The pool shop owner on the side was afraid that the young people did not know how to advance and retreat, and he came up to persuade him, “Three, why don’t you just let it go. I’m blame me today, so I won’t charge three.”

“Why?” Jiang Qing looked at Xiao Changhe a bit fiercely. The three of them naturally found each other before, but the other person was crowded, and they didn’t want to take the initiative to find trouble, but they didn’t expect Xiao Changhe to come over.

“It’s clear that we came first, and time didn’t come? Why should we let it?”

Hearing his shout, everyone around him turned his head. Xiao Changhe has a sense of success: “Anyway, you occupy a place here is a waste of time, it might as well give us a fight.”

“Why are we wasting time? Are we allowed to play only? We are not allowed to play?”

“Want to play? Okay.” Xiao Changhe said with a smile: “Just win me with a pool ball.”

Although Xiao Changhe’s behavior made Jiang Qing hate, the level of billiards just revealed was obvious to all. If Jiang Qing had practiced for a few months, she still had confidence, but now it is impossible to be his opponent anyway.

The next few people obviously also like hilarious characters. Seeing Jiang Qing didn’t answer, he said, “What’s the point of playing like this? You might as well get out of your seat and watch Changhe come to fight, you can learn something.”

“Yeah, yeah, can’t play, what’s the point of death occupying a place?”

Xiao Changhe looked at Jiang Qingqi’s face flushed, but he was speechless, and he became more and more interesting.

“How?” He turned his head again and moved towards Zuo Zhicheng: “Would you like Junior Brother to play two games with me?”

Zuo Zhicheng set up the billiard ball one after another on the table, thinking to himself: ‘It took me a while to learn, although I have n’t played it for a long time, the rules are a bit different, but with my current physical fitness, it should be fine Right … ‘

Xiao Changhe looked at Zuo Zhicheng’s level a few times before, naturally knowing that the other side’s technology was terrible, seeing Zuo Zhicheng did not answer, and then hehe said with a smile: “Come here, play two games, brother can just teach you How to play.”

“Azuo ignore him, we just don’t play.” Jiang Qing wanted to pull Zuo Zhicheng away.

But Zuo Zhicheng said, “It’s okay. Actually, I’m very good at hitting the ball. I should be able to win Brother Xiao.”

Jiang Qing frowns saying: “Azuo, you didn’t see him just now …” She only thought that Zuo Zhicheng was a tough support, and she wanted to persuade.

Xiao Changhe on the other side hastily said, “Yeah, yeah, the left Junior Brother is very difficult to deal with. I may not be able to beat him, so please hurry and teach me.” And he looked Jiang Qing was more concerned about Zuo Zhicheng’s appearance.

So he said, “But before the game, let ’s say, if anyone loses, they will have to roll out of the pool from here. I really said.”

“This is too poisonous.”

Xiao Changhe said with a smile: “What are you afraid of? Anyway, you know how to play and win me.”

Zuo Zhicheng said honestly, “It’s the same, anyway, it doesn’t necessarily lose, so compare it.”

Seeing Zuo Zhicheng agree so simply, Xiao Changhe felt something wrong. But the other side just looked at the billiards and he was definitely not a master.

“It’s okay.” Zuo Zhicheng gave Jiang Qing a reassuring look, then threw a cue in the direction of Xiao Changhe, and he picked up one of them: “You’re ready to kick off, let’s hurry up solve.”

The billiard ball here has a total of 15 cue balls. XNUMX cue balls are also used to hit the white ball with a cue ball. One white ball has one point and the person with the highest score wins.

‘Dead duck has a hard mouth. ‘Xiao Changhe determined that Zuo Zhicheng’s level was very poor, but now it was just a bluff. He sneered a few times, and then lay on the pool table and kicked off. His level is really good, every move is standard, strength and precision are in place, one ball is taken out, the arranged pool ball is scattered instead, and soon there is a hole.

Maybe he is in good shape. He scored two goals in a row and made a mistake in the fourth goal. However, such strength has caused tremendous pressure on Jiang Qing and Xiao Lan.

Jiang Qing looked uneasily at Xiao Changhe’s face, and looked at Zuo Zhicheng, who was absent-minded, and anxious: ‘This fool, why is he suddenly so impulsive. ‘But thinking that the other party seemed to stand up for himself, I was a little happy again.

‘Big deal, I’ll mess up the pool table, this game is not enough. ‘

People around all saw applause from Xiao Changhe. He waved his hands with a smile, and looked provocatively towards Zuo Zhicheng: “It’s your turn.”

Zuo Zhicheng walked up without saying a word, casually sitting at the pool table, looking at the place where his gaze was looking and behind the cue ball, he found a pool ball in a corner as a goal. It looks like a pure novice playing for the first time.

Xiao Changhe laughed, saying to Lu Young Master and Young Master Zhang on the side: “It’s very important to play a pool. It’s too standard to sit and play like this, let alone aim. I’m afraid that even the cue may not hit the mother. ball……”

The voice did not fall, and a clear impact sounded. Zuo Zhicheng hit the cue ball with a stroke. The cue ball crossed the pool table with a strange arc, hit the white ball directly, and then scored the goal ball into the hole.

Xiao Lan and Jiang Qing immediately cried excitedly.

“Play well!”

“Come on! Ah Zuo!”

Xiao Changhe laughed awkwardly, and touched his nose and said, “Luck, sometimes when you hit the ball, you will score a goal or two. But his posture is definitely wrong …”

But just after he said this, it was another crisp sound. The cue ball hit the edge, turned out of a V shape, hit the target ball again, and then entered the hole.

Mistakes did not occur until the third goal, but Xiao Changhe’s face was already very ugly. The next two took turns playing, but Zuo Zhicheng seemed to feel more and more as he played, chasing Xiao Changhe closely.

As the competition between the two became more and more fierce, and they continued to score holes, the Young Master and Young Lady around all around gradually gathered and watched the performance of the two.

Yao Youwei and Qing Young Lady also came over and watched Zuo Zhicheng’s performance on the table. Yao Youwei laughed: “I can’t think of good luck today. I met a pool player.”

They say good luck, but for them, after all, it’s just a game that’s all, just like the Young Master Young Lady around all around. Although there is an interesting expression on the face, it is only an entertainment sport after all. Is not taken for granted.

Qing Young Lady took a deep look at Zuo Zhicheng, a flash of doubt flashed in her eyes: “He’s very difficult to deal with.” It was the first time that she saw someone’s head and hands, and there were two separate instincts. .

Naturally, she didn’t know that this was because Zuo Zhicheng was wearing a lead suit he made. I only thought Zuo Zhicheng was born with two congenitals.

“Yeah.” Yao Youwei was nodded, thinking that his opponent was talking about billiards. “It’s pretty good. It looks like he’s going to win.”

But among the crowd, Xiao Changhe’s face became more and more ugly. He also stopped explaining to Young Master Zhang and Lu Young Master. When Zuo Zhicheng’s score finally caught up, even surpassed him, his His complexion was as dark as ink.

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