Silent Killing

Chapter 724

Bai Ruyun, when she was young, she was the number one in the entire Titan Star, and her connections were incredible. Each of the 12 Royal Family has her friends, which can be described as the heroine of the Bai Family town today. It wasn’t her existence that Gonathos couldn’t let the marriage drag on for so many years.

The entire Titan Star is classified by bloodline. The 12 Royal Family is equal to the feudal family. The authority of the family parent is vividly and thoroughly in the elderly such as Bai Ruyun.

Seeing this scene, Bai Rulian’s heart jumped, and finally he couldn’t help releasing the last straw that overwhelmed the camel and said something he had been preparing for a long time.

“Big sister, after the girl got married to St. Liege’s family, she is naturally a person of St. Liege. But people can pass by, and the Bai Family’s secrets can never be taken away. Let’s just cheapen those stinky men.

Moreover, after she went to the St. Liege family, Lord Gonathos guarded her, so where did she need that little trick? “

The so-called Bai Family ’s secret is naturally the Bai Family ’s ability to combine clumps. Each family of the 12 Royal Family has its own powerful scientific research capabilities. It is precisely because of this that they rarely intermarry with each other, just because they are afraid that the other party has developed their own. The mystery of ability.

It can be seen how much pressure Gonathos married Azure Moon Hill under.

It is justifiable to abolish Azure Moon Hill ’s secrets for not revealing the secrets of the life cluster. You must know that in order to protect the family ’s secrets, even the harshest things in Titan Star ’s history have happened.

The reason why the Bai Family was not mentioned was because of Gonathos’s strength that’s all.

Bai Rulian also knows that this big sister has the intention to do so, but has been standing out with the others. Bai Rulian was of course unwilling to be a protagonist, but now her heart was on fire, and her anger was full of her mind. She couldn’t take care of it so much, and she thought about abolishing the cultivation base of this little slut first.

So when a woman gets angry, she is too terrifying.

“Xiaoyue, this marriage is important.” Bai Ruyun heard what his younger sister said. Feeling in my heart, touching the hair of Azure Moon Hill slowly said: “Bai Family and St. Rigg’s family join forces to promote a revolution in heaven shaking earth shattering. We have prepared for 20 years. We must not be destroyed.

I know you feel wronged, but you have a bad temper. The greater your ability, the more trouble you will cause yourself.

The St. Liege family is unfathomable. If you mess around there, you won’t speak as well as here. No power. You can just learn how to deal with people.

Alas, we are doing this for you too, and you will understand after a few more years. “

While speaking, Bai Ruyun’s fingers exuded a ripple of light, light, space, and air, all seemingly twisted.

This is her ability to launch White Moon Radiance silently. Seeing this scene, Bai Rulian sneered in her heart. Bai Shiqiao sighed, Bai Qinghai and the others were gloating.

But no matter who it is, it is impossible to have the courage to stop Bai Ruyun. The authority of the other party in the Bai Family is inviolable.

In the face of Bai Ruyun’s finger, Azure Moon Hill’s face had no despair and no regrets. It seemed that nothing could cause waves in her heart.

Until next moment, her pupils narrowed sharply, and her face looked unbelievably in front of her eyes. Watching the tall silhouette that suddenly appeared.

Zuo Qingcang transmitted to Azure Moon Hill in an instant, and Bai Ruyun pointed his finger on his back. The dimensional chop that was enough to cut everything was useless, except for the ripples that splashed out. No more effect.

“Sorry, I’m late.” Zuo Qingcang whispered softly.


After hearing Zuo Qingcang’s words, Azure Moon Hill slightly smiled, the next moment had passed out, and the purple blood vessels on her forehead were constantly exposed.

Long before Bai Rulian was assassinated, she had taken the poison without solution. The moment I heard about the death of Zuo Qingcang and Qingyue’s family from Bai Rulian’s mouth. She has no plans to live.

It was also because of the True Yuan fluctuations that the other party’s within the body was abnormal, Zuo Qingcang rushed to it.

He grabbed the other’s shoulder with one hand. Under the glance of True Yuan’s wave, the toxin had spread all over the body, and all the nerves and blood vessels began an irreversible chemical reaction.

Zuo Qingcang immediately focused all his attention on Azure Moon Hill. With a minimal level of control, he used the entangled mimicry to reduce the opponent’s body and remove toxins.

On the other side, Bai Ruyun and the others watched Zuo Qingcang suddenly appear, but took a big leap, but the next moment immediately surrounded people.

However, they immediately discovered that Azure Moon Hill was wrong. Bai Ruyun coldly shouted, and he didn’t care who the other was. Why did it suddenly appear? A hand-knife was cut out. One of the capabilities of White Moon Radiance has been used. Infinite zooming is like she cut open the space with one stroke.

That ’s the ability of dimension chopping. Space is originally broken, but dimension chopping can enlarge these gaps, but it wo n’t be possible to damage the material, but after the gap is enlarged, Bai Ruyun and the others can go directly to the molecular atomic level. Cutting.

With the ability of dimensional chopping, even with the power of babies, they can chop steel.

Bai Ruyun cut off, and wanted to directly break one arm of Zuo Qingcang, and then force Azure Moon Hill over.

But after a stab, Zuo Qingcang was unharmed, but Bai Ruyun’s palm was black.

My heart was miserable for a while, but the practice again and again has become instinct. The other palm, not even think, has moved towards Zuo Qingcang like a bayonet.

Just like the Life-Chart of Nanshengmen, the 12 Royal Family’s multi-life cluster combination inheritance naturally has more than one ability, White Moon Radiance, which is just the name of the entire family system of Bai Family.

With this palm handed out, her entire palm immediately became invisible and colorless, as if entering into a different space. This is a knife that can directly cross the space and pierce others within the body. It is called the void hand by the Bai Family. .

But it was still ineffective. Bai Ruyun only felt that his palm had reached into a vast and boundless space, and he could not find any target of attack at all.

After the two moves, there was no effect. Zuo Qingcang even turned his back to her, holding Azure Moon Hill for treatment. When he saw the white scalp scalp tingling, he stepped back, and then he had to take a few steps before talking.

No matter how she turned around, she saw that Bai Rulian and the others had already rushed up, each of them showed their abilities, and was planning to besiege Zuo Qingcang.

Bai Ruyun was startled, knowing that the man appeared in front of him was different, and intended to let everyone stop temporarily, but it was useless.


I saw Zuo Qingcang ’s palm moved towards the ground, and I pressed it slightly in the air. The heavy pressure like Mount Tai dropped from the sky. All the people in the Bai Family felt like they were pressing a big hand on their body. Kneel on the ground.

“Kneel down and wait for death.”

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