Silent Killing

Chapter 737

With Zuo Qingcang’s palm covering Gonathos’ head, various information in the other’s brain was copied intact to the USB flash drive on the other hand of Zuo Qingcang.

A lot of data was copied, but the original information in the brain did not disappear.

‘If that’s the case, let this guy survive, and the original consciousness of the body is also …’ Zuo Qingcang thought in his mind that if he left it alone, it would be equivalent to let go of Gnassus, and he naturally It’s impossible to do so, but memory elimination isn’t what he is good at, unless direct violence destroys the other person’s brain.

‘that’s all, it’s already like this anyway, just add some materials …’ The mind changed, and the blue current kept lingering and shaking between Zuo Qingcang’s palm and the baby. A lot of information was entered into the baby by him. In the brain.

However, the baby’s brain is too fragile. It seems that he can’t afford the massive information input of Zuo Qingcang at once. He yelled loudly. The brain can always get enough nutrients, and has to adjust the other’s ** structure, so that the baby becomes stronger.

While Zuo Qingcang was doing this, the other side of Bo Feng Shui Men did not know what he was doing. In his eyes, the other side was holding his son, and his son kept screaming.

“Naruto!” A wave of thunder from the Bofeng Shuimen has flashed behind Zuo Qingcang’s arm, and the spiral pill in his hand has been moved towards Zuo Qingcang’s arm.

Zuo Qingcang didn’t bother to care about him, and let the other party press the spiral pills on his own body, but under the action of strong mutual force, his epidermis was not even shaken by one molecule, and his entire arm was unharmed.

“What?” Bo Fengshuimen looked at the arm in front of him in shock, but the next thing made him even more horrified, because in the next few seconds, whether it was an explosion symbol, spiral pills, shuriken . It’s still Xianfa Spiral Pill. All the attacks have no effect. Even if he wants to grab Naruto, he can’t reach the touch.

“Who are you?”

Just as the cold sweat on the head of the water valve kept coming out. A scream screamed behind him, and he turned to look around, only to find that his wife was struggling with his stomach, and little by little orange chakras were spreading out.

The weakest moment of childbirth, coupled with the arrest of his son. Nine tails finally seized this rare moment to escape.

“Abominable.” Bo Fengshuimen’s complexion ashen, on the one hand, his wife is facing great danger, and on the other hand, his son is suffering from unknown torture. He hesitated for two seconds, and began to print at high speed with his hands.

‘玖 Sinai, Naruto, I will protect you no matter what. ‘

巳-海-未-卯-戌-子-酉-午-巳-Finally, the hands of the Fengshui Gate were folded, and a white illusory shadow slowly appeared behind him.

The ghouls are exhausted by sacrificing their souls. Come to summon out Death God, and then devour the ultimate ninjutsu of the opponent’s soul.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Zuo Qingcang raised a little interest, but at a glance, he didn’t care, because he found that the corpse in front of him was almost the same as the Theory he used to extract brain information, which was a kind of information to transfer human consciousness. Ability.

I saw Zuo Qingcang pointing out, the black air flow flashed all around the water gate, the black air flow was like a big mouth, and it swept through directly because it was non-life. The entire corpse was sealed and received by Zuo Qingcang in the imaginary space.

“How is that possible?” Bo Fengshuimen looked at all this in front of him in disbelief, and never thought that someone could break the corpse seal so easily.

“Hahaha, I finally came out! I want to …”

On the other side, vortex 玖 Sinai’s belly, the orange chakra has formed a nine-tailed head. He laughed wildly, just as the whole body was coming out of it, and saw Zuo Qingcang pointing out, and the Death God who had been sealed by the corpse was eaten alive, the whole body was shaking, and the roar in his mouth also became whimper.

“Go.” Accompanying Zuo Qingcang a light shout. The ultimate fear was directly passed into the inside of the body of Nine-tailed, and its body trembled without saying a word, then it quickly drilled back to the inside of the body of Chen Xinnai at a speed, and in the next ten Haven’t been out for years.

At this time, the baby in Zuo Qingcang’s hand was finally transformed by him, and the pressure in the quantum bubble was increasing. Zuo Qingcang’s arm slowly retracted, and the baby slowly fell down and was picked up by the wave wind and water gate. live.

At this connection, he felt a heavy start, and his son’s body was extremely heavy.

He looked carefully, but was startled in his heart, and saw that there was still a trace of a baby in Naruto. The whole body grew to over 90 centimeters, and his head was as smooth as a duck’s egg. Opening a pair of dead fish eyes, he looked at himself innocently.


Zuo Qingcang on the other side has taken back his palm, secretly said in one’s heart: “The cultivation method of innateness, strength and mutual strength. The character is an interest that naturally makes you a ninja. It should be calm, and it should be fine. “

However, he just ignored it for a moment. After all, the event has ended and the two universes have been disconnected. His main purpose is to obliterate Gonathos’s ontology, and he has succeeded.

Looking at the USB disk in his hand, Zuo Qingcang took out a notebook directly from the imaginary space, which was the one obtained from the refuge in the past, plugged the USB disk, and he began to browse the information and data in it.

It contains all the memories of Gonathos. There are almost 2t in total. After looking at it for a while, Zuo Qingcang thoughtfully nodded: “Is that so, is the Rebirth of Light Cosmos? No wonder it is able to shuttle the universe, but the limitations are the same Great. “

After watching it for a while, Zuo Qingcang’s brows gradually frowned, because there was obviously a lot of encryption in the other’s memory.

After all, Gonathos himself, as a Taoist master, a genetic scientist, certainly knew a lot about abilities. There are several abilities in the world that can steal memory and ideas, and the memory in his mind is so important that he cannot be left undefended.

Almost all important memories were shattered and reorganized, and even if he did not read them in a particular way, he would not remember those memories.

After more than ten minutes, the screen of the notebook suddenly jumped slightly, revealing Gonathos’s face.

“You came just right, I have some questions for you.”

Gonathos was lightly startled, and then realized that his resurrection in the notebook was also in the calculation of the other party, and the other party intentionally transformed him into a digital life.

He also couldn’t tell whether he was an algorithm for dealing with reflection based on all the memory of Gonathos, or whether he was really Gonathos.

But this did not prevent him from trying to save his life.

Thinking of this, his face couldn’t help getting cold: “Zuo Qingcang, you know, you’re already in great trouble, the world’s Doomsday is coming, and now let me out, and we will join hands together, and there is still a glimmer of life.”

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