Silent Killing

Chapter 755

After hearing the thunderbolt from Zuo Qingcang, he drank, and the remaining Guangmu Uranus and 28 Xingsu were pale and had already lost their positions and returned to the army. [,

Li Tianwang, who heard this, had an iron complexion, his eyes spitting fire: “Bold.”

He did not answer Zuo Qingcang’s question at all, 100,000 Celestial Soldiers, and Ghost Soldier, a million hells, besieged a person and asked by the other side. If he answered, wouldn’t it be a shame to the South Heaven Gate.

With a little thought in his heart, he ordered: “The generals listen to orders, cloth inescapable net!”

In that moment, I saw 100,000 Celestial Soldiers moving layer by layer. Where can Zuo Qingcang let them line up, the light flashes in their hands, and the speed of light fist has been shown like a lightning thunderbolt. There are several thousand thousand fist strength every second. Blow out, kill thousands of soldiers in a few seconds.

“Oh!” Seeing that the 100,000 Celestial Soldiers were almost killed and crashed, the inescapable net was difficult to achieve. Then the Crown Prince furiously shouted under the Li Tian Throne, turned into the image of Three Heads and Six Arms. Wind-Fire Wheel moved towards Zuo Qingcang and rushed away.

“The demon eat my spear.”

The fire pistol with a ionic light arc moved towards Zuo Qingcang fiercely stabbed away, but where Zuo Qingcang ignored him, his thoughts moved, and there were already 12 Infinite Stars moved towards the sea with the power of overturning the river.

A loud noise, accompanied by the Infinite Star and the fire-pointed gun, the body of the gun bent at a rapid speed, Nezha just felt his arm numb, the infinite power from the large black column in front of him made him hard to resist, his face I almost spit out blood as soon as it was red.

With the movement of Wind-Fire Wheel at his feet, he flew back quickly with a series of flame jets. Seeing that the other 11 Infinite Stars surrounded him, Nezha knew that he could no longer keep his hands, and the heads of Three Heads and Six Arms danced together.

At the next moment, the Qiankun circle on the neck was thrown violently. The golden bracelet suddenly zoomed in. With the function of space compression, it directly circled 12 Infinite Stars together and pressed them firmly.

At the same time, the thunderbolt of the thunderbolt mixed on the ground of Nezha has been moved towards Zuo Qingcang, and the tumbling is already hiding the sky and covering the earth.

The thunderbolt mixes the sky and covers the space around Zuo Qingcang for several kilometers. Then Nezha took out the Kowloon Divine Fire hood transmitted by Taiyi True Master. Nine Fire Dragons circled out. He wrapped his sky fiercely with his own body, and the time was full of sun, enough to evaporate a continuous nuclear fusion. The blow was cast.

Nezha smiled proudly and was about to speak, but felt that a violent burst of force came from his head, and it seemed that the top of the head had to be thoroughly penetrated.

“Where are you looking?”

After seeing Zuo Qingcang appear behind Nezha, he slowly retracted his fist. And Nezha has moved toward the ground like a meteor. The air friction instantly caused a series of sparks, and then a loud cloud raised a cloud of mushrooms. Nezha ’s body did not know how many layers of ground rocks penetrated the ground for a while. Loud noise.

If it weren’t for the extraordinary body of the Nasya fleshhy body, it was the upper body’s original celestial body that took the white Jade Ruyi and reproduced the body of the white nao. I am afraid that at this moment it has been 40% torn and turned into a ball of blood. But even so, he was still in pain. The brain seemed to crack into XNUMX copies.

But the more so, the anger in his heart became fiercer. After angry roar, within the body immortal strength skyrocketed, slamming the earth around all around and forming a valley. He himself was burning violently under the Wind-Fire Wheel, and soaring with the help of the geomagnetic field.

Zuo Qingcang saw it at a glance. This Wind-Fire Wheel flies with a magnetic field. It can be described as extremely fast, and it can reach 18 miles in an instant.

Nezha by the speed of Wind-Fire Wheel. It turned into hundreds of Avatars, or made the Thunderbolt trembled to block the space, or caused two fire sharp guns to cut Zuo Qingcang with high-temperature light arcs, or made the Divine Fire hood of Kowloon perform nuclear fusion strikes. , Slashing Demon Knife, Binding Demon Rope, Dropping Demon Pestle, Yin-Yang Sword, and so on, Magical Treasure, moved towards Zuo Qingcang and stormed in a serial trend.

For a time, the sky was full of clouds, and all kinds of destructive forces were spreading wildly.

On the other side, Li Tianwang frowned, and now it seemed that Nezha had suppressed Zuo Qingcang, but as a father, where did he not know that his son was desperate? On the contrary, what had happened since the other party turned black Attacks are difficult to take effect, it seems that it is impervious to sword or spear neither water nor fire can approach.

Now I saw that I was almost unable to stand up. Li Tianwang was even more anxious. On the one hand, he ordered the inescapable net array to be accelerated. On the other side, a ray of light was sent to Celestial Court for support.

The three Crown Princes desperately stood up to Zuo Qingcang, and also gave the 100,000 Celestial Soldiers the opportunity to put in the inescapable net array.

Zuo Qingcang didn’t seem to be in a hurry. He interrupted the Qiankun circle, tore off the mixed sky, interrupted two fire sharp guns, and closed the demon sword, the demon sword, the demon cable, and the demon pestle, sneer. Seeing Nezha retreating into the battle.

In fact, he has already seen the origin of the army in front of him. Although mythological figures are rare in front of himself, at this moment Zuo Qingcang is already Fiendgod-like life, and he will not be too shaken.

He was thinking about the characters behind the other person, those real dana in myths and legends.

Now killed several thousand thousand Ghost Soldier, ten-twenty thousand celestial troops and generals, the four kings have gone to third, and destroyed three Crown Princes, a Magical Treasure, and abolished his 70% battle strength. Zuo Qingcang is also out A bad breath.

Return to his body calmly. Nowadays, he does not hang the opponent once, but cuts the meat with a blunt knife. He is observing the opponent with True Yuan fluctuations, observing the composition of this World battle strength, the improvement of strength, and various Method of cultivation.

immortal strength, True Yuan Magical Treasure, which he has never seen before.

This is also to make technical reserves when you may face a higher-level and higher-level enemy in the future, so-called know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated.

However, his movement slowed down, but it was impossible for Celestial Court to let it go.

In the South China Sea, Putuo Luojia Mountain ’s great compassion, great suffering, and relief. Guanyin Bodhisattva flies a cloud, flying to the Tongming Hall, and sees the four heavenly masters, Taibai Jinxing, Barefoot Daxian, and other immortals, and everyone is discussing the demons of the lower world. Trouble, 100,000 Celestial Soldiers Strangle.

At this moment, the Jade Emperor received the spiritual letter from King Li, and shook his head said with a smile: “This demon is a great means. As expected, as described by the ancient Buddha of Dipankara, it is worth more than 100,000 Celestial Soldiers. Divine Weapon helps. “

The next Guanyin clasped his hands and said, “Your Majesty, be at ease, this poor monk, if you lift a god, you must catch this demon.”

The Jade Emperor asked, “Oh? What god can do that?”

Bodhisattva said with a slight smile: “It’s Your Majesty Order, Prominent Saint True Lord Erlang of Guanjiang Estuary. He used to fight six monsters in the past, and there are Meishan brother and 1200 grasshead god in front of the account, possesses great magical power.

Nowadays, although he only listens to the tune and does not listen to the announcement, Your Majesty can drop a troop will, and he will do his utmost to return the demon for Li Tianwang. “

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