Silent Killing

Chapter 840

Brother Li watched Prometheus slowly drop a layer of epidermis, and secretly analyzed:

“From the outside to the inside, time and space are completely different.

In other words, the time velocity of each layer of skin is also different. Before the damage passes through the epidermis, as long as one layer of skin is shed, the opponent’s attack can be invalidated … “

This is just Prometheus’s own martial arts. When the river flows, it is like a long river that spans the past, the present, and the future, and holds Prometheus firmly in it.

Prometheus tickled his fingers towards Mumu with a smile. “How about? Let’s go on, it’s almost five minutes,” said his hand with a slight stroke. Zhu Bang and Ji Nanxian had been sent out of several hundred meters away.

“Thank you. Leave the rest to us.”

During the whole process, Mu’s body didn’t dare to move at all. Prometheus said with a smile: “Brother Li, do you help me lift the seal, just to deal with this kind of garbage?”

“They are just present at the right time.”

On the other side, a strong sense of crisis sounded in Mu’s heart.

“Trouble, really big trouble, why is there this level of powerhouse on this primitive planet.”

“Why does such a guy appear here?”

“What the hell is Miao doing? Why haven’t they come to support?”

Just as he was in a dilemma of desperate situation, a trace of energy was generated at the core of the wood, and the message of another green man seedling came: “Wood, are you alive? These two guys are a bit dangerous.

I have controlled the Green Robbery to invade the center of the earth, and then I will start the center of gravity, but this will take time.

Now use the wireless transmission method to transmit geocentric energy to you. You use the green robbery to help me delay time. “

Hearing Miao’s words, Mu’s heart was pleased: “Is the geocentric overload mode? Although high-intensity combat cannot be conducted for a long time after overloading, but it is enough to solve the opponent in front of you, but you must think of a solution before that. Hold on for a while. “

With the continuous injection of a large amount of geocentric energy into the body, Mu’s body swelled in a circle.

But even then, no matter how much energy there is, the damage to the colony of the wood is too serious, and the battle strength will not increase with the increase of energy.

But it is different from human fixed form. As a parasitic life, wooden things can adjust their shape with the difference in energy supply, not to mention that he still has the green weapon of the green weapon clan.

In order to travel in the universe and different planets, their technology is not enough to carry the energy of an entire planet, but to maintain a low energy consumption state to extend the activity time and lifespan.

But if they have the determination to abandon a planet, they can continue to extract geocentric energy temporarily, and then release all power on this planet without any fear, until the energy of the planet is exhausted.

This is the difference between taking a pistol in the city and opening a tank on the battlefield.

There was a loud noise. An incredibly thick vine like a skyscraper has risen into the sky, holding the wooden body directly into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Prometheus was also slightly surprised, but he could not imagine that the other party could do such a thing. The next moment, more vines broke continuously from the rock formations, moving towards Prometheus.

‘If you need to delay, you can’t fight that dwarf for the time being. ‘Mu’s mind is thinking about various tactics:’ In short, retreat first, use geocentric energy and green robbery to recover the injury. ‘

I saw that most of his body gradually integrated into the vines of the lower body, and various body tissues were continuously synthesized. It was the cells and nutrients provided by Green Rob that were repairing his body.

But even so, after seeing the battle strength of the two men. He didn’t intend to fight against each other. For him, the longer the time delay, the more favorable the situation will be.

Repair the current physical injuries to fight, and fight with green robbery and geocentric energy to enhance the colony, and finally start the geocentric overload mode. Those are completely different realms.

As long as it can be dragged, that’s how long it is now.

Prometheus’ body was wrapped in vines the size of trucks, but all the vines burst into flames the next second. It had been torn apart and turned into a wreck.

“Do you want to escape?” Prometheus also saw that the other party wanted to escape, so he strode across and the whole man had flew out.

With this leap, hundreds and thousands of vines came out of the ground, crushing countless buildings, and moving along the street, moving towards Prometheus.

There is no way. At the moment, under the entire Haijing City, almost all of them are wrapped by green robberies.

Prometheus struck out with a large palm, and the vines collapsed.

In his eyes, the structure of everything in the world and the eyes of ordinary people are different. Every substance is twisted and deformed in his eyes, like a Klein bottle and Mobius. band.

And every time he hits, the hit must be the weakest part of the target within the body, so no matter how hard the structure or the strong armor is, it means nothing to him.

A bang sounded, even under the heavy protection of the Green Robber, Mu’s body was still hit and flew out.

But looking at the wood again trapped by a giant vine, Prometheus frowned.

In that blow, he originally wanted to tear the opponent apart completely.

“This guy’s material strength seems to have improved? And if I run in the direction of the city center like this, I wo n’t use my best effort. ‘

The place where Mu and the two had just fought has always been the outermost circle of Haijing City, and now he fled with all his heart and fled directly to the city center.

There are countless Earth people staying there. Mu obviously does this in hopes of refraining from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. In fact, this does make Prometheus unable to use many huge might.

Seeing this series of scenes, Zhu Bang turned pale with fright and understood that Haijing City was already surrounded by each other.

But what made him nervous was the direction in which Prometheus and Mu escaped and chased.

‘Damn, that’s the direction of the lab. ‘

Zuo Qingcang used to change Tianshezhuang into a large-scale research institute. With the repeated expansion of Haijing City, the research institute originally located in the suburbs now belongs to the urban area.

Now, Mu’s escaped position just passed the Institute.

Although Zuo Qingcang hasn’t feedback everyone’s news, who dares to move things in his underground laboratory? It is also one of the most heavily guarded places in the entire Haijing City.

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