Silent Killing

Chapter 792

“Be careful, he’s in the high-dimensional space.” Li Shimin opened his eyes sharply.

Xiaoye ’s kingdom of God ’s kingdom is constantly expanding, changing, and shaking, but he does n’t feel the existence of any enemies.

It’s not stealth, it’s not a momentary movement, it’s not a long distance strike, it’s not smaller or scattered.

‘What about high-dimensional space …’ Xiaoye knows what a high-dimensional space is.

For example, the most intuitive are XNUMXD and XNUMXD. For people who can only perceive two dimensions, the world has no height, they are equivalent to people living in a flat painting, only length and width, so the three-dimensional person is a shadow in his eyes. .

Because they can only see each layer of the three-dimensional person, it is like cutting a three-dimensional into countless pieces, because there is no relationship between heights, they can only see the shadow after the cut, that is, the three-dimensional person. projection.

So two-dimensional people can’t understand the existence of three-dimensional people at all, just as Xiaoya and the others can’t perceive the existence of Sun Wukong at all.

Boom! Tuxian Extinguishing the halberd exploded directly from Pangu’s chest, and he did not know what kind of attack it was. Pangu’s body had collapsed quickly and turned into an energy storm sweeping the earth.

Not only is there no way to perceive, even the opponent’s attack is difficult to resist.

Just like a two-dimensional person with no height, when the three-dimensional person stabbed each other with his finger dropping from the sky, the other person could only feel a sudden shadow, and did not know what the attack was.

So I saw that Sun Wukong, who had entered the high-dimensional space after using the smashing skies, was like a invisible ghost, slaughtering many experts in front of him.

Seeing Pangu dissipate in Between Heaven and Earth, many experts present were anxious.

In just a few seconds, the hustle and bustle, Dianjun, and Pangu were killed one after another. How long can these people resist?

But after killing Pangu, Sun Wukong stopped suddenly, because he could feel the moment of killing the other party, and a pure, majestic, ancient force was directly poured into his body.

Today he and Brahma are one. Naturally know the origin of the other party, but he didn’t expect to kill the other party and devour him so much help.

And in his current high-dimensional space. The speed of light is much faster than ordinary space, and his thinking speed and body movement speed are also dozens of times faster than the original. Ten seconds of work absorbed the power of Pangu, and his figure rose again and filled. The power is constantly rushing up and down his within the body. It seems like rivers of the Yangtze River.

what! A satisfied vocal sound came from the void, and the Tuxian Extinguished Spear in his hand burst out, and has already attacked Xiaoye directly in a high-dimensional attack.

A loud bang made Xiao Ye’s body shattered into thousands of flesh, and Li Shimin on the side snorted as a whole, with his blood quitting thousands of meters away.

But no one cared about him anymore. After swallowing Xiaoye again, the momentum of Sun Wukong within the body was rising, and he fell again from the high-dimensional space and appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Quantum Organ progress … 95%.

And this moment. The only people who are qualified to take shots in the whole world are Li Shimin and Kou Ziling. The whole world seems to be about to perish.


But no one is qualified to shoot, but there is a god, a fairy, a Buddha.

Supreme Taoist and Rulai sensed that they were wrong. Before others, if the changes in Sun Wukong just surprised them, then all the signs that appear on Sun Wukong have made them feel uneasy. The other party seems to be stepping out of them all the time. The step I wanted to take but didn’t take.

But just when the two of them were about to shoot. They found that Zuo Qingcang had stopped in front of the two of them.

“What does the donor mean?” Rulai’s eyes narrowed, and the hostility of the other party was now obvious.

But Zuo Qingcang just smiled and said, “Two people, stay here to watch a show.”

“You want us to stand by and watch?” Supreme Taoist coldly said: “The demon monkey got a fortuitous encounter. Now that the climate is gradually getting worse, if we don’t stop it, I’m afraid we won’t be able to stop him in the future. Does the little friend have a relationship with him?

Don’t allow Supreme Taoist to think so, Zuo Qingcang is awesome, but it is a little worse than him and Rulai. He couldn’t figure out how the other party would take the lead for Sun Wukong under such circumstances.

Especially to their realm, even if they really have friendship, it is impossible to be so strong.

Facing the doubts of Supreme Taoist and Rulai, Zuo Qingcang only slightly shook the head. Because of previous doubts and continuous coincidences, he spent a lot of energy checking the heels of this World, and now he finally figured out some things.

“I understand some things, some things that you have long wanted to figure out, but have never figured out.” Zuo Qingcang indifferently said: “If you are willing to stay here and see the end of the show, I don’t mind and You share these things and secrets. “

“Oh?” Rulai stood with one hand and slowly lowered his head: “What if we don’t want to?” His consciousness is moving at a high speed, and all kinds of information from Zuo Qingcang’s previous scenes have been continuously flowing into his High-speed operation in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

‘Where exactly is his confidence? Why dare to carry it with us at this time? Is it really encouraging? Still think we won’t turn our heads? ‘

In the face of such doubts, Zuo Qingcang coldly said: “If you don’t want to, then I can only find you and destroy you.”

The two Heavens and Earth’s Paragons were temporarily blocked by Zuo Qingcang, but the Celestial Court Buddhism’s many immortal Buddhas were not blocked. They were blasted by Sun Wukong one after another in Li Xiaoye, Pangu, Dianjun, and Hustle. At the same time, Man Tian Shen Buddha, who had been paying attention to this gambling game, also shot.

Cracks appeared in the sky, golden stage of the high-rise building, Diange Palace 阙 appeared with countless clouds one after another.

Jade Emperor, Taibai Jinxing, Guanyin, the four heavenly masters, barefooted gods and other gods shot at the same time, the violent power moved like the mountains and the sea moved towards Sun Wukong, but the approaching, the entire Dongsheng Divine Continent has completely collapsed, Only the area of ​​Luoyang was preserved because of the gap before the attack.

The sea surged wildly, and numerous seawater was directly washed up into the sky, forming a densely packed storm and rain.

There are cracks everywhere in the sky, and countless lightning Thunder Dragons wandering through them, emitting a devastating wave.

Even the other three continents in the distance shook, and the earthquake, volcano, and tsunami did not know how many lives were killed. It seemed that even the three continents would collapse into countless fragments anytime, anywhere.

The earth is shattered, the sky is collapsed, and the sky and the gods are all shooting together. Its power is enough to make anyone trembling in fear.

What is Heaven Falls and Earth Rends? This is the real Heaven Falls and Earth Rends.

The surviving people in Luoyang City, whether ordinary soldiers, ordinary people, or Martial Dao powerhouses such as Bi Xuan, Ning Dodge, and Fan Qinghui, or Li Shimin and Kou Ziling, all looked at this Doomsday scene in stun. Blank.

“Haha haha.” In the sky, Sun Wukong waved long halberd and laughed wildly: “Today’s grandson will slaughter the Three Realms and Six Paths to see who in this world dare to call immortal as ancestor.” (~ ^ ~)

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