Silent Killing

Chapter 847

At this moment, the universe, Earth. ◇ ↓,

The brilliance of the Extreme Star Cannon has shrouded most of the new continent, and it is spreading at a speed that is visible to naked eyes.

The surface of Haijing City has completely evaporated, and in the black void, the two Prometheus are deadly before the endless red light, and behind them are tens of thousands of surviving humans.

Brother Li is now wrapped in infinite rays of light. He is bombarding with his own power and the ultimate stellar cannon dropping from the sky. Every throws a punch is a big Ivan.

With the shock of his fist, one, two, three … one after another the power of nuclear fusion strikes was released, barely blocking most of the power of the Extreme Stellar Cannon.

Behind him, tens of thousands of people are crowded together like canned sardines. Densely packed stands within a circle of 500 metres, and Prometheus is fully exerting his Mindscape Space-Time in these 500 metres. .

Time and again, the aftermath of the stellar cannon was accelerated to resist the periphery through Time Flow, allowing them to dissipate in the air before hurting people.

But with such passive resistance, both men’s power was quickly consumed. Within a few minutes, Brother Li’s complexion had turned pale, and the rays of light of the star cannon were still endless, as if Supreme Yang spreads his brilliance as much as he wants.

Prometheus moved towards He laughed bitterly: “No way, at most half an hour, we will all be evaporated into cosmic dust.”

There was a hint of unwillingness on Brother Li’s face.

If you can find out this Green Man’s plan sooner, if you can be stronger, you can display the Ii 900 99 XNUMX company, if the Demon Lord is still …

It’s a pity that there aren’t that many If, at this moment, Brother Li is reluctant to admit it. But I also have to admit that he is as proud as he is, and at this point he has no choice but to do anything about it.

And it’s not just him. The entire human civilization is about to disappear. He and everyone will be turned into a ray of dust in the vacuum of the universe within half an hour.

‘everything is over. ‘A deep sense of weakness has clouded his mind since Martial Dao Great Accomplishment. It was the first time he had such an emotion.

But at this moment, his gaze was slightly stunned, and he looked towards the direction of the green art man: “What is that?”

I saw in the sky completely shrouded by the red light from the star cannon. A black dot suddenly appeared there because the light around all around was too bright. Brother Li couldn’t see what it was.

I can only feel that 1024 forces are transmitted, which is about the same level as Prometheus.

That is naturally Zuo Qingcang’s current body, but because of his extremely high density, high intensity, and high quality relationship, he does not release radiation and movement at all. After all, he is more dense than a neutron star, but he is not.

In a state of Heaven Devouring, most of the particles in his body did not react at all, but were squeezed close together. Only when it is needed will energy be released by mass-to-energy conversion to promote the body.

And the overhead of ordinary daily operation depends on the body network composed of dark heart and 1024 kinds of trick points.

Therefore, 1024 trick points will also release their own waves, radiation, electromagnetic waves and other forces, but also because of Quantum Organ’s relationship in the Second Universe, his thermal radiation and magnetic flux are not very high.

When it is next moment. The red light suddenly disappeared in the sky, and Prometheus could see that both were fiercely startled.

“what happened?”

“Did he stop attacking?”

The two looked at the direction of Lvshu Renmiao at the fastest speed. Then they saw that the other party was slowly rising from the ground at this moment.

In fact, at this moment, Miao was still confused about what was going on, because he just felt a pain in his head, and then fell down before his eyes became dark.

He didn’t know it was Zuo Qingcang’s direct attack with the speed of light, and slapped him into the ground with a slap.

When he reacted, he found that he had shot 500 meters underground, and then he burst out. The expression on his face was still extremely confused.

‘what happened? ‘

‘What just happened? ‘

Miao self-examined her body, only to find that a large piece of turquoise armor on the back of her head had shattered, and her heart was startled.

‘What the hell is going on? ‘

‘Is it because of the extreme stellar cannon that has been used for a long time and the energy overload exploded? ‘He secretly speculated, in fact this is not impossible.

But he thought for a moment. Then he put his gaze into the sky again, a black hair man with black eyes was slowly floating down and fell in front of him.

“What kind of guy are you again?” The green crystal on Miao flickered slightly, the injury on the back of the head had gradually recovered, and the armor had been regenerated.

Zuo Qingcang knew it, knowing that he had just been weak on the other side, the phase transfer armor on the other side was stronger than he thought, and there was no near-death.

“Don’t want to talk? Let’s just die.”

When Miao saw that the other party was not talking, she sneered and raised her fist. The geocentric energy within the body exploded madly, and a punch was moved towards the head of the opponent.

On the other side, the two Prometheus also saw Zuo Qingcang appear in the sky, and then landed in front of Miao.

Naturally, the two did not know why Miao suddenly stopped attacking, but after seeing Zuo Qingcang’s movement, Prometheus was surprised: “Is that Zuo Qingcang?”

“Is he Zuo Qingcang?” Brother Li watched Zuo Qingcang moved towards Miao, and immediately shouted, “Stop now, the monster is very strong. You can’t solve it by yourself. We have to work together. Only … Only … Only … “

He knew a little about Zuo Qingcang’s strength, and apart from that, the big left character on the moon was still hanging.

But even so, it’s just the same as Brother Li’s all, so he immediately reminds the other party to save his opponent’s aggressiveness.

But in this mouth, when it comes to the word ‘cai’, Brother Li’s mouth has been widened, the pupils of both eyes have spread, and I have been staring at the scene in front of me.

I saw Zuo Qingcang on the other side gently hand out a punch, the two fists collided together.

Miao’s body structure enough to absorb the energy of the earth’s center, enough to withstand the phase transfer armor of Dayan, but was easily smashed into shatters under this fist by Zuo Qingcang.

He couldn’t even send out a scream, and it instantly shattered into countless flesh, bursting like a big firework, and he felt like he was run over by a star.

Miao’s face slowly emerged from a piece of ground meat, surprised and angry, adding: “You … you …”

It was not only him. All the masters who were able to see this scene were almost blank for a moment. You must know that the pressure of Doomsday created by Miao just now, the unmatched, absolute gap feeling makes everyone desperate, and the picture contrast at this moment is too strong.

Seeing this scene, Brother Li opened his mouth and shouted unbelievably: “Crushing? How could it be crushing?”

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