items.

The abundance of funerary items in the tomb, even Qing Ye Luo, the king of Kunlun, was secretly shocked, and then very hot. These funeral items will definitely help the current development of Kunlun. The ordinary soldiers from Qing Yeluo to Kunlun have become more active in the funeral items of the ancient tombs.

Until they found the coffin of the tomb owner.

When Qing Yeluo opened the coffin, a man with white and delicate skin lay quietly and slept, which was the white-skinned man with red stripes in front of them.

The man opened his eyes suddenly, and then he fought with Qing Ye Luo in front of him. What kind of identity is Qing Ye Luo, Kunlun dominates, and the leader of one of the four kingdoms in the world, how can he not be beaten? The two shot this. The entire tomb was shattered into ruins, and thousands of Kunlun personnel were buried alive in the ground.

And the man’s body art in the coffin is strange and unpredictable, especially the endless stream of southwestern witchcraft, which directly hits Qing Ye Luo completely unprepared.

Especially after the sword tower descended, the sword was rushed, and the two of them joined together, and the square circle was directly smashed into powder, and tens of thousands of people were sorrowful, but even so, the two were still not opponents of each other.

The most important thing is that Qing Yeluo and Jian Que have already spared no effort. But the other man was still at ease and did not do his best.

A battle for heaven shaking earth shattering took place in this unknown wilderness, and until the end, no outsider knew the outcome of the battle.

Two days later. The three have returned to Kunlun base camp. Without anyone knowing, Qing Yeluo and Jian Que have been lethal to each other by the deadly venomous insect’s poison.

Although there has been little change in Kunlun on the surface, only a few high-level executives know that the real master of Kunlun has long since changed hands.

Although Qing Yeluo and Jian Que are subject to others. But he did not give up completely, but secretly investigated the identity of the opponent and the origin of Taoism, hoping to find a way to pull out the venomous insect’s poison and defeat the opponent.

According to the Taoism and mural paintings and funerary objects displayed by the other party, they guess that the other party should be a great witch in the southwestern witchcraft era, and according to the abundance of the funeral objects, their status must not be low, and it may even be Someone very powerful.

But which one of the big witches in history didn’t find any concrete evidence.

It must be admitted that Taoism has indeed weakened with the passage of time. The Peak masters of Taoism are incomparable to the masters of hundreds or even thousands of years ago.

And this old man who didn’t know how many years ago, and didn’t know how to save his Peak power, and let Qing Yeluo secretly hate it. This is a huge gap brought by the times.

While man was manipulating the huge soul swallower, he said, “Qing Yeluo, haven’t you always wondered who I am and have been investigating my identity secretly?”

“Don’t dare.” Qing Ye Luo lowered her head, cautiously hiding her mind.

“Hehe, you don’t have to be arrogant. With your Peak Prominent Saint martial artist, even in my time, it was enough to be my lieutenant.

However, I did not expect that the millennium years would pass by, the Taoism withered Ruosi, if the Great Central Plains, no one can enter the eyes of the Fa. “

Qing Ye Luo brows frowned, I didn’t know what I was thinking.

The soul swallowing on the other side hissed and seemed to have found something.

“I found it, it really is here.” The man’s white lips lifted slightly. “You are curious about my identity for a long time, and I will tell you today.

Jing Yueze, this is my name. “

Jing Yueze, born with vertical pupils, was born to know that since the age of ten, he has integrated the ancient witchcraft in the southwestern region, calling himself the Witch King.

He predicted the emergence of True Dragon, and then founded the Nine Youjiao. With the fear and awe brought by witchcraft, Jing Yueze, the witch king, became the true king of the whole Southwest.

A few years later, the true Dragon Fruit that he predicted was fulfilled. He created the unparalleled supremacy of the foundation of the Eastern Wei Dynasty for 300 years, and the king who was called the Emperor was born, and his power soon swept the entire Central Plains.

However, when they attacked the mountains in the southwest, they found that Jing Yueze had already disappeared into the vast mountains with the worshippers and wealth of the Nine Youjiao. In the end, they could only wash the small nations and minorities in the southwest. A new territory.

No one knows where they went, and no one knows their final outcome. But obviously the purpose of the Witch King to establish the Nine Youjiao is not to fight against the Emperor, but what his real purpose and plan is, has been drowned in history, no one knows.

In history, there has been a lot of debate over whether the Witch King can fight against the Emperor.

The moment I heard this name, both Qing Yeluo and Jian Que were tremors in my heart, absolutely not thinking of it.

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