Silent Killing

Chapter 833

On the other hand, Great Qi also publicly released all the martial arts manuals reserved by the royal family. At this critical moment, there was no time to consider other interests.

As for other d-type machines, technologies such as Mizuo and so on, they have been communicated without reservation.

Three Great Influences united, and soon suppressed the green tide that invaded most of the new continent, and set off a counterattack all the way, almost destroying the plant army in front of them.

But the two green art men finally came again.

Void Refining Master Marcas killed …

After the wind, it was burned into fly ash by plasma explosion …

Pale Guard died after leading the three …

In the face of the horrible strength of two Greenswords, too many powerhouses fell, too many troops collapsed, and humankind ushered in a dark age never before spoken. 90% of Earth’s territory was green Wrap, the last resistance is concentrated here, and eventually the fortress Haijing, humanity will usher in the battle of Life and Death.

The two men slowly floated in the sky, but although they looked like humans, they were covered by green.

The composition of unknown organizations, and the body is also wearing dark green armor, which is a collection of countless high-tech combat clothing.

And their faces did not seem to have anything to do with humans, just countless cracks and dents, barely seemingly able to see that it was a face.

One of them said indifferently with an unknown infrasound wave: “I did not expect that the life of this planet surpassed expectations in battle strength. The most powerful name, almost Level 10 Interstellar Soldier, was born here. On the original planet. “

Another said: “I found a lot of hi-tech relics and traces of technological transformation. Either their civilization has declined, or other higher civilizations have helped them.”

“It doesn’t matter. Occupy this planet, and by the way, get rid of the remaining ants and deal with the consequences.”

“There is also an unknown powerhouse that has not shot.” The speaker subconsciously looked at the moon in the sky, and the huge ‘left’ above it was still clearly visible: “If he can do this kind of thing, his strength will not be too great. weak.”

Another said: “hmph, I haven’t seen it for almost three months. I don’t think this guy is strong, not even the courage to fight. Such a person’s strength is strong, and his battle strength is also limited.

It also wastes us so long to test. “

The green star ‘miao’ nodded, looked towards the constantly pulsating green forest, and numerous tentacles are moving towards the ground, which is to control the entire Earth ‘Green Robbery’ weapon system.

“You control the” Green Robbery “and leave the rest to me.”

“Don’t play too much.

The crack on the face of another green star, ‘Wood’, shook, and seemed to be laughing. Then moved towards Haijing City slowly flew away, and the green flames sprayed a plasma flame suddenly, making him quickly approach the direction of Haijing City.

“There is something coming!”

“It’s the monster that is attacking!”

“All ready!”

Haijing City quickly realized this, and the whole city seemed to be moving.

Ayue frowned and asked, “Are there any news from Teacher?”

Zhu Bang smiled and shook the head.

“What about Northern Demon Sect? What about the remains of Ghostcry Valley?” Ayue asked again.

Zhu Bang sighed. Although he didn’t say anything, the answer was already obvious.

“Damn, why at this critical moment, why none of them could be contacted. None of them had any feedback.” Ayue also heard Zuo Qingcang talk about North Demon Sect and Prometheus, but now it doesn’t matter Zuo Qingcang. Prometheus is still the North Demon Sect, with no news at all.

In the sky, facing countless huge guns, electromagnetic guns, and laser weapons that were adjusted to oneself, the wood just landed slowly. Randomly stood 500 meters in front of Haijing City.

With his action, the green plant Legion stopped attacking and slowly receded to the rear, and more and more weapons at the head of Haijing City were aimed at the wooden position.

Mu can hit Haijing City directly at high altitude, and wipe Haijing City like crushing ants, but it is more so than that. He likes it now a little bit of the last hope of a civilization.

The crack on his face shook slightly, and with the movement of the air, a twisted voice moved towards Haijingcheng head.

“Earth, are you ready to die?”

A month of coldly snorted, the ability of Life-Chart Nine Hells Thunder Army was launched. Between the arc flashes, a long armor bomb was directly generated and moved towards the body of Mach at a speed of three Mach.

The armor-piercing projectile enough to smash a bunker in a moment hit a foot in front of the green man, but was blocked by a thick plasma shield.

All around the ground turned into a piece of scorched earth, a thick layer of soil was lifted to the sky, and the wood in the plasma shield was of course intact.

“Hehe, Earth people, don’t worry, we still have a lot of time, a lot of time to slowly greet you and feel your despair.” Mu waved his hand: “Play with my pet first.

next moment, each and everyone giants covered with wood vines all over and out of the green forest, these giants over ten meters each step on the ground will cause a series of vibrations.

Ayue’s pupil contracted slightly, her hand waved, and shouted at the communicator: “Fire!”

Instantly, thousands of giant fortress cannons fired at the same time, and huge warheads densely packed formed a sea of ​​metal death, and moved towards the giant Legion covered the past.

But these giants seemed to be composed of ordinary trees, but in fact, numerous huge warheads hit them at several times the speed of sound, but they couldn’t even make a mark.

Only the laser weapons and plasma rays mixed in the main gun can barely defeat these giants, but it only melts some skins or several parts, and the effect is very limited.


“How can it be!”

Seeing the shocked expression of everyone in Haijing City, Mu heart sneered secretly: “The entire body of the wood Divine Weapon is composed of special super steel wood, the hardness and toughness are far above the steel, but it is not easy to destroy Dropped. “

Seeing that when the wood Divine Weapon was about to ascend the city wall, the ground at the foot of ‘wood’ suddenly cracked, and an incomparable gigantic palm suddenly protruded from the ground, grabbing the entire body of the wood into the palm of his hand.


With the loud sound coming from the palm of giant palm, a huge silhouette emerged from the ground.

It was a giant made up of countless steel and boulders. This giant, more than 50 meters tall, was Xu Hongfei who launched the Life-Chart steel rock mover.

In the roar, hundreds of tons of force were continuously squeezed out of his huge palms. At the same time, the gravity changed sharply. While increasing its hardness three times again, plus the previous strength, More than a million tons of violence moved towards Mu’s body fiercely run away.

The plasma shield shattered in a split second, and was squeezed and burst. The palms of the two hands were slammed together like two buildings, accompanied by scattered shock waves, placing the purest violent strikes on the wood.

However, at the next moment, the blazing white light spread directly from Xu Hongfei’s palm, turning his palms into flying ash in an instant, and what came out of it was exactly as it should be by rights.

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