Silent Killing

Chapter 709

Wuyi, Sancai and Yan Mo Holy Son and the others, as if completely disappeared, completely disappear without a trace.

Even if Zuo Qingcang searched for several times in person, there was no news at all.

As Jing Zeyue said, Tianzi obviously has the ability to travel to other worlds. Or they may not have developed from this universe in the first place.

Since Tianzi couldn’t find him, Zuo Qingcang didn’t care about him. As for the current international form, he is not even seen by him, empire, Kunlun, Great Qi, etc., the faster the development speed in his eyes, the better, it is better to develop under his pressure Out more and more powerful weapons.

Zuo Qingcang believes that the moon that can be seen every night should be their best Catalyst.

He spends more time on his own research, Second Universe, the quantum senses of the future eye, artificial life cluster technology, the 40% god, he has too much to learn and needs research.

Soon more than half a year passed, and it had been more than four years since he woke up. On this day, he had just parsed the content of Qi and Blood, and single thought his head and paid attention to Supreme Yang of Second Universe.

At this time, more than nine years have passed since the Second Universe, and human beings have been rapidly developing technology under the high-pressure policy of unknown races.

Under the interference of Seven-Color Legion, all countries around the world joined together to form a coalition government. All entertainment activities were canceled, wealth was evenly distributed, everything was carried out in accordance with the national plan, and food, clothing, and housing were uniformly divided. Everyone is just a screw of society. All vacations on Saturday and Sunday were cancelled. Whatever National Day and Christmas Day disappeared, everyone could only move towards the goal of immigrating to Supreme Yang, and their personal will was oppressed into an unknown corner.

Various slogans are part of the society, and most people have become fanatical under layers of propaganda.

Three years to create the universe spaceship, six years to build the Supreme Yang colonial base, nine years to achieve global immigration.

The potential of science and technology is endless.

One day is equal to 15 years and running into the stellar surface.

of course. Not everyone is willing to integrate into the collective, into the country, and contribute to social progress. So the harsh law began to be enforced under the suppression of the seven-color Legion.

Capital punishment for homicide. ** Death crime, death theft, death from bribery, death from unqualified food …

No extra financial resources are wasted in the prison, and all prisoners can be executed directly. Those who could not be sentenced to death were assigned to the laboratory as experimental articles.

All the riots were executed, and the whole family copied and cut off. If you did n’t report, you would exile the universe. If you do n’t work or go out, you will be sent directly to the correctional institution. Wear the same uniform.

Human rights organizations, animal protection organizations, green ecological protection organizations … All non-governmental organizations have been banned, and once found, they will be treated as anti-social organizations.

In order to ascend Supreme Yang within ten years, and for human beings to survive, Seven-Color Legion has launched an unprecedented force, bringing the entire human society into a super-tyrannical country with no ancients and no comers.

The sea is polluted, the land is severely desertified, the ozone layer is greatly reduced, and the rate of melting of the Arctic Ocean is increasing year after year. The social cancer rate has doubled for three consecutive years, the average human lifespan has fallen again, and the suicide rate has broken through a record high.

Earth becomes hell, sacrificing a generation. Rescuing all mankind has become the slogan most shouted in the news.

If it were not for the overwhelming power of Seven-Color Legion, I am afraid that such a social structure would not be possible at all, but even so, Earth’s environment is getting worse and worse, and social conflicts are constantly intensifying. I am afraid they will not persist for more than 20 years.

But that’s enough. Because if the entire population cannot be immigrated to Supreme Yang within ten years, then the whole human race will lead to catastrophic disaster.

The extreme changes in fire star, the supernatural reaction reminded them all the time, the universe is not alone.

Either develop or die.

At first, it was only a tyranny of the government. With the rapid development of technology, various high-tech technologies have also been abused.

The clones are continuously produced from the assembly line like chickens and ducks. They will be responsible for all the lowest and most dangerous detection and research work.

Everyday there are hundreds of clones who launch into space with spaceships and satellites. They will be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the equipment.

As for coming back? Sorry, there are no plans to recycle clones at all. Look at the garbage mountains in each city. They are discarded like garbage. The clones piled up like mountains will know the status of the clones.

Genetic modification technology, mutation technology, mechanical prosthetic technology, as long as it can improve expert physical fitness and intelligent technology, even the most repercussions can be used at will.

Of course, the most concerned is the aerospace technology. All materials, energy and other industries have been centrally controlled by the state. The focus has been on the development of the aerospace industry. Finance has almost collapsed. Agriculture has abandoned Thailand and half. Everyone lives in the same house and wears The same clothes, eating cheap and difficult to eat nutrient solution.

But while developing aerospace, mankind has not given up the search for weapons, because just under their feet, at the ground, on the seabed, the enemy of terror glare like a tiger watching his prey at any time.

Zuo Qingcang, one of the 40% gods, has hunger with infinite evolution and multiplication ability, like Evil God in ancient mythology, spreading fear and death.

Murlocs, seabeds, insects, and synthetic beasts, they share the wisdom of hunger and are irreconcilable until death with humans from the day they are born.

The battle has been going on, Tokyo, Rome, Manhattan, London … countless bustling cities were all destroyed in the war.

Nano satellites, particle beam weapons, invisible Mecha, artificial hurricane, Supreme Yang rays, directional gene bombs, and terrifying weapons have been developed. Nuclear bombs have become standard weapons. In the face of Life and Death, the army is no longer Think about shit about protecting the environment.

Facing the vastness of the sea and the constant evolution and adaptation of hunger, the human condition is not good.

However, after sacrificing all the costs of personal life and the Earth’s environment, the development of mankind in science and technology is also a thousand miles away.

But even so, after consuming all the resources and doing their best, almost all humans died, and with the front-end technology provided by Zuo Qingcang, humans only produced 12 colonial ships in the ninth year. It can hold a total of 50,000,000 humans.

Without the powerful suppression of Seven-Color Legion, I am afraid that human society would have completely collapsed in a quarrel.

But 50,000,000 people are far too far away from the human society of billions of people today.

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