Silent Killing

Chapter 722

The large group of Yingying Yanyan who came here were all women, and almost all of the Bai Family’s pure blood Royal Family.

Speaking of this, it is because the ability of the Bai Family, White Moon Radiance, is often inspired by women. Therefore, the power of the Bai Family is often a woman, a woman-headed family.

The talking woman, standing among a group of Yingying Yanyan, crutching her cane, bending her back, looks old-fashioned, with a pair of thick and black brows raised high, giving a feeling of Devils evil evil, this positive It is the second figure of Bai Family today, Bai Rulian.

Bai Rulian, as the No. XNUMX person in the Bai Family, has always been known for his harshness, strong temperament, and very ruthless shots. Therefore, he is very inconspicuous for the mixed-race Azure Moon Hill.

At this time, when I heard the cold words of Azure Moon Hill, I couldn’t help but start to look up. In my heart, I didn’t like the little Missy who refused to change the name recognition ancestors and return to the fold.

She said coldly, “You’re getting married, why can’t you even learn some rules? When you go to Saint Spark’s house and talk so nonsense, wouldn’t you have lost my Bai Family’s face, Don’t bring over your troubles on Earth. “

Azure Moon Hill glanced at everyone present, jealous, annoyed, indifferent, and gloating, she was looked at by one after another, and when she heard what Bai Rulian said, she lowered her head, not at all, It seemed disdainful to refute with each other.

When I heard her doing this, Bai Rulian’s eyebrows counted down, and the anger in her heart grew even more. She had been loading the Titan Star 300 for a long time. It’s been a long time since I saw such a young man who did not give her face.

However, after all, she had a city house. Instead of blasting directly, she sneered and said with a gritted tooth, “Girl, don’t think about it in your heart anymore. I know you grew up in Earth and didn’t understand any rules.

But now that you’re in the Bai Family, don’t bring Earth’s messy set of things to shame.

I’m not afraid to tell you that Lord Gonathos has sent someone to Earth to handle some of the hands and tails, and you still have thoughts all day long.

That kid. Is it called Zuo Zhicheng? “

It turned out that Azure Moon Hill was uneasy about Earth in the past, and once asked someone to inquire about the information of Qingyue Family and Zuo Zhicheng, so that people who knew it well knew that she had a strong affection for the young man he knew on Earth.

But Bai Family is what and the others. The 12 Royal Family on Titan Star, able to compete with the behemoth of the St. Legg’s Family Chamber, how could the Young Lady of his own family be allowed to associate with a poor boy on Earth, so he completely broke Azure Moon Hill and Earth. Connection.

In their opinion, Titan Star doesn’t know how many times more advanced than Earth. It is equal to the difference between the city and the ditch. You can come here after repairing the blessings of eight months in Azure Moon Hill. After a few years, it has been dazzling, and you have not forgotten the things on Earth.

But a few years later, Azure Moon Hill just stayed in the Mingyue Palace to practice and study silently, neither attending any party, and never interacting with anyone, it was like closing the whole heart, the original cold heart. It seems to have become more indifferent like the iceberg of ten thousand years.

As a result, other Bai Family sisters have become more and more alienated from her. Originally, Azure Moon Hill was a peerless look, which most easily aroused women’s jealousy. After being out of this group, naturally, it was more annoying to other Bai Family women.

Bai Rulian said this, apparently to make Azure Moon Hill completely dead. Besides, she had been soliciting the St. Riggs family. For the troops that had brought back to Azure Moon Hill, they had not cleared those traces on Earth, and left a shameful mark on the Bai Family.

And just after she finished, Azure Moon Hill looked coldly towards her, something seemed to be in her eyes.

Bai Rulian frowned. But since the other party didn’t answer, she only coldly snorted when the other party bowed her head. Then she said, “How strong is Lord Gonathos? Since you want to be her woman, you need to settle down and take care of your wife. Duty, don’t think about something all day.

Don’t even learn from your mother, and finally mingle with Earth’s wild man and do something inconsistent. “

Bai Shirou on the side quickly advised: “Grandma, Xiaoyue is also outspoken, don’t get angry.”

Bai Rulian crooked his mouth and said, “hmph, daughter is not like daughter, and the bride is not like the bride.” This apparently scolded the mother and daughter of Azure Moon Hill together.

Take Bai Rulian’s authority in Bai Family. Even if her words refer to Sanghuai, of course, no one will openly oppose her.

And looking at Azure Moon Hill, she looked down and said nothing, only thinking that the other party was completely dead, but just looking at the other person’s flawless face, it was another anger.

I saw her instructed to the women who were by the side: “Okay, tomorrow is the big wedding, all give me a good look at what happened, I will blame you …”


Night, outside the moon palace.

Bai Shirou looked at the direction of the roof of Mingyue Palace, and looked at the slender silhouette that seemed to be disconnected at any time, deeply sighed.

Beginning more than 20 years ago, when I first met the girl, although the other party was her daughter of her elder sister, it also made her jealous of her nearly perfect face.

But in the past 20 years, watching the other party fade away in his own eyes, Bai Shirou’s heart couldn’t help but rise to a puppet.

Initially, Azure Moon Hill would leave Mingyue Palace, take a stroll around the imperial city, watch people coming and going, and watch the mountains and lakes.

Everyone who saw Azure Moon Hill couldn’t help but exclaim, it was a beautiful woman who was impersonal. Every movement and every expression had a suffocating beauty.

But the sadness in her eyes made her heart soften.

Since being cut off from all connections with Earth, Azure Moon Hill has barely left home. She no longer actively speaks with anyone. She just cleans the room, eats, practices, sometimes stands on the roof, sometimes stands on the windowsill, and looks at the sky. Direction.

Her presence was getting weaker and her body colder and colder, as if she could become a real statue at any time.

If it weren’t for Gonathos showing covetousness for her, most of the Bai Family would have forgotten this perfect but thin girl.

Today, after listening to Bai Rulian’s words, she never said a word, just like a flawless doll, let the people around him play around.

Mourning is greater than death, and this is how she feels now.

She sighed deeply again, Bai Shirou couldn’t bear to look at this woman like Elf who was getting thinner and thinner, and even the fragrance disappeared, but Gonathos had family arrangements and she was really powerless.

I could only silently say to the side maid: “Look at the Young Lady, if there is any change, report it to me at any time.”

She said silently in her heart: “Tomorrow is the big wedding, I just hope … Gonathos will treat her better in the future.”

On the other side, a spaceship is slowly sailing into the space port on the space station above the Titan Imperial city.

After half an hour, Upros stepped on the ground uncomfortably, behind him, it was Zuo Qingcang disguised as Na Wei.

For fifteen hours along the way, he had listened intact to Upros telling all he knew about Titan Star.

Therefore, Zuo Qingcang finally got a comprehensive understanding of Titan Star.

However, the so-called pure blood Royal Family, to what extent its strength, he still needs some exploration to know. Of course, what he is most concerned about is the so-called King of Titans, Gonathos. Since he is refining his life plexus, has he reached the point of building a golden bridge?

However, Zuo Qingcang is naturally unable to probe information as scrupulously as ordinary people. He arrived at Titan Star through a spaceship. After passing the security check, he did not have to worry about the Titans’ suspicions. He spread his True Yuan fluctuations instantly.

The range of more than 3000 kilometers included dozens of surrounding cities and towns into his observation. He already had a rough idea of ​​the strength of the Titans.

But as he continued to scan the information, next moment, Zuo Qingcang’s complexion changed slightly, Eplos’s head pain had passed out, and Zuo Qingcang had disappeared.

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