Silent Killing

Chapter 746

Nim rubbed his flushed cheeks in fear, but he had never seen his dad make such a big fire, and after saying this, the patriarch of the Heruan family moved towards Berrighi said with a bitter smile: “Brother, what do I do next? That one doesn’t know whether to remember or not.”

What he thought in his mind was Earth, and Gonathos was so dreadful or even afraid. Who else was there besides North Demon Sect? Even if it is not the North Demon Sect, it must be so powerful that Gonathos is also afraid of it. This is how they can provoke it.

However, Berrighi didn’t know that the other party had already wanted to crook a part. He just shook the head: “I can’t talk to anyone else, but you have to apologize …” He moved towards Azure Moon Hill’s back and said nothing, It is thought that this old fellow is really cunning like a fox. With a few words of effort, he can determine the form, and he can pull his face to fight Nimes and intercede. No wonder in the same generation, although he is not the strongest, he has done Heluan. Family of patriarch.

The Heruan family may not be able to dominate the world in his hands, but it is enough to survive.

When the patriarch of the Heruan family over there heard these words, they went a few feet to Nimes, and seemed very angry and cursed: “Smelly Brat, I told you not to learn well, and I will go like a green moon girl soon Apologies, otherwise I broke your legs, did you hear me? “

After all, Nim was the heir of Heluan. He had just been stunned by anger, and how he knew his father, and what he knew when he got down.

Even so, his eyes were still bitter: ‘It looks like we have to apologize to Azure Moon Hill … that guy, who are you. ‘Although I was still upset, I made up my mind, and after apologizing to Azure Moon Hill, I would never deal with people from the Bai Family again. He couldn’t afford to lose this face.

The other 12 Royal Family people whispered secretly when they saw this scene. Looking at the back of Zuo Qingcang was full of suspicions and surprises. Of course, they knew that Berrige spoke these words in public. It was not only to warn the Heruan family, but also to mention them, and I was more curious about Zuo Qingcang’s identity and origin.

Several old men couldn’t help flashing a shock when they heard that Zuo Qingcang was from Earth. I don’t know what I thought of.

On the other side, Zuo Qingcang and Azure Moon Hill didn’t pay much attention to the situation here. The two strolled into the courtyard. Azure Moon Hill asked, “Are you going back to Earth?”

“Well.” Zuo Qingcang said, “There are things to do. Do you want to go back or stay here?”

“Do you want me to stay here or go back?” Azure Moon Hill indifferently asked, no expression on Tianran’s face.

Zuo Qingcang naturally hopes that someone will stay at Titan Star to take care of him. Otherwise, it is also dangerous to give it all to Gonathos, but he also knows that Azure Moon Hill has not returned home for more than 20 years. It must be nostalgic, and now he still wants to stay, it seems a bit unfriendly, so this remark Some are inexplicable.

What he didn’t notice is that in the past, he would never think of these warm and cold things, but how to maximize the benefits. Obviously, the Six Desires, Martial Dao’s will, and True Yuan’s one-sided cultivation still affected him more or less. Now he doesn’t have an immobile third pass that can help eliminate the impact.

However, Azure Moon Hill seems to have understood his thoughts and gently laughed: “I’ll stay here. Gonathos cannot be left unsupervised. Although he has become an artificial intelligence and computer program, his ambition will not disappear. of.

But I’m not as powerful as you. Is there anything you can do to check him? “

Zuo Qingcang took out a USB flash drive from his hand and said to Azure Moon Hill, “This is all his original memory data. I have banned it on several supercomputers of Titan Star and above, as long as you think about it. Based on the characteristics of this information, his most important backups can be erased.

The rest on the ordinary computer, even if there are leftovers, he can’t do anything.

However, his size on the Titan Star network is getting larger and larger, which will cause a lot of confusion, so it is best not to use it easily. “

“Um.” Azure Moon Hill took the USB disk cautiously. It was found that Zuo Qingcang’s palms reached out to her and pulled out the buns in her hair.

Remember that this bun was bought by Zuo Qingcang more than 20 years ago for Azure Moon Hill in Haijing City. Looking at the bun that was obviously worn out, Zuo Qingcang’s palm was gently pressed, and the bun became as if The new one is the same.

He certainly didn’t just fix the bun. It is infused with his own Martial Dao will.

You need to know that a martial artist at the level of Law Manifestation can leave his mind on the item, and the True Yuan of the Void Refining powerhouse can retain hundreds and even thousands of years to maintain material immortality.

And Zuo Qingcang’s current realm, True Yuan entangled with mimicry simulation transmission, is not a problem for thousands of years, and this power can also protect Azure Moon Hill, allowing her to borrow the power she left in battle.

It was as if Zuo Qingcang had used True Yuan in Heavenly River Pearl at one go. This bun was made into a Void Refining Magical Artifact by Zuo Qingcang.

Of course, he also left some communication base stations on Titan Star. When he returned to Earth, he also built several signal towers, and the two planets could communicate.

However, because the distance is too far, this communication has an hour delay. To solve this problem, at least Zuo Qingcang needs to get Good Fortune Soul Performance, which can expand the range of entangled mimicry, and even break through True. Yuan only works.


Fifteen hours later, Zuo Qingcang returned to Earth. He didn’t notify anyone. First, he stepped out and came to Haijing’s underground laboratory.

His eyes exuded an invisible wave, sweeping across the laboratory space nanometer by nanometer.

‘Except for Jing Zeyue and seal, nothing else has ever been passive, leaving no trace. ‘

‘Cautious guy. ‘

Zuo Qingcang walked in front of the World Scanner. He had just observed, and naturally saw the anomaly of the World Scanner. He took a look at the logs recorded in it, Zuo Qingcang’s brows frowned.

‘A guy in another world? He even took Jing Ze away. ‘

Shook the head, since it is another parallel universe, then he is not in a hurry to chase it now, but he is fully prepared to deal with the issues of Earth and Second Universe by the way.

So he first thought and came to the Second Universe, where it was more than ten or twenty months since he last actively observed.

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