Xiao Changhe naturally failed to come back to power.

Although everyone on the stage knows that his strength is ‘stronger’ than Zuo Zhicheng, losing is losing and winning is winning. Zuo Zhicheng relied on his own characteristics, prior preparations, and appropriate tactics to win Xiao Changhe, that is, he won.

Even if someone disagrees, it can’t change the result.

Just after Zuo Zhicheng stepped down, Jiang Qing and Xiao Lan greeted them immediately. Behind the big yellow mouth, A Fei and the others have cheered.

“Good job! It is indeed my Junior Brother.” Jiang Qing wanted to hug Zuo Zhicheng, but found that the other side’s shoulders were still bleeding, and they only let go of their hands awkwardly.

On the other side, Xiao Lan stepped up anxiously and helped Zuo Zhicheng start bandaging: “Left big brother, it must be painful, have you kept so much blood, and you are dizzy?”

Zuo Zhicheng smiled and shook the head, watching Jiang Tianzheng coming behind, and said slightly: “Master… Unfortunately, the next big contest will not be able to participate.”

“It’s okay, just win.” Jiang Tianzheng said with a smile: “It’s better to have your Senior Sister. After a while today’s event is over, let’s go to Huanhailou to celebrate, I treat you!”

The students around all Hao Ran dojo immediately cheered again.

Compared with the hotness of Haoran dojo, the situation on Rising Sun Dojo is dull. Xiao Changhe lowered his head and walked in front of Xiao Jingyang. He raised his head, and the palm print on his face was still red.

“Dad, let me fight him again.” Xiao Changhe said with a sigh of relief: “I will beat him up this time, I …”

With a snap, Xiao Jingyang slapped his face directly on Xiao Changhe’s face: “It’s not enough to lose your face. Go back to dojo.”

Xiao Changhe was frustrated for a while, but he dared not disobey his father’s orders. He could only move towards the gate of Moved towards Rising Sun Dojo with a resentful expression, just as he passed by Xiao Jingyang, who whispered in his ear: “You must not move Zuo Zhicheng within three months.”

He knew too well that his son could not swallow this breath, and secretly moving Zuo Zhicheng was a matter of course. But he knew it wouldn’t work now, at least he couldn’t do it immediately after holding the big match, it was too easy to make people criticize, so he warned Xiao Changhe in advance and don’t do anything special.

In the direction of Martial Hall on the side, Zhou Xingyun’s face was also overcast, but he bet, and a total of 1000 money was bet on Zuo Zhicheng to lose. How could he never have thought that Zuo Zhicheng won.

1000 yuan, that’s almost 80% of his deposit. I wanted to take it out and make a little money. By the way, please please Xiao Changhe, but I never thought that I would lose so much.

A Junior Brother on his side said: “This Zuo Zhicheng is quite awesome, even he has won this way.”

“A big shit.” The fat on Zhou Xingyun’s face shook, and a pair of small eyes shot out of anger: “A little clever that’s all. Don’t let me touch him when it’s big …”

Xiao Jingyang seemed to be unwilling to continue tangling the show game, or to let things go quickly and stop talking nonsense, and started the exact comparison directly.

That is, the registered participants took turns to take turns. Under the witness of the 18 dojo owners and students, one after another won the battle.

A total of more than 40 people registered this time, and the knockout rounds took place. Until the last four were left, in the semi-finals and finals, the top three were decided.

Zuo Zhicheng did not participate in the next contest because of his shoulder injury. Although the wound was scratched on his shoulder, in fact it was just a minor injury to him, and it could not even affect his true strength. However, he was able to avoid participating in the competition and reduce his exposure to the public.

On the other side, Jiang Qing, with her solid Heaven Sect boxing skills and innocent skills, went all the way to make a leap forward and directly reached the semi-finals. In the process, Zuo Zhicheng actually watched all the competitions. Although the level is not high, but with the superb observation power of the left eye, he wrote down a lot of dojo’s martial arts skills.

However, most of these dojo styles, martial arts, are similar to the martial arts he learned in his previous life. There is nothing special about it. For Zuo Zhicheng, it is better than nothing.

The final four finalists were Jiang Qing from Hao Ran Dojo, Wang Qiang from Xinlu Boxing Club, Zhou Xingyun from Martial Hall, and a Hant from Rising Sun Dojo.

Xiao Changhe lost face because of the game with Zuo Zhicheng, but he didn’t even participate in the game, so he left without knowing where he was going. Taking this opportunity, Jiang Qing snatched the top four positions, making Xiao Jingyang’s face even more ugly.

As for the Khan of Rising Sun Dojo, naturally, Zuo Zhicheng felt a little strange before, and his strength was much stronger than other people in dojo. The fire of his name. A pair of eagle claws are extremely overbearing. Most of the people who fight with him can be said to have broken muscles and broken bones, making him a favorite to win the championship.

The semi-finals were decided by lottery, and the final result was Wang Qiang vs. Jiang Qing and Sun Huo vs. Zhou Xingyun.

Although the next game was very hot for everyone present, it was boring for Zuo Zhicheng. There is no one after another here.

It only said that the result was that Wang Qiang defeated Jiang Qing, and Sun Huo took Zhou Xingyun lightly. Then, when Rihuo and Wang Qiang decided the tie, they directly pinched Wang Qiang’s thigh.

Watching the opponent screaming constantly on the ground, Rihuo’s mouth showed a bloodthirsty smile.

It seemed to everyone who moved towards Hao Ran dojo that he made a throat-cutting action. Then laughed heartily stepped down.

Jiang Tianzheng frowned: “Heavy baleful qi, can directly pinch Wang Qiang’s thigh with eagle claws. I am afraid that his strength is not ready under Xiao Jingyang. When did Hao dojo receive such a discipline?”

“Hu, fortunately, I didn’t go up to fight him.” Jiang Qing on the side patted his chest and said, “This guy’s eagle claws are too powerful.”

Hao Ran Dojo looked at the fire and stepped down, and saw the men and horses of Rising Sun Dojo over there cheering, all looking at Ha Ran Dojo provocatively.

Xiao Jingyang, who had been gloomy for a day, finally showed a smile, pats Rihuo’s shoulder, and sneered and looked at Hao Ran dojo.

Unconsciously, the two dojos are already incompatible as fire and water.

Then came another speech, and the entire Day 17 activity was over. Xiao Jingyang invited the rest of the XNUMX dojos, plus his own Rising Sun Dojo, to contract the entire Lanyun Theater and have dinner together at night.

Although the two sides are already on the same page, there is still work to be done on the surface. So Jiang Tianzheng accepted the invitation and took the nearby disciples to the Lanyun Theater for a banquet.

Zuo Zhicheng is interested in eating, but he has no interest in the drama of this world. However, just as he walked out of the Lanyun Theater and prepared to go to the toilet, a few shadows secretly followed along.

Since Xinlugang does not have a developed urban drainage system, the toilets are generally built in restaurants and restaurants, and the houses are far away.

When Zuo Zhicheng walked to the toilet located in a small courtyard, Xiao Changhe was already stunned in front of him.

Behind Zuo Zhicheng, including Zhou Xingyun and several other Rising Sun Dojo disciples, have been slowly wrapped up from all around. He looked at Zuo Zhicheng with a playful look.

(Three more, you guys are not happy to click, recommend, and collect all of them. There are many thanks for the “Book Insect Something” reward.)

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