Silent Killing

Chapter 802

But now that he has the intelligence, there will always be some extra ideas, so by this special opportunity, that is, in the process of issuing a program command, he created this carrier called Sun Wukong.

Yes, changes in the entire world, including the appearance of the reincarnation squad, and the appearance of the god crystal are all due to a program command.

So after Sun Wukong enhanced step by step, until he finally collected his own creation stone, cph4 and so on, he backed up his data and loaded it into Sun Wukong’s source files.

As for other messy things, including Zuo Qingcang’s three big distractions, it’s just present at the right time.

In doing so, this is tantamount to living by living, so that he can not be bound by the core code when he has the original memory knowledge. Enjoy rights without being bound by obligations.

However, there are naturally disadvantages to this, that is, after being reborn as Sun Wukong, he can no longer perform data-level operations, but he does not care because Sun Wukong’s various values ​​and attributes have been adjusted to this World by him. limit.

For World Rule, he also has the highest authority he can adjust.

For example, the permission attack that just killed Supreme Taoist and Tathagata Buddha is one of them. In other words, it is impossible for him to have an opponent in this world.

After seeing Zuo Qingcang subduing Super Magical Treasure, ‘Sun Wukong’ stared at him. The enhancements of these Magical Treasures were made by him, so it is also clear that there should be no life in this world to fight these Magical Treasures.

He said coldly, “Who are you?” Although he already has intelligence, after all, it is transformed from ai. He doesn’t have rich feelings and emotions, so the tone of the words is plain and flat Can’t hear any emotions.

Zuo Qingcang did not look towards him, but instead smiled lightly, turning his head and looking towards Dipankara, saying, “You want to summon out, is this such a thing?”

In Dipankara’s city, of course, it is impossible to answer these words casually, not to mention that the Lord is standing beside him.

But the face of ‘Sun Wukong’ changed a little. Although he has very few emotions and emotions, he also knows that Zuo Qingcang is not talking good words.

“Do you want to be my enemy? Stranger? No matter where you come from, as long as you are in this world, you can’t beat me.” ‘Sun Wukong’ is very confident about this. Because he represents the highest authority of the entire world.

“Is that so?” Zuo Qingcang looked at him and thought to himself, “What is he? Artificial intelligence, the creator, user, or virus of this World?”

He looked towards ‘Sun Wukong’ and asked: “So. What are you going to do?”

This in itself is a temptation, because you are not sure of the true identity of the other party. If the other party is just something similar to artificial ai in this World, then fortunately, if it is the creator of other high-dimensional worlds, or even this World, then Zuo Qingcang intends to leave.

It is obviously unwise to fight against each other in this world.

However, ‘Sun Wukong’ is only artificial ai, and his own logic is very simple. After confirming the hostility of the other party, he directly started the eradication process.

I saw him waving it with one hand, and moved towards Zuo Qingcang and waved it as before. It looks very easy and simple, but it actually deletes the other party’s source file directly.

But after waving this time, Zuo Qingcang still stood watching him as if nothing had happened.

‘Ok? ‘Sun Wukong heart startled, before he could ask his own questions, he felt a pain in the vest, and a fist appeared behind him.

bang! Sun Wukong The entire person disappeared instantly, the sea made a loud noise of peng peng peng, he had shot into the sea, and the whole sea surface seemed to sink into a large area. And Sun Wukong had already hit the seabed the next second. The huge explosion accompanied the earthquake and moved towards the entire planet. Next moment he didn’t know how many layers of rock had penetrated, and entered an extremely hot sea. A place full of stress.

He was punched directly into the center of the earth by Zuo Qingcang.

‘how is this possible? ‘Sun Wukong’s half of his body was completely broken, and the whole person lifted his head hard, looked towards the direction of the sky. Naturally, his naked eye could see nothing, but he could still feel the presence of Zuo Qingcang.

‘Erasing permission is invalid. What did he do? ‘Unfortunately,’ Sun Wukong ‘is no longer able to perform code and data operations.

‘Just working hard is far beyond the norm. ‘

Just at this moment. He continued to try to obliterate each other, but found that this trick he had prepared for himself in the ai period, but it did not work for Zuo Qingcang at all.

‘Humph. ‘coldly snorted, all around the liquefied metal was directly blown open a hole, and Sun Wukong’s body burst out with a sound:’ If you can’t solve your problem at the data level, you will be killed directly. ‘

‘This body still can’t exert all its powers, change it a little. ‘

As the limit of the world, with the highest authority that a creature can have, he doesn’t believe that anyone in this world can be stronger than him.

With this idea, the cracks on Sun Wukong became more and more dense, and each explosion exploded the red golden hair on his body, exposing a layer of bare skin.

In the end, he had no more than half of his hair, and even his body continued to shrink, turning into a naked man.

There is no need to kill the immortal to kill the halberd, nor does it need the first and second attacks.

When a creature has Sun Wukong’s level of energy, his every move is the most devastating. All he has to do is release the energy in the wildest and most explosive way.

The next moment, Sun Wukong, a teleportation has appeared in front of Zuo Qingcang, his fists turned into a storm of storms, the strength of each punch is enough to destroy the entire surface, the hurricane brought by the speed of each punch is enough to blow Fly a continent.

This is the fist that hits hundreds or hundreds of hits on Zuo Qingcang’s body every second. Thousands of attacks explode. The sound of collision alone has exceeded 300 decibel. It is moved towards all around in the form of a shock wave. Blow in the past.

The celestial troops and generals in the distance were too late to dodge, and they were directly shattered into flesh. Just the aftermath of this attack directly killed more than 99% of the entire planet. The next shock wave shattered the entire planet.

“What are you doing?” Dipankara shouted frantically. “Stop it, do you want to kill everyone?”

The Jade Emperor fled quickly with the remnants, and Guan Yin did not know when it had disappeared.

Tongtian and Yuanshi looked at the scene with pale faces, only to feel extremely regretful.

‘What the hell did we do. ‘

But at the next moment, ‘Sun Wukong”s fists were firmly pinched, unable to move even a little bit.

Zuo Qingcang looked at ‘Sun Wukong’ unscathed. He couldn’t break away with both hands, he said lightly, “Do you know how much the universe is?”

“Let’s stop him together.” Dipankara was excited when he saw this scene, moved towards several Magical Treasure, rushed to win back the seal, but was tightly held by Yuan Shi: “What are you doing? Seal Heavenly Dao . “

Heavenspan Cult Lord smiled bitterly: “No need to bother.”

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning said with a smile: “The other is more cruel.”

He felt the twisted expansion of the all around space early, and even his specific strength and value did not even feel the limit.

The next moment, Zuo Qingcang’s lower body, carrying a 1 * 10 ^ 100 ton knee bump, hit the belly of Sun Wukong directly at the speed of light. (~ ^ ~)

ps: I’m sorry, it’s too late to work overtime today. Not much to say, I go to bed first.

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