Silent Killing

Chapter 784

Kou Zhong’s attack is exactly the same as the speed of light attack. Dian Jun’s entire person constantly changes the Shape Transformation body in mid-air in an attempt to reorganize, but Kou Zhong’s attack is too fast. One stroke after another. Break through the clouds in Heaven Opening.

There was a loud noise on the other side, and the black air flow rushed directly to the debris around all around. Xu Ziling floated and shouted, “Do n’t stop, his body has a problem, not flesh and blood. Body “

While speaking, the energy of black was directly transmitted to the body of Dianjun through the air, and the body of Dianjun was completely wrapped like a large net.

Kou Zhong hearing this laughed: “I think he can support me a few knives”

I saw that Dianjun in the sky was besieged by Ssangyong. On the one hand, it was wrapped in Xu Ziling’s polar pole Moko and could not be charged ahead. On the other hand, the reorganized body was continuously chopped by Blade Qi, which was performed by Tianji Moko.

This is equivalent to Ssangyong directly refining him with absolute strength.

However, when Shuanglong temporarily suppressed the thunderous fruit of Dianjun, a scarlet-red silhouette ran from the streets in the distance. The scarlet-red spirit rose to the sky and turned the streets where it passed into a dust.

The man in the training suit in the previous creation team had white hair and red eyes at this moment, and the fluctuation of the killing intent within the body was raised to the limit. As the ultimate power of the Street Fighter world, the fighting spirit of the killing intent wave can even make people have the destructive power of crushing meteors.

At this moment the killing intent wave is used by men, and immediately it is the formidable power of heaven shaking earth shattering.

He was summoned by Heavenly Eye’s white-eyed teenager, knowing that Dianjun was suppressed, and he turned back to support him. He knew his opponent was not easy to mess with, so he immediately raised his fighting spirit to the limit. The first trick was to use a horrible super-smasher that would split the sea to kill Tian Ba ​​Tao.

A banging knife hit the ground, and the vacuum chopper visible by naked eye was radiated directly, and the ground was turned into a crack more than ten meters deep. The houses around all around were blown directly, and Xu Ziling, facing this move, had to roar. Use most of your power to defend the attack.

His contracted power defense here, but the Dianjun over there took the opportunity to break through the encirclement, and turned it into a lightning breakthrough to the clouds beyond 1000 meters, avoiding Kou Zhong’s eyes.

A great attack method, almost fell in the sewer.

It is a pity that when it is fully elemental, it still cannot fully control that power.

Knowing that this is not a leisure time, the holder of the killing intent fluctuation below is still fighting against each other, Dianjun is loudly shouted. The current flowing all over his body moved at a fast speed, and a powerful magnetic field was born from within the body.

The magnetic field turns five hundred thousand horses.

Sea Tiger Blast Fist

The magnetic field turns, and the super martial arts from the sea tiger world, from one horse to 1,000,000 horses, is enough to blast the peerless power of planet.

At this moment, Dian Jun directly pushed his power to Peak.

What Tianji Moko, Diji Moko, what Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, I will use my fist to blow you all damn me

The electric light of blue seems to be a substantial existence. Directly enveloping Dian Jun’s body completely, hundreds of millions, billions of volts are still increasing indefinitely. The entire sky turned into a thundercloud, even in the form of pure plasma.

Taking the power of the thunderous fruit as the source, the sky with a radius of 1000 meters has become the field of Dianjun’s magnetic field, helping his power directly push the magnetic field to rotate five hundred thousand horses, anti-gravity realm.

At the next moment, Dianjun moved toward the ground like a double-barreled dragon, and the power of the magnetic field turned out with his this fist. The power of this fist was too powerful. The skeleton of his within the body, even with the protection of a magnetic field, his muscles continue to crack and break. But reorganized under the effect of elementalization.

Blood spit out from Dian Jun’s mouth, and the pain was writhing in his mind. But nothing compares to the thrill of this fist blasting everything in the world one after another.

Blade Qi passed at the speed of light was shattered, and sword strength passed by the speed of sound was broken.

The whole person of Dian Jun hits the center of Luoyang City like a meteorite directly. In the patches of cracked earth and soaring smoke, one of Dian Jun’s foot is stepping on Kou Zhong’s comminuted fractured thigh. Up, the raised fist slammed down.

The blast wave directly wrapped the red fighting spirit, and the fighting god in the killing intent wave flew out, and the whole Luoyang City seemed to shake.

Kou Zhong, who was hit in the front by Dian Jun’s fist, was directly smashed into the ground. But just as he was about to make a second punch, Xu Ziling wrapped his neck around his hands with his hands from behind and pulled him away towards the back.

The force of the magnetic field rotation and the power of the polar pole Moko collided wildly, and the atmosphere around all around was violently hissing. In this collision, there was a violent explosion, and Kou Zhong’s one leg was directly Pedal on Dianjun’s chin, and kick the opponent out of several hundred meters.

Then Xu Ziling grabbed Kou Zhong fiercely, and after a few simple fights, although the two reluctantly repelled Dian Jun, no, even Dian Jun will make a comeback in the next second, and the two have already been seriously injured. Can’t be called to repel at all.

So at this moment, the two people who have the same heart are going to use their full strength immediately.

“Moko Unlimited”

“Moko Unlimited”

One white and one black force spurred each other between Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, and passed, all around the air swept the two bodies and spun up like a Dragon Scroll Wind, completely wrapping the two bodies .

After a few tumbles in the sky, Dian Jun shook his chin slightly. The whole person’s body moved slightly, and when he stepped out, he directly blasted the air behind him. The force of the magnetic field rotation will be against the reaction force of the air. Directly moved him towards the ground and moved towards the position of the double dragon fiercely.

The two fists were pinched sharply, as if the Sun, Moon and Stars in the sky were pinched in their hands. The whole world seemed to dim with this fist. This fist from Dianjun directly took a circle of 1000 meters. All the electromagnetic force, all the waves, the light was sucked into this fist, and then the strikes seemed like a supernova explosion.

Converging the fruits of thunder and lightning, the magnetic field turning, the sea tiger blasting fist and the lv5 electric shock made the super power, Dianjun directly performed his own moves.

Thunder, electric

This fist is accompanied by thousands of thunderbolt strikes. The entire Luoyang area is as bright as a day, and the magnetic field is deflected as this fist strikes. Numerous people have fainted directly under the roaring noise, even in the sky. The moonlight then dim, as if Heavenly Dog had devoured the moonlight.

This fist fiercely strikes of Hong Dianjun On the palm of one hand, the shock wave moved towards all around and sprayed out, sweeping the square several hundred meters directly into a flat ground, and then the high temperature and heat turned the earth into crystals. Pure power is even more It was a huge earthquake brought to Luoyang, which collapsed several hundred meters long city wall.

But the master of the palm has endured this fist.

It was a man with half black and half white hair, looking like Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling combined.

The voices of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling sounded at the same time.

“Now, it’s my turn.”

“Now, it’s my turn.”


At the same time, the three silhouettes slowly landed in the altitude of ten thousand meters on the ground in Luoyang.

Laojun laughed opened the mouth and said: “It looks like it will end soon.”

Rulai slightly bowed to this indifferent expression, but his eyes contained an unfathomable rays of light: “We are here to ensure the fairness of the gamble.”

“Is it fair?” Zuo Qingcang sneered secretly in his heart. He looked up at the sky, as if piercing through the void, looking towards an unknown remote place.

“Two people, let’s wait for the result quietly here.” Yuan Yue on the chest has fully integrated, and in the case of no one knows, Zuo Qingcang secretly completed Ghost with the slowest speed and the smallest movement. Eye Yellow Springs Sky.

At this moment, Zuo Qingcang has officially entered the level of Taoist Star River creation, but because of Martial Dao ’s amazing accomplishments and complete knowledge, his strength is far beyond the ordinary Star River creation, even if he has not completed half Psionicization.

With a slight movement of thought, feeling three unscrupulous hostility in the distance, Zuo Qingcang released his signal.

“Come on, it’s your turn.”

“If you want to live, if you want to replace me, then come over, kill all your opponents, and then stand dignified right in front of me.”

“I will give you a chance to challenge me.”

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