Silent Killing

Chapter 751

Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky is divided into three parts: Ghost Eye, Yellow Springs Sky and its own psionic power stove system.

Zuo Qingcang first opened the Spiritual Energy Furnace. At this time, the 21 Energy Clusters of Spiritual Furnace were all together. The terrifying energy storm exploded within the body of Zuo Qingcang.

The violent psionic energy surged out of these 21 lives, like a storm, a tsunami, a volcano, and an earthquake.

peng peng peng peng …… After 21 consecutive loud sounds, 21 life clusters have penetrated, and the violent psionic energy has swept out, covering every corner of Zuo Qingcang’s body, every cell, even every particle .

In the void, all kinds of thermal energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, various waves, rays, radiation, all kinds of energy are put into the within the body of Zuo Qingcang like a mountain tsunami, just like Zuo Qingcang is here For a moment it turned into a huge heaven and earth funnel.

The sky above the laboratory penetrated countless layers of steel plates. With the depression and surging of energy, the clouds in the sky changed suddenly. With the change of the atmosphere, the entire sky was like a giant eye composed of clouds. Thunderbolt flashed past, staring at the direction of the laboratory.

That is a natural phenomenon caused by the dramatic changes in Temperature, radiation, and electromagnetic fields.

Inside the Emperor Hotel, a Great Qi historian is struggling to write a book. He stares at the natural phenomenon in the sky, turning the pen in his hand into a ghost image.

“Don’t be nine years old. In early August, the new continent Haijing, the thunder shakes, and the weather is full …” Halfway through the writing, a sudden tremor came from the earth, the pen of the official’s hand was broken, and a small earthquake came.

And the source of this earthquake, Zuo Qingcang’s body lit with black and white rays of light, rising from his within the body like a round of Tai Chi.

Positive matter and anti matter annihilate each other. The majestic power generated is enough to destroy a city in an instant, and as this annihilation reaction continues in the Spiritual Energy Furnace, almost endless energy is spreading from within the body of Zuo Qingcang.

This enrichment is extremely extreme, the feeling of omnipotent, Zuo Qingcang first experience.

There seemed to be a loud noise in the void, and the white rays of light from every pore of Zuo Qingcang. Released from every cell, high temperature, high heat, and shock waves instantly turned the entire laboratory into a ruin.

In an exclamation, the endless white light slowly disappeared, and all the heat and kinetic energy seemed to be rewinded. They were sucked into the inside of the body of Zuo Qingcang again, and rolled back like a cloud of smoke.

At this moment, Void Good Fortune Furnace is complete.

Everything that is XNUMX meters away is evaporated in the aftermath of energy. Fortunately, Zuo Qingcang cleared this place long ago, so there was no loss.

Only unknown eyes are left staring at Zuo Qingcang floating in the air.

Looking at Zuo Qingcang with his eyes closed tightly in the sky, all around the air constantly twisting, the electric handsome shivered and said, “Is it over?”

“Should …” Avar paused: “Back off, everyone back!”

Countless Avatars flashed around all around. Avar has quickly moved all around the materials and people around with super-high-speed instantaneous movements. Geao on the other side stepped on the ground, and the entire ground burst and shot. It was as if he had been hit by a meteorite, and by this foot he had suddenly retreated several hundred meters away.

In the sky. The disturbing black is spreading, just like the picture of space fragmentation, the whole sky is fragmenting, exposing more and more black cracks.

With the increasing number of cracks, the depressing feeling moved towards all around spread out, centering on Zuo Qingcang. Infinite silence spreads more and more, it is a kind of pure psychological oppression, whether it is the elderly, children, men. Women, or cats and dogs, or even birds, ants, stopped their movements and never dared to make any sound.

The strange silence suddenly enveloped the entire Haijing city.

Then all kinds of cracks in the sky released an endless suction in an instant. All kinds of sand, grass, wood, steel, and cement were all directly sucked into it by this suction, as if it opened the door The gate of foreign world is the same.

This is naturally not the gate of the foreign world, but the gate of the imaginary space. With the expansion of the imaginary space, the gate of Yellow Spring changes, and the power of Yellow Springs Sky is radiated to the real world.

The 27 dark stars rise from Zuo Qingcang’s body, which is the 27 life clusters representing Yellow Springs Sky, Inner Strength, Heavenly Armor, Tao Zhuan, Void Realm, Void Qi, Steel-skin, Zhou Dong, Electric Change, Into the Micro, Mount Tai, Genting, Tongyou, Solid, Frequent, Rigid and Flexible, Zhenchen, Huoqu, Jiuhe …

Life after life is lit by the flame of black. With the psionic energy that erupted from them, the entire imaginary space ushered in a Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, whether it is the ground, ceiling, or walls on all sides, Everything in the imaginary space is constantly broken, and then expands out.

With the initiation and adjustment of entangled mimicry, with the help of Zuo Qingcang’s analysis of space Taoism, with the help of his power, the expansion of the imaginary space far exceeds the original effect.

500 meters …… 1000 meters …… 3000 meters …… 8000 meters …… The entire imaginary space is expanding rapidly. In a blink of an eye, it has become a giant space with a length of 16.8 kilometers, a width of 14.5 kilometers and a height of 11.5 kilometers.

But it is not just that. At this time, Zuo Qingcang, who has penetrated the Theory shuttle part, has completely analyzed the imaginary space. He also understands that the so-called imaginary space is an application of subspace.

If the real world is on the plane of a ball, then the so-called subspace is inside the ball.

Subspaces can be connected at will and even distort the time and space of different regions. Although Zuo Qingcang cannot fully grasp the subspaces, it is not completely out of control.

Although the expansion of the imaginary space at this time has slowed down, with the development of Zuo Qingcang, this space is still increasing, but it is very slow and very slow. The value of the length, width, and height is about a dozen centimeters per day.

At the next moment, the mouths of Yellow Spring, which were densely cracked in the void, all stopped, and the endless suction force disappeared. Millions of tons of mud and dust absorbed into the air began to fall out. .

But this is just the beginning. With the sudden shock of the mouth of Yellow Spring, all kinds of debris just absorbed in the imaginary space were directly spit out, and the dust from the sputtering covered the entire sky, I am afraid the next few Within hours, the entire sea Kyoto will be shrouded in this dust storm.

Yellow Springs Sky was completed, Zuo Qingcang’s closed eyes opened slightly, revealing a trace of dark rays of light again.

Both Void Good Fortune Furnace and Yellow Springs Sky have been completed, and then the ghost eyes.

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