Silent Killing

Chapter 821

Superman’s lowered head slowly lifted up, super vision penetrated the entire sky, took all the mechanical Legion into the eyes, and looked at the life that was destroyed every second every hour. ∈♀,

In the entire world, quantum transmission doors are opened over every big city, massive mechanical Legion is born from it, the government ’s army is declining, and life is dying every moment.

In Clark’s ears, countless sorrows, roars, child crying, roar of women, and screams of soldiers kept coming.

Regardless of whether more power is exerted, the entire Earth at this time has already become hell.

“You’re right, Lightning, I have no choice.”

At the next moment, Clark’s constant restraint was slowly released, and the entire planet and the entire atmosphere shuddered.


“I walk in the darkness.”

“Incarnation is the king of the night, watching my palace.”

“I’ve seen the cruelest thing in this world.”

“I’ve seen horrible monsters in human skin.”

“So I know humans, and I know that everyone has a shadow that cannot be erased.”

“It’s like the wild beast in the Black Forest, waiting for someone to die.”

“But one person, he is different.”

“No matter what time, no matter where he is, even in the hell, he can’t see the slightest fear in his eyes.”

“He went to light and hope.”



The awful light sound, the black bat machine has crossed the sky over North America, and directly moved towards the watchtower in the sky.

Watchtower, the Justice League, an organization established by Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the others, is an important stronghold in Earth’s terrestrial space.

Batman clicked the button on the plane and jumped out of Steward Alfred’s silhouette: “Young Master. It looks like your battle with Mr. Kent is over.”

“It’s not a joke time, Alfred.” Batman users left the t-tower’s backdoor in advance to open the t-tower entrance and park the bat fighter in.

“The Robot Corps at the Metropolis is by no means simple. I have never seen their information in any of the materials. We will encounter a brand new strange and powerful enemy.”

“Um, I’m afraid you are right.”

Batman browses tightly knit. Clicking on the screen opens a large number of windows, and you can see various videos, news, and websites covering the world.

When Superman and the others were suppressed by the mechanical Legion and fell into a hard battle, quantum transmission gates appeared in Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, London, and over the world. A large number of mechanical corps continued to emerge from the heavy, and a large number of them were mixed. Mercury Golem.

Batman right hand connected, framed the mercury golem in the screen, but found that monitoring devices and military spy satellites around the world could not detect the structure.

“Almost absolutely smooth surfaces, most of the detected electromagnetic waves are reflected.”

Alfred sighed: “The situation is very bad, Young Master. Just now a part of the Mechanical Corps attacked the Arkham Asylum. I’m afraid we have some old friends out. Damian Young Master has already investigated the situation.”

Hearing his son travelling to Arkham alone, Batman had to paused his feet slightly, and the next moment continued to move towards the depths of the watchtower as if nothing had happened.

Damian Wayne, the son of Batman Bruce Wayne and Talia Ogu, the daughter of the leader of the Assassin League, Rather Agu.

He was trained as a super warrior since urinating. From the age of 7, the first thing to do every morning is to practice shooting. He can disassemble all conventional light weapons with his bare hands. He is now staying with Batman as a new generation of Robin.

Batman turned on Damian’s communicator instantly: “Damian. No matter where you are. Stop your action immediately, don’t approach Arkham. Go back to Bat Cave and wait for my order.”

Arkham Asylum, a large number of villains uniformed in Batman’s normal battle, including clowns, frozen people, penguins, and clay figures. Super criminals such as Riddler, Poison Ivy, etc. are one of the most terrifying places in the world.

“Oh, do you think I’m an eight-year-old child? I’ve had enough of your orders.” Damian’s soft voice came over, making Batman frown again: “This time I only listen to myself Yes, before you return. I’ll smash those stupid guys and they will dance in line to greet your dean, or a truckload of minced meat is better? They should have died. “

“Damian, listen, you have no right to kill anyone, and the training you have received is not enough …”

A slam, the communicator has been closed opposite, and at the same time Batman coldly snorted, opening the front door of the closet.

‘Damian …’ Although he was worried about the safety of his son, he had more important things to do at this moment.

But at this moment, there was a sound of metal clasps coming from behind, and Batman turned around and saw the semi-mechanical and semi-human steel bones aimed at him with the right hand sonic cannon.

Because of the break and battle between Batman and Superman before, Steel Bone replaced Batman to supervise the watchtower during this time. When he saw Batman in front of him, he said, “Bruce, don’t force me to do it.”

“Steel, the civil war is over, and Earth is in dire straits, not when we are fighting.”

Just when the steel bone was hesitating a little, a sudden strong electric field was emitted from the machinery inside the body, making the steel bone screaming and falling down.

“Ah …” Steel Bone fell to his knees, flashing data streams in his eyes, he was surprised: “What did you do to me?”

“I’ve been left with tracking and countermeasures in your cyberspace system, and I can’t believe anyone who uses alien technology without reservations.” Batman said indifferently, while putting control in the palm of his hand The device quietly received it back.

Steel Bone grinned and said, “Your truth is still so sad, Bruce.”

Just then, the entire tower suddenly shook, and Steel and Bruce fell to the ground at the same time.

“what happened?”

The next moment both of them had reacted. Batman sprinted to the huge glass of the watchtower, looking towards the direction of the American metropolis, and a huge mushroom cloud was slowly rising.

“In the direction of the metropolis, a tremendous energy response was detected.”

The sound of steel bones rang back, and Batman stood up, his eyes narrowed slightly: “Is that you, my old friend.”

“Inconceivable, the reactions of all the Robot Corps throughout the metropolis have disappeared.”

“What did they do?”


On the other side of the earth, Zuo Qingcang slowly raised his head and looked at the red light and shadow in the sky, which was the residual image left by the speed.

Even with his strength, when he saw what the other party was doing at the moment, he couldn’t help but be slightly surprised, and said in a low voice, “Great.”

The next moment, he extended the hand, pointing in the direction of the sky.

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