Silent Killing

Chapter 829

But Bai Chou didn’t come to kill him after all. In this hell-like environment, Zuo Qingcang was able to see more than 50 meters of his life, and a slab door was firmly on the ground.

In this extreme environment of a neutron star, it is obviously very abnormal to be able to see this obviously artificial thing.

Zuo Qingcang’s body moved towards the gate slowly, because of the relationship between the dark sky, and now his body is wrapped in layers of space barriers. The imaginary space is used to hard-top the high temperature of the neutron star and the Gravitation Force.

So he moved by relying on the Gravitation Force, and it was too difficult to manipulate the Gravitation Force in a place like neutron star.

Just like surfing in a tsunami, the speed of Zuo Qingcang is only about the speed of an ordinary person’s long-distance running, which makes Zuo Qingcang, who is accustomed to high-speed sports, slightly uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the stone gate is not far away. He soon floated over a distance of 50 meters and came to the sky gate.

It was a stone gate that hit the ground, the door was open, and the two door panels were firmly attached to the sides of the underground passage. It seemed to be connected to the rock wall. It was a long Gravitation Force squeeze. Pressure effect.

‘It looks like this door has been open for some time. ‘

Zuo Qingcang looked at the entrance of the black hole. The entire neutron star was always black because of the continuous emission line. This made him unable to observe the stone gate and the underpass by relying on visible light, that is, naked eye.

But finally, the True Yuan fluctuation has a more than a hundred meters effect, allowing him to sense how long a five meters channel is behind the door, and then a hall.

And in the hall, there seemed to be someone there.

The entangled mimicry still works, Zuo Qingcang slightly sensed, exceeded the speed of light, not at all, was affected by the neutron star, so he settled down and moved towards the underground hall.

In the darkness, under the detection of True Yuan’s wave, a silhouette is facing away from Zuo Qingcang, eyes fixed on the stone wall at the end of the hall. It seemed to have the secrets he wanted to know anyway.

And beside the silhouette, there is a narrow coffin. This coffin does not know what material it is made of, and it can remain as it is on the neutron star. There are even a lot of complicated and delicate lines on it.

Zuo Qingcang lands gently, standing behind the silhouette not at all speaking, the other party doesn’t seem to care about his arrival, his eyes are still staring at the wall in front of him, it seems that all attention is focused on this wall.

Zuo Qingcang simply moved towards stone wall and looked. I just felt that the stone wall was smooth and there were neither statues nor nicks. It seemed that there was nothing.

He squinted his eyes slightly, True Yuan waved back and forth against the stone wall, his left eye also zoomed slightly, and observed the structure of the stone wall through the dark sky and the connection points of the imaginary space.

With such a two-pronged approach, he did see something.

The entire stone wall is not empty, but on the part where naked eye is hard to see. It has large and small hundreds of dotted dents and scribe marks.

But these traces are just like left by nature, and it seems that the stone wall itself is rough, so you can’t see anything that makes people completely puzzled.

At this moment, the person who had been facing Zuo Qingcang turned his head and looked at him with a side face.

It looked like a young man with a thin cheek. His white inch was close to the scalp, his back was like a javelin, his eyes were like two black holes, and he sucked in all the substances around him.

Zuo Qingcang also noticed that the other side not only fleshhy body survived directly on the neutron star. Even the clothes on his body were unscathed, revealing unfathomable strength.

“I’m not interested in your identity, and you don’t have to tell me your name.”

“I teach, you learn. It’s that simple. As much as you can learn, it depends on your own understanding.”

The man did not speak, but the electromagnetic wave with the signal had been directly directed to Zuo Qingcang, and was then absorbed by the other party.

In fact, in places like neutron stars, it is impossible to speak in such ways as vocal cords and air vibrations. The two rely on electromagnetic models to communicate like computers, which is the truth.

Zuo Qingcang nodded said he understood that the man turned his head back and looked at the stone wall in front of him. Indifferently said: “Follow this.”

While speaking, a bracer was brought to Zuo Qingcang.

The man said indifferently: “This is called the Gravitation Force wrist brace. I adjusted it to the normal Gravitation Force. You bring it up and remove your body.”

Zuo Qingcang also knew that he could not always use the imaginary space to hard-top the neutron star. This wristband came just right. After he brought it, he found the above buttons. After clicking the start button, he tried to remove Dahei. God, it turned out to be a more normal Gravitation Force environment.

After looking at the number buttons on the wristband, he sighed in his heart that the technology content of this wristband is simply unparalleled, so can the man in front of him also move freely on the surface of neutron stars through this thing?

Despite this speculation, Zuo Qingcang’s intuition told him that this was not the case.

Seeing that he put his wrist on, the man went on to say, “Tell me what you have learned before.”

Zuo Qingcang didn’t hesitate. He came here to learn. The strength of the other party was unfathomable. He had nothing to hide and cover up. It would only hinder his learning. So he immediately learned his Taoism. , Martial arts one after another explained it, and demonstrated it by hand.

In this demonstration, he found that under the neutron star environment, the Gravitation Force and electromagnetic fields around all around are too violent, and there can be a turbulent flow of energy and rays everywhere. The material is extremely hard under the squeeze of the Gravitation Force. , Making his use of martial arts Taoism here weakened countless times.

The martial arts of Zuo Qingcang will be too many. Even if it is a brief overview, this explanation and demonstration took him more than three hours.

“In the end, the excited the speed of light of the entangled mimicry hit. I used the quantum theory combined with Martial Dao to cultivate the attack method.”

Zuo Qingcang pointed out that a huge force was transmitted directly to the ground of ten meters in front of the speed of light, but it was enough to create an eighth magnitude earthquake and destroy a city’s terrorist force, but it only hit a neutron star on the ground. naked eye dents.

In the previous martial arts Taoism, men were all expressionless in the future, but when Zuo Qingcang exhibited the entangled mimicry attack method, a gleam appeared in the eyes of the man.

“Interesting, is this your own martial arts?”

Zuo Qingcang hesitated a bit, this thing is a kind of homemade martial arts of Void Refining realm, it is no problem, but he first heard others describe his ability, nodded. (~ ^ ~)

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