Silent Killing

Chapter 748

However, the emergence of the third generation of super intellectual brain, let him see a good reserve of battle strength, the way to improve strength. ≤,

So a few months later, the entire Northern Wilderness was dug out of hundreds of super-large voids. Hundreds of identical computers were copied by Zuo Qingcang in the main universe. Each supercomputer was made 100 meters high. Ten five meters long black giant iron pillars. These pillars themselves are made of nano metal, and they weigh more than XNUMX thousand tons.

Their internal supercomputer is not only strong and abnormal, but also can be used as aeronautical materials and even kinetic energy weapons. Its performance is adjusted by Zuo Qingcang, who is proficient in entangled mimicry. In addition to its large size, their performance is far beyond that of Athens in Second Universe On top of that, she has the ability of self-repair and self-replication.

And they directly transmit quantum information to each other at the speed of light, within a radius of 3000 kilometers, complete instantaneous communication.

After Zuo Qingcang completes the Life-Chart of Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky and the imaginary space expands again, Zuo Qingcang will be able to put them all into the imaginary space.

During the battle, they will be directly transmitted by Zuo Qingcang to various locations with a radius of 3000 kilometers to suppress the four poles. Through these hundreds of super brains, Zuo Qingcang’s computing power will be greatly improved.

Although his control range originally was 3000 kilometers, it was impossible to truly master all the plants and trees within 3000 kilometers. With these hundreds of supercomputers, his precise control range was greatly increased, even in a radius of ten kilometers. Within the scope, atomic operations are performed simultaneously.

But now these more than 100 mountain-like giant pillars can only stand in every corner of the new continuous like a tombstone, leaving countless people to stop and look up.

It is a pity that with the quality of Zuo Qingcang, it can operate up to hundreds of supercomputers at the same time.

However, this is also his own creation. The Magical Treasure or weapon system that is most suitable for his use. Zuo Qingcang rarely gave them a name, called Infinite Star.

Next, Zuo Qingcang inspected on Supreme Yang and also the vacuum zero energy extraction project. Curvature engine, Void Creation and other research projects, although there is no such big breakthroughs as artificial intelligence and Golden Spring, have been swept by Zuo Qingcang.

This allows Zuo Qingcang’s soft power to increase again. In just a few months, he will be able to incorporate this knowledge into his martial arts Taoism. Strength has grown again.

And if the newly created Infinite Star can be added with functions such as quantum transmission, vacuum zero energy, and strong mutual force field generators, the formidable power will rise sharply again.

Before leaving, Zuo Qingcang left the information on the genetic key, hoping that these Earth people’s research on life clusters could give him enough inspiration.

When he searched the scientific and technological achievements of Earth, the attention of one third continued to stay in the laboratory for the synthesis of Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky-related life clusters.

Unknown parallel world. Although it meets the requirements of Zuo Qingcang’s Good Fortune Soul Performance certification, but there are creatures that can shuttle the world according to quantum signals, the power of this World cannot be doubted.

So Zuo Qingcang is working on the task at hand, and synthesizing the plexus. He plans to modify Infinite Star after finishing Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky, and then head to this parallel world.

In fact, if it was not for the unstable factors of Jing Zeyue and the possible pressure of the Antilogic Family, Zuo Qingcang would definitely choose to complete 1024 types of life before starting. But now he doesn’t have that much time.

On the laboratory bench, a drowsy death rower was lying on it. His stomach was cut open by an invisible force, and the latest version of Ming Cong ‘Yuan Yue’ was slowly put into it.

According to Dao Scripture, Yuan Yue is a kind of life cluster that can use space Taoism, and the holder can use Yuan Yue to move instantly.

This may not be the strongest lifeline of formidable power, but the strongest lifeline of escape ability.

Although this feature is no longer comparable to Zuo Qingcang’s quantum transmission, it can be used to meet the life cycle of Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky.

Zuo Qingcang one third’s attention searches for scientific and technological achievements on Supreme Yang. To help practice and transform Infinite Star, one third’s attention was used to synthesize life clusters in the laboratory and transplant experiments were performed, leaving the last one third’s attention. But it came to Earth of Second Universe, to this continent that was stained with the blood of Martial Dao.

I saw that Zuo Qingcang was floating in the atmosphere, and beside him, she became a hungry with a silver short ponytail. At this time, she still looked like a teenager, like a cute junior high school girl.

She pointed to the ground under her feet and introduced the current situation to Zuo Qingcang.

“Almost occupied by Saiyan and Ninja in Southeast Asia.”

“The continent area is scored by the two major alliances of Baiwuhui and Wanxian League, including Wudang Mountain, Shaolin Temple, World Club, Yuhuamen, Azure Clouds Sect, Emerald Jade Floating Palace …”.

“The forces in Central Asia are more chaotic. Desert Assassins, Lanternists, Prophets, Knight Scimitar, Self-destruction zealots, messy, chaotic, basically no sign of stability.”

“The forces in Europe are even more mixed. Knight, Paladin, vampires, werewolves, magicians, giants, Titans, Black Dragon, and thousands of small countries are beating up and down. It is a mess.”

Listening to the report from the hungry ears, Zuo Qingcang himself has swept the entire Earth with True Yuan fluctuations. In the Second Universe, his True Yuan fluctuations are enough to cover the entire Supreme Yang system. She can’t tell Earth’s situation. The reason why hunger is reporting is that she just likes to say that.

For his subordinates like Zuo Qingcang indifferent expression, just frowned and said, “Protagonists, so many dead?”

“Well, Father God, during this time you left, there were too many accidents. I couldn’t control one after another. Some protagonists died because of being too accustomed to taking risks.”

Before Zuo Qingcang left Titan Star, he had control of the whole situation. Even if the selected protagonists risked various risks, it was difficult to die. However, during the time Zuo Qingcang left Earth to Titan, these protagonists did not take care of him, but became accustomed to danger lurks within the riches and honour, and suddenly suffered heavy casualties.

Between Zuo Qingcang’s thoughts and fire, brows suddenly wrinkle: “What about the powerhouse that has endured the peerless impact?”

“Killed by someone.”

“En?” Zuo Qingcang asked, “What realm did he reach before he died?”

Hunger indifferently said: “Martial Dao Law Manifestation, he made rapid progress in the beginning, but after Martial Dao Law Manifestation, the potential was exhausted and became more and more violent. After ruling a small town, he only knew that he had fun and enjoyed it. Killed by several other protagonists. “

Zuo Qingcang shook the head: “This person’s momentum is still not enough, and then select a few candidates.”

Although Zuo Qingcang is full of expectations, compared with the technological advances of the Earth elites on Supreme Yang, although the number of people on Earth has increased by dozens of times, the progress of Martial Dao is far less than expected. For more than a year, even Hungry bodies are constantly drawing geothermal heat to transform various psionic foods, and their progress is still too slow.

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