Silent Killing

Chapter 857

The Elder Court is obviously the supreme governing body of the Green Man, and the angry and roaring Green Man in front of him is enough to rank in the top five in the entire Elder House. He personally came to catch this job. How much the surgeon values ​​the two super battle strengths.

“And who approved this operation? I will report it to the Elder House. Someone must be responsible for this.”

Originally, it seemed to the Green Masters that it was only a show exercise and resource collection that crushed the original race. Who would have thought that the two super battle strengths had happened, but now they do n’t even know what the situation is.

But at this moment, a cold voice sounded in the mind of the green man Elder.

“It looks like you are the supreme leader on this planet.”

“Who are you?” This green man seemed very calm. He could feel the layers of force fields wrapping himself up, and at the same time, the living tissue under his feet was cut off, making him unable to communicate with the outside world at all, but as the leader Hundreds of planets, leaders of hundreds of millions of living beings, he definitely does not lack courage.

Zuo Qingcang did not answer his question, but began to read the consciousness of this green man Elder, reading every electrical signal, all his memory and data within the body.

High Dimensional Battleship, where is the part about High Dimensional Battleship.

He quickly checked the other party’s memory, but suddenly hesitated for a moment. The operation process of High Dimensional Battleship, and even where the main control machine was, even the green man Elder didn’t know.

The existence of the entire High Dimensional Battleship, for leaders of this level, has remained a black box operation.

‘Attention. ‘

Zuo Qingcang also did not expect that the Green Man’s secret protection of the High Dimensional Battleship reached this point. He did not know whether the other party was confident or stupid, so that the highest power of the country was not monitored and only the authority to use the High Dimensional Battleship was available. But apparently his attempt to snatch the other High Dimensional Battleship is no longer successful.

At the same time, it was seen that the entire Green Master Elder radiated hot flames, and laser rays exceeding thousands of degrees burst directly from within the Green Master Elder’s within the body. Turn the opponent into a pile of ashes.

‘Self-destruction device? ‘Zuo Qingcang watched this scene coldly, although he possessed the speed of light attack. But there is no reaction at the speed of light. In the face of the attack of light that has been launched, especially from the opponent within the body Self-destruction, even if he can’t stop the self-destruction of the green man Elder.

At the same time as the laser light appeared, he also radiated various bright and colorful rays, so a lot of information was directly input into the living tissue around all around with the changes in the wavelength of rays of light, and the green man was Elder’s last words were released.

“An enemy attack! An enemy attack! Destroy the wood. Destroy all the colonial organizations!”

The entire military base was in chaos immediately after the death of the green man Elder. All the battleships, nano-devices, Mecha soldiers, etc. were activated.

In the laboratory, a plasma flame of more than 250 degrees filled every inch of space, and then five minutes later, a low temperature of minus XNUMX swept through.

In the control room, the remaining leaders surprised and angry looked at the scene in front of them.

“What happened and why Elder activated the self-destruct device.”

“This only happens if the mind is scanned. According to Elder’s last order, was the cloak done?”

“I’m afraid the colony was invaded by the enemy. Be on guard!”

In fact, this is nothing more than a guess before the green man Elder died, but he guessed it right.

In the laboratory on the other side, Zuo Qingcang sat up slowly from the ultra-low temperature world of 50 degrees below zero.

‘After all, Miao is just a super weapon made by the Green Man. He himself knew too little about the green ruling class’s upper ruling class. ‘

‘It seems that the High Dimensional Battleship of Green Man has been handed over to some kind of intelligent system and even hidden section monitoring. In short, their coordinate data and other things are difficult to obtain. ‘

At this moment, Zuo Qingcang understood some of the other’s thoughts and had a deeper understanding of the battle between civilizations. Elder’s death is irrelevant. The key is the system of the green speller. All hope is pinned on High Dimensional Battleship.

In fact, it is true. High Dimensional Battleship can become the foundation for the survival of the entire civilization. The ultimate battle strength is the opportunity for the entire civilization to take off.

The so-called Green Man’s council is nothing more than that’s all of the puppets who control the battleship. As long as the battleship exists, he can reach any corner of the universe at any time, and then start another stove.

The most important thing is to ensure that his own coordinate position identity is not leaked. As long as the High Dimensional Battleship is in the hands, civilization will always be passed on.

Perhaps because of this, in order to avoid the malicious bottomless war of irreconcilable until death, there will be a battle of the ultimate battle strength to determine the victory of the war.

No, it should be said that it is only one of the reasons. If Zuo Qingcang imagined that if he had a High Dimensional Battleship, the battle strength would be increased by millions of times, and it would be enough to dominate the rise and fall of countless civilizations. High Dimensional Battleship does make the individual who holds the ultimate battle strength shine on the big stage of the universe.

While Zuo Qingcang was thinking about this, the other base of the green art man was fully alert, countless colonial soldiers flocked in, and moved towards the direction of the laboratory. Although they were far worse than Miao and Lu, they Most of them are Interstellar Soldiers from level 6 to level 10. Any Earth sent to the 20th century is enough to sweep the world.

A large number of vines rolled up on the other side, and the plasma shield that had been removed during high and low temperature cleaning was opened again.

And since the other party has been fighting to the end, Zuo Qingcang no longer needs to cover up.

Elder, the green man over there, was still screaming at someone. Zuo Qingcang had broken the superalloy vine on his body as if nothing had happened, and then he tore open the plasma shield in front of him, and then punched it directly The hundreds of layers of armor opened a huge hole directly into the outer space from the depth of more than 3000 kilometers inside the planet.

Hundreds of billions of tons of spaceships, armors, buildings, and green living tissues were struck directly into the universe by this fierce force.

Looking at it from space, a rays of light burst out, and then the planet spit out a lot of rubbish as if it opened its mouth.

It wasn’t just the Green Art Forces that were hit by the force that hit the front. The entire planet did not know how many Green Art people and their arms were squashed into flesh under this blow.

Instantly the whole planet sirens loudly, as if the warning signal is like a storm of interstellar, the vine organization swept across the base and passed into the consciousness of every green man.

“Warning, Super Life was detected! Warning, Super Life was detected, the battle strength level is estimated to be Level 15 or higher, and the battle strength level is estimated to be Level 15 or higher!”

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