Silent Killing

Chapter 795

Zuo Qingcang’s current method, for himself, only changed the source files of Rulai and Supreme Taoist with current and electronic signals.

For Rulai and Supreme Taoist and the others, it was Zuo Qingcang that directly shuttled the timeline, and has been going all the way back from now to the past, changing the source of everything.

But for Zuo Qingcang, he only knew the part that belonged to Rulai and Supreme Taoist among a large amount of data, and then read all the content of the other party.

For Rulai and Supreme Taoist, Zuo Qingcang changed the past, changed history, destroyed the original timeline, and created a new timeline.

But for Zuo Qingcang, he just added some new content and new variables to the data and files.

This is the gap brought about by the dimensions. Although the worlds of Rulai and Supreme Taoist are not different from the main universe of Zuo Qingcang in terms of various physical constants and data, but the world can be changed by changing the data, which basically shows that The difference between the two worlds.

And at the beginning, Zuo Qingcang always passed matter and energy to this World. He thought it was successful, but there was a problem in the reverse transmission, that is, this world could not transmit energy and matter to the outside, only pure information.

It is for this reason that he suspects that certain senses have confused himself with pure information, and this may be a virtual world.

“But such a world is not a real virtual world …” More and more data and information are constantly flowing in Zuo Qingcang’s mind.

The reason why Zuo Qingcang thinks this is that on the one hand, this virtual world is too real. To the limit of Zuo Qingcang’s own microworld, on this scale, every atom is as powerful as continuous, but he still cannot find two. Difference in this world.

What further made Zuo Qingcang realize this layer of confusion was the scene where he remembered stealing life Cong Yuanyue.

The meaning of that representation at this moment seems so out of the ordinary. He represents that someone can transfer matter and energy from this world, which means that this world may be true.

At the same time, he is now collecting data on this World. Observing the degree of Sun Wukong’s evolution, while trying to break through the ‘firewall’ of this world, I hope to find out what the foundation of this world is.

Instead of stopping Sun Wukong’s breakthrough, he intentionally promoted the strength of the other party. In order to observe the generation progress of the Quantum Organ and the various evolutions of the fifth distraction.

After all, it can increase the content of the entire world’s source files. At this point, he is already invincible.

As for Rulai and Supreme Taoist, look at this means of Zuo Qingcang. That was a direct shock.

The sense of confusion brought about in memory will not be said, and the method mastered by Zuo Qingcang seems to them that they can do whatever they want.

What’s more, until now, they did n’t understand how Zuo Qingcang did it without breaking through this world.

Combining Zuo Qingcang in the memory that was changed in the past, the figure of the other party has grown unknowingly many times.

Seeing the two faces changing constantly, Zuo Qingcang waved his hand and said, “Okay, don’t think about it, just watch the following battle before talking.”

The three set their sights on the battlefield again, but to be honest. With the exception of Zuo Qingcang, the other two were not as comfortable as before.

Think of someone who can change the past sitting next to themselves, how could they really calm down.

That ’s changing the past. This represents all the information, knowledge, experience, and cognition you receive now, which may have been intentionally caused by the other party.

Am I like this now? Has the past been changed again? Is all my behavior caught in the guidance of the other party, then I take what are you doing down here because of the choices that have been guided step by step.

What is true? What is fake? At this point, the two have fallen into infinite skepticism. Because when the past can change, then there seems to be nothing left to believe in the world.

But Zuo Qingcang doesn’t care what they think. He now looks at the battle in the world, but he sees with keen interest pleasure, and a lot of data is collected by him. Prepare yourself for future breakthroughs.


With a bang, Tuxian destroys the halberd and knocks it against the Giant Spirit God, just like a finger on the ant, the entire body of the Giant Spirit God is constantly being oppressed, squeezed, and finally turned into a mass of meat sauce Explosion, like a bloody spark in the sky.

Just so hard. The work of paused, thousands of heavenly soldiers moved towards Sun Wukong, and the densely packed golden light was integrated into one piece, but was long halberd dumped by Sun Wukong, and long halberd was instantly converted to 1000 meters in length, which directly swept out. A huge void.

In this sweep, I don’t know how much gravity Gravitation Force has borrowed by inverting Xumi’s method. Wherever I go, whether it is rubbed a little by the halberd, hit by the halberd’s tip, or touch None of them came across, but were oppressed by the air flow cut by Tu Xianxian’s halberd, and all the heavenly soldiers were swept directly into a sauce by a mask.

What mana passports, heavenly materials earthly treasures, and Divine Weapon were all crushed and crushed. In a sweep, the entire sky was bloody, and it was the numerous blood soldiers that burst into blood.

The four heavenly masters came together, Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning shone in the sky, all kinds of swords and sticks, and the magical Treasure of Yin Zhongqin Ding joined forces to form a purple Super Great Formation, bringing Sun Wukong to the side World is completely sealed.

12 Taiqing Jiuding four-phase array.

This is to directly play with space, using wormholes to completely connect the space-time gap of each and everyone, that is, no matter how forward or backward, left or right, you can never get out, no matter what speed and power sprint, you will only return In place.

Zhang Tianshi coldly shouted: “Monkey, don’t die!”

At the next moment, the entire seal space began to collapse. All rays of light, energy, matter, and information were squeezed together as the seal space contracted, and then exploded.

Dazzling rays of light shone through the world, and the dazzling rays of light seemed to raise a second Supreme Yang.

An endless stream of light, heat, shockwaves, matter, and information were ejected from it.

But just in this amazing scene, Ge Tianshi screamed, the whole person has been drawn into a powder by a halberd, the silhouette of Sun Wukong flashed, and then Wei Tianshi was pierced by the halberd’s belly , The whole person was divided into two halves.

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