Silent Killing

Chapter 788

Therefore, in the realm of the kingdom of God, Xiaoye can continue to use this same method of cheating to constantly adjust and increase his strength, so that he can quickly become stronger every minute and every second.

Even against ordinary enemies, when he single-headed his head and opened the field, he could crush the opponent into a vacuum.

There is almost no end to the evolution of this ability. When Xiaoye could one day bear the pressure of the entire universe, when his understanding of the world reached the limit, he became a true God.

This realm of the kingdom of God is one of several final forms envisaged by Zuo Qingcang. No wonder Rulai and Supreme Taoist will be surprised when they see it.

But the kingdom of God is not without its shortcomings, and the biggest drawback is that it consumes too much, making Xiaoye unable to open for a long time.

Watching Xiaoye cure all the people and looking at Gods Vestige’s method, Li Shimin smiled and praised: “The spell of the little friend is inscrutable. This white light is really a dead person flesh and bones.” As the next generation of Rulai, of course, he can also see the terrifying of the other hand.

Xiaoye shook the head: “My hand is very difficult to deal with, but it is nothing compared to Abandoned Heaven Emperor.” He took a treatment, of course, not for Ning Dodge and the others to understand, saying In the end, the real purpose of doing this was just to unite Li Shimin.

Because he deeply understands that if he wants to fight Abandoned Heaven Emperor, he must join, or can only join Li Shimin and the others. As for other martial arts masters, even the reincarnation team, it is nothing but straw.

Li Shimin’s eyes flickered slightly, and it seemed a little hard to believe that Abandoned Heaven Emperor was so powerful in many ways.

Because Xiaoye ’s realm of the kingdom of God, and the power of his own Buddha’s Palm + Ripple + Tianjing, he deeply understands the horror and power of it. In his opinion, it is almost all invincible in the world. He is really It’s hard to imagine what kind of opponents they need to join forces to confront.

As he groaned slightly, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the door of the camp. In his arms, Xiaoye also slightly raised his head: “Are you finally here? It looks like the message from Abandoned Heaven Emperor, You also received it. “

While speaking, the stunner with his green eggs was stubbornly strong and stubborn. He stole the dumplings and said that the dumplings were accepted. He changed his gown and fortunately. He also arrested his family. The Xing Xing Xing Yue Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xuan Xuan Xuan Xing Xing Xing Xuan Xing Xuan Xing Xuan Xing Xing Xing Xuan Xuan Xuan Xing Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Xuan Jian

Behind them are the other six members of the creation team, and they do n’t know whether to retreat from the puppets.

It’s just that Dianjun and the others looked at Li Shimin’s eyes strangely, and didn’t know what to think about.

Dou Shen said in his heart: “Boss, why don’t you find a chance to kill Li Shimin?”

With such meditation in his heart, when it was discovered by Dianjun’s new website, he saw that Dianjun slightly shook the head with a negligible range, apparently intending to temporarily stop shooting and watch the changes.

愕 阃 嗦 愦 嗦 愦 愦 愦 愦 簦 簦 簦 簦 簦 簦 盎 盎 盎 盎 盎 盎 钜 桓 鋈 钜 桓 鋈 钜 桓 鋈 钜 桓 鋈 钜 桓 鋈 僦 僦 僦 僦 僦 僦 肓 forgive!

Just then, a sense of depression slammed down. It fell into the hearts of everyone present, just like the calmness before the storm and rain, and the silence before the death.

An unprecedented feeling hits everyone’s hearts. In the sky, an ominous scarlet-red light strip cuts through the sky, next moment, when this feeling of entrapment envelopes everyone’s body, whether it is a martial art master, a reincarnation team, and Or Li Shimin. Kou Ziling, Xiaoye, Shi Fei’s concubine, H several cores

Gravity disappeared in this moment …

Dianjun and the others were suddenly stunned because they just discovered that they did n’t know when the task of the Lord God became ‘live. ‘

Two minutes ago.

Over Luoyang City, white light flashed. Eight silhouettes suddenly appeared in the sky.

It was the Doomsday team that appeared after the genesis team.

These reincarnation squads have completed the characters of the main god through time and time to obtain various cultivation techniques, enhancements, and bloodlines.

The Genesis and Doomsday teams are clearly well-known figures.

A man with silver white metal all over his body said, “Is the Great Tang Ssangyong? The creation team seems to be a little earlier than us. It looks like my strength has been greatly enhanced after exchanging Ultron’s evolution module.”

“Che, it made us arrive later than the Genesis team, of course because of Captain.”

“Captain has passed the Thunder Tribulation seven times as the creator, and it does not count as enhanced content, which means that we are definitely much stronger than the creation team in terms of actual battle strength.”

Everyone looked towards The man among them was full of admiration, a rocky man who was cold.

He opened his mouth and made a hoarse voice: “Get ready, first check the physical coefficients of the Great Tang Ssangyong World, then investigate the position of the creation team. By the way, if the Great Tang Ssangyong is collected, what can be collected Take a look, He Shizhang, the evil emperor Relic, the four great books and so on, although it is not useful for us, but for newcomers … “

As he was talking, his eyes looking towards the task panel fell into a daze.

The expected killing task on the task panel did not appear. At this time, the task panel was extremely simple, with only three words.

‘Live on. ‘

The next moment, red light is all over the sky.

“If ~ come!”

The wild roar filled the space of every inch, and the huge shadow covered the whole Luoyang area.

The mountain range is flying, the rivers are flowing backwards, and the boundless land is slowly disintegrating. Around the Luoyang City, hundreds of thousands of troops, hundreds of millions of civilians are flying towards the sky in a scream.

With one blow, the world is broken and the world is dead!

The originator of all this is naturally that the progress of Quantum Organ has reached 72%, and Sun Wukong, the first hit of Heavenly Devouring with Tuxian Extinguishing the Buddha, has been inverted.

In one move, it was almost the result of Divine State’s fragmentation. Really destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth.

And the Doomsday team everyone watched slowly in the sky, the size of the Luoyang Tuxian Extinguishing Buddha fell slowly.

Almost as soon as the main god passed through the protective cover and disappeared, there were five members of the team present who had no time to say a word. They were exploded into a mass of meat sauce by the strong wind brought about by the wielding of the Tuxian Exterminator.

The weight of a continent swept down, what kind of power is that? Although the remaining three barely blocked the shock wave of the strong wind, they were already crazy.

“What a joke!”

“Master God, my sun you!”


Captain of the Doomsday team directly sacrificed a Magical Treasure and took the remaining two members of his team into a stream of light and left quickly.

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