Silent Killing

Chapter 810

This is just the beginning. The next moment is as loud as Zuo Qingcang. The entire gray city is painted like a flower garden in a flash. The multicolored color is released from the city center in more than ten minutes. Then it spreads across the city.

The Zuo Qingcang moved towards the Han people on the earth said, “From today on, I will be your ruler.”

“Now, enter this city and accept the strength I give you.”

Next comes all kinds of hydropower, energy, signals, electrical equipment and so on.

These refined things took more time from Zuo Qingcang. It was not until five days later that a city far beyond the technology of this era really appeared on the ruins of Beijing.

Looking at this miraculous scene, all the people now living in the city have been numb to their nerves because of continuous shocks.

What toilets spray water themselves, electric lights more beautiful than diamonds, elevators that can go up and down, are technology products they have never seen before.

In fact, there is a wealth of technology stocks in the Second World. The entire Earth technology was taken away by Zuo Qingcang, plus the scientific knowledge in the main universe, the relatively complete technology tree sent by the refuge, and collected on Titan Star. Obtained a large amount of information.

At this time, the scientific and technological achievements stored in his brain can be called vast as the open sea.

It’s just that in the past, Zuo Qingcang spent most of his energy on improving his own strength. Not at all, he spent too much time on improving these, or personally manufacturing high-volume technology products.

But now that he is required to occupy the world and find clues, naturally he needs to improve his forces, so he directly created this new Beijing city.

After connecting the Han people one after another to this high-tech city, Zuo Qingcang simply formed them into a team.

Food was moved directly from the colony at the speed of light.

The population moved directly from the major forces at the speed of light.

Various materials are also directly carried over.

Every day, more than a dozen satellites were launched, helping Zuo Qingcang gather intelligence and monitor the situation around the world.

Various weapons, vehicles, equipment, tools. All were ordered by Zuo Qingcang to build 121 Infinite Stars at will.

These 121 pillars surrounding Beijing have become the best defense system, and they also take on different manufacturing tasks.

With a population of Beijing breaking through five hundred thousand, Zuo Qingcang cannot possibly brainwash a few hundred people. So he just hypnotized 3000 people and spent a lot of energy to teach them some basic common sense and some tool operation skills. As the number increases, it has become very important to transfer memory and brainwash to so many people It’s difficult.

Only 3000 people can lead the education of the rest.

On the other hand, to accelerate progress. He also started to manufacture a large number of nano-robots. With the help of Jing Zeyue’s Poisonous Insect technology and the Nano insect technology of Second Universe, a large number of nano-robots were manufactured, and then injected into the inside of everyone for auxiliary operations and networking.

A few days later, the artificial intelligence Athena, which was copied into his brain, was also reproduced. It was directly used to assist the nano insects of hundreds of people within the body, helping these ancient people adapt to modern life and intelligently operate various high-tech equipment.

The completion of nano insect. Greatly accelerated the development and operation speed of the entire Beijing city, and greatly reduced the burden of Zuo Qingcang.

So the next cloning technology, artificial food, various high-strength materials, nuclear fusion engine and other technologies were unlocked by one after another. A large number of military weapons have begun to be streamlined.

With the increasing number of nano insects, the development speed of Beijing is getting faster and faster.

When he came to Zuo Qingcang, a realm, when he focused on himself, he was extremely powerful enough to bring about a super warrior who could kill without limit. And as long as he is willing to calm down to develop, it is carrying a number of civilized super technology. Become a Spiritual God who can create a brand new super country in an instant.

Now, from ancient to modern Beijing, Zuo Qingcang has only spent half a month.

But the entire East Asia, or the entire world, has not yet known that a terrifying force has risen on the Chinese land.

Western world. They are still immersed in the huge victory of the war of aggression against China, or they have just realized that something is wrong.


“What’s going on? Why hasn’t Edward heard back from us yet?” British Prime Minister Salisbury smashed the table in front of him like an angry lion.

The expeditionary force sent to the Qing Dynasty has lost contact for more than 20 days, so a large army has disappeared.

So all kinds of rumors were flying all over, what Edward became the king by himself, and what the Boxers regained. What Qing dynasty army completely wiped out the Allied Powers of the Eight Kingdoms, and even more outrageously said that the Spiritual God dropping from the sky wiped out all the Eight Powers.

As the world’s number one powerhouse, with the world’s largest naval fleet and countless wealth, the colony, Queen Victoria, has grown old and died soon.

At this moment the British Prime Minister is truly the real power.

Just as everyone under the table endured the reprimand of the British Prime Minister, an intelligence officer walked in through the checkpoints.

“The Prime Minister, the latest news from East Asia.” The intelligence officer’s face was a bit ugly, because even he himself did not believe the information he received: “The army commanded by His Excellency Edward may have been wiped out.”

“What?” Salisbury was the first to disbelieve, and he calculated in his mind: ‘The high-level of the Qing Dynasty was rotten, the army was broken to withstand a single blow, and even our British Empire could defeat them.

Is it the French, the Russians, or the Germans? ‘

He instantly thought that people in other countries were behind the black hands. After all, the Qing Dynasty had been weak for a long time, and even now it has defeated only one battle in the foreign war with the West, and the result of the victory is still land compensation.

This is a sunset, a country destined to be divided up by us.

However, the response of the intelligence personnel made Salisbury feel incredible.

“The Allied Powers were defeated by the meteorite dropping from the sky, and the Qing people did not know what magic was used, and within a few days they built a new city on the earth.”

Salisbury laughed out loud, followed by the majestic assaults the senses, staring at the intelligence staff in front of him, saying, “Sir, do you think it’s time to joke? Intelligence, I can see ten or eight articles in a small tabloid in London. The annual financial allocation is not for you to compose stories for me. “

“Sir, I’m not at all kidding. Although it sounds very nonsense and impossible, but this is likely to be the truth of the incident.” Then, the intelligence officer took a document out of his arms: “This is what we are in Secret documents and photos taken only after sacrifice of dozens of spy agents. “(~ ^ ~)

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