Silent Killing

Chapter 843

Haijingcheng, in the underground laboratory.

At this time, Zhu Bang floated with mysterious air, like an astronaut, passed through layers of defenses and reached the deepest part of the laboratory.

Because Zuo Qingcang was absent for a long time, there was thick dust everywhere, and there was no trace of people. But even worse, Zhu Bang could see traces of green vines breaking through the ground in every corner of the metal room and on the ceiling.

The laboratory, which was originally underground, seemed extremely safe, but at the moment because of the underground, it has become a thing in the green robber’s bag.

Zhu Bang saw that the vines were still growing, throbbing, and felt that the scalp was tingling.

Then he looked towards the end of the room again, and looked at the tall metal door of the ten meters standing in front of him, still safe and secretly sighed.

The space from the front is the position behind the door, which is the core of the laboratory. Everything except Zuo Qingcang does not have the right to enter and query.

Zhu Bang sighed secretly: ‘I hope they don’t call. ‘

But many things are often contrary to one’s wishes. When Zhu Bang secretly prayed for the other party not to come, a loud noise rang. Zhu Bang immediately blocked his eyes with his hands, and high-density air molecules also formed a shield. In front of his eyes, countless stones and debris flying over it were prevented.

The entire metal gate, including the wall on which the gate was located, was smashed into fragments. Numerous vines crashed and moved like crazy snakes. The entire hall was completely destroyed, and the blasting sound of rumbling booms continued in the passage behind the metal gate. .

“Damn! Stop it!”

“Stop playing here again!”

But no matter how roaring Zhu Bang is, the other party cannot listen to him.

The warring parties kept coming to the underground laboratory. He also went deep without fighting.

Ji Nanxian followed with a pale face and rushed in. Looking at the battlefield in front of her, she moved towards Zhu Bang and said, “No one can stop them.”

The speed and destructiveness of the two warring parties make it difficult for them to even make accurate observations.

“No.” Zhu Bang rushed towards the depths of the passage: “Even if they can’t be stopped. At least Jiang Martial Uncle will be rescued.”

During the battle on the other side, Prometheus took another shot with an empty palm. The wood that had grown to a height of more than seven meters was like a radish that was hit by a large hammer. The whole body fell into the vines. Numerous cracks appeared, and even the head that had just grown was squashed again.

But Wood’s twisted and deformed head shook slightly. But she laughed heartily without a doubt.

As parasitic life, shape, size and appearance are all indifferent. After all, his appearance is nothing more than a random change, his feet. The difference between hands, belly and head is not at all essential to him.

After continuous offense and defense, he also roughly mastered Prometheus’ methods.

“Your attack is directly into the enemy’s interior with some kind of space attack, right?” Mu said with a sneer: “But now, I’m all over the body, regardless of inside the body or outside the body is as strong, your attack on me Is no longer valid. “

of course. The deeper reason is that with the help of Green Robbery, his physical tissue can be restored and regenerated almost endlessly, and naturally he is not afraid of Prometheus’ offense. But it is impossible for Mu to speak directly to Prometheus, and even if the other party may have analyzed it, he cannot take the initiative to confirm for the other party.

He is still connected with thick vines all over his body. These vines move along his body, providing him with endless nutrients and body tissues, constantly replacing his injuries. The broken part allowed him to continue to the present under Prometheus’ offensive.

Prometheus did not speak. Just turned around suddenly, looked towards the rear of the wood.

there. Zhu Bang and Ji Nanxian rushed over, their mouths seemed to be saying something, but all around the vines waved wildly, constantly hitting the metal wall, causing various explosions and loud noises, so that their voices could not be heard at all.

But Prometheus can understand lip language, and even he can read brain waves. In fact, if he doesn’t understand the language and computer grammar of green art people, he can even read wooden thinking.

So he was slightly paused and understood the meaning of the other party.

‘Senior Sister of Zuo Qingcang, was hibernated in this laboratory? ‘

Although the battle between Prometheus and Mu was complicated, the speed of both men was extremely fast. It has now passed more than 40%. Prometheus tried various methods and was unable to completely kill the immediate Parasite.

Because the other person’s life has been connected with the green robbers underground.

This is tantamount to the green parasite parasitizing Earth, and the green parasite parasitic to the green parasite.

‘Going on like this, it’s not just the Senior Sister of Zuo Qingcang, the others in the Sea capital are in danger. ‘Prometheus’ eyes can directly see the space, which is an extension of his ability to distort space and time, and the martial arts for surveillance use.

Therefore, he can also see that under the robbery of the Green Robbery, the entire Haijing City is at stake, and the army and various masters are almost defeated under the endless Green Robbery attack. Many people die every minute.

“All green plants in front of you must be removed at one time.”

“You can only use huge might.”

Just as Prometheus thought about it, a gentle vibration came from the ground beneath him, and a cold electromagnetic wave came into Prometheus’ heart.

“I cut off the roots under Haijing City.” That was Brother Li passing Martial Dao’s thoughts to him: “Hurry up and clean up the messy weeds above.”

‘It’s a real time to come, but in such a short period of time, it can cut off such a lush root system and cause no earthquakes and geological movements underground. It is really amazing. ‘Prometheus smiled lightly, looking at the mad face in front of him and said, “Did you feel it?”

Prometheus strode directly, pressing one hand against Mu’s head, dragging the other person all the way out.

With his drag, countless vines were torn directly, but at this moment they could not keep up, instead they fell to the ground and began to wither. Even those with residual power were smashed directly by Prometheus’s eyes.

The price of high-speed growth, high strength, and high toughness is the rapid consumption of energy. After Brother Li cut off the root system of the entire Haijing City, the organization and nutrition supply were lacking, and the vines of the entire Haijing City began to wither quickly. .

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