Silent Killing

Chapter 881-882-883-884

Seeing Floria slowly receding, she died of coldly snorted, saying, “The guys in the data center will see the stitches. They do n’t even have a Star River God and Demon Ranking powerhouse, which is very helpful for the race. limited.

You better not find them, these guys just want to take advantage of you. “

The so-called fairy does not gather with people, dragons are different from snakes. Although Zuo Qingcang did not appear on the Star River God and Demon Ranking, he was very convinced of his strength, even if he did not have a High Dimensional Battleship.

But it is exactly that, it seems that Zuo Qingcang has a lot of strange goods at this time, and the potential is endless. So he greatly appreciates and values ​​each other.

“Brother Qing Cang, with your strength, if you have a High Dimensional Battleship, you will definitely have a place on the Star River God and Demon Ranking.” Gao Cangyan said earnestly: “But there are still five years to go to Taiwan Now, countless people in the universe have entered the final sprint phase.

To be honest, you have to collect the remaining 90 points to redeem High Dimensional Battleship within five years, and time is still relatively tight. But we can help you. “

“You guys?” Zuo Qingcang asked with narrowed eyes.

“Yes, we.” A mysterious smile seemed to form in the dying blue flames: “Several friends and I are planning to make a final promotion before the start of the ring race. We have been preparing for this for a long time.

I think with you, our success rate will be higher, just don’t know if you are interested. “

Zuo Qingcang is not surprised by this. Even if it is the powerhouse on the Fiendgod list, it is impossible to do everything alone. When encountering dangerous things, it is natural to find a few volunteers who can be trusted to do more insurance together.

However, what can be done by such a person as Luo Cangyan is bound to increase the danger.

So Zuo Qingcang asked: “Are they working together? What are you doing?”

“I can’t say this now.” Gao Cangyan said heartily: “But if you are interested, we will have a party three days later, which happens to be held on this continent. You can contact me through Xuan. By the way, don’t you have my id number yet? “

Xuanwang obviously has its own communication function, just add friends to each other by id. After doing all this, he died and left Cangyan. He knew that Zuo Qingcang had just joined the Supreme Council and had a lot of things to do.

Just before leaving. He stopped abruptly and said, “Oh, yes, that Bibino, the guy who is bothering you. I’ve dealt with it for you. There are always guys in the universe who treat powerhouse’s mercy as it should be by rights . “

When he said this, he was surrounded by murderous aura, but after saying this, he laughed again and said, “I hope to see you in three days. If you have any help, please contact me at any time.”

Looking at the back of the death of Cang Yan, Zuo Qingcang slowly sighed in his heart: ‘Nothing to be diligent … It seems that their goals this time will be tricky for them, even the ones I just met Want to pull in. ‘

From this point, we can also see the importance of the Star River ring.

This is a super contest that determines the entire Star River God and Demon Ranking. As a plot full of individual heroism, full of nationality and civilization, full of the most naked forces, the battle has affected countless river systems, countless starry sky resource allocations, political structure, and planetary prosperity.

Countless people bet on everything.

Countless powerhouses in the universe are preparing for that day. The so-called sacrifice of life, fight for the soul, bet on the whole life. Have become the norm.

Even the powerhouse, which has already reached the top of Fiendgod’s list, is still struggling to advance a few places or to ensure its own ranking.

You need to know that the single-digit ranking changes on Fiendgod’s list alone are enough to cause turbulence in dozens and hundreds of planets.

The next five years are getting closer. Zuo Qingcang is also more and more aware of the feeling of depression and tension in the starry sky.

A few minutes later, he had walked out of the Supreme Council’s office area and casually walked into a hotel.

Under the Supreme Council’s rule, currencies between civilizations can naturally be circulated. Of course, the most widely used currency is the currency issued by the Supreme Council.

The Voice of the Galaxy previously laundered some money for Zuo Qingcang, but now Zuo Qingcang has registered It is even possible to open the above payment function, of course, this is just a trivial matter, needless to say.

It is said that Zuo Qingcang came to the hotel room and began to collect and browse various information on Xuanwang.

Xuanwang is too huge. Not to mention the massive information of various private networks, it is just the star map, tasks, redemption, and discussion of the four functions within the Supreme Council, which is enough to make ordinary people look at it for a lifetime.

However, Zuo Qingcang is not interested in star charts at this moment. There are still three days to go to see the death party. He is now looking at the redemption function. How can he say that he now has 10 points in his hand, which is enough to redeem a lot of things.

However, his priority is to have a High Dimensional Battleship, and he is very cautious about the use of points.

Looking at a cheat book, every piece of scientific and technological materials, various weapons and equipment and resources flowed in front of his eyes, Zuo Qingcang watched for more than two hours, the longest stay in sight, or which artificial stars, Above the artificial battle star. These high-quality guys range from XNUMX to tens of thousands of points.

‘hundred thousand points can buy 20 people to make celestial bodies. If I eat them, my current quality can at least quadruple. ‘

Zuo Qingcang now finally understands the value of these points. For him with Heaven Devouring status, it is simply a point that can be directly converted into tangible strength.

However, he did not use these points after all.

He is still too unfamiliar with the current state of the entire universe. Many things do not know whether it is cost-effective to exchange them, and whether they can be bought cheaply without credits.

So after looking at it for a while, he looked towards the discussion area and went directly into the c-level permission area.

It’s like a web forum on Earth in the past, but it is many times stronger than a web forum. After all, all communication here is directly interacting with the consciousness of the human body, and the efficiency and correctness are countless times stronger.

Zuo Qingcang doesn’t have much purpose, but just wants to understand the situation of Star River under the Supreme Council as soon as possible, and Fiendgod lists the powerhouse information of all roads, so he first scanned a few popular posts.

“The Ghost Empire Police Department pursued the fugitives, counterattacked by unknown higher life, and the Empire Capital Star was attacked by terrorists and turned into a cult.

Some claimed that the attackers had witnessed a large number of silicon-based and electromagnetic life, and a giant lightman covering the sky was seen at the scene. “

“The main planetary system of Buddha Race, Vajra Buddha Country, disappeared overnight. Suspected of an unknown attack, the Supreme Council has not yet traced any signs of fighting. This is the third large-scale planet disappearance in ten years. Ibid. There is no prelude to the major event. There is no follow-up, and no clue can be found for the event, as if it violates the logic of the universe’s existence. “

“Pasarija was finally captured, but this time he died of a whole four powerhouses on the Fiendgod list, plus the two who had previously died of the Green Man. You said who will come next.”

The third post immediately attracted Zuo Qingcang’s interest, after all, it was very close to him.

And any post that discusses the Fiendgod powerhouse will definitely be hot, not to mention that this time the galaxy has killed six Fiendgod powerhouses in a row, which can be said to be a rare major event in a year.

“Which section has Pasarijia been recycled to? The technical weapons are very difficult to deal with, and the battle strength is no less than 7000 Fiendgod powerhouse.”

“The parliament is no worse than one or two super weapons. The key is to replace these dead ghost candidates.”

“Yeah, it happened five years before the start of the match, hum. You need to know that the advantage of the top and bottom of the ring in the ring is incomparable.”

“That’s not necessarily the case. If Pasaligar is controlled by a super powerhouse, he is likely to be under the control of the parliament, and that will be the super dark horse of the Star River ring.”

Most of the content of the post is Eight Sects, which are mostly boring speculations. Zuo Qingcang has lost interest after watching for a while, but some posts introducing Fiendgod list powerhouse have aroused his interest.

“The first powerhouse in the galaxy, the eternal marshal of the stars, the saint in the sword.

The pride of our galaxy, Fiendgod is 105th. Level 18 Doomsday Lord Star Swordmaster.

Five years later is the 100th year of Lord Juggernaut’s retreat. After Self Manifestation believes in a hundred years of retreat, his strength has reached an incredible level, and he must be able to break through to Level 19 Doomsday Lord. Break through to the top 100 in the Fiendgod list in one fell swoop and become a permanent member of Parliament. Create unprecedented myths and legends, breaking the history of the Milky Way. “

This post was posted anonymously, claiming to be ‘a worshiper of the star swordsman.’

However, although some people respect the bottom of the post, there are also many people who oppose it.

“The old fellow, who knows if he is alive or not, he has not appeared for 100 years. Maybe he died long ago.”

“I haven’t shown up in the past 100 years. Maybe it hasn’t improved since the retreat. I’m sorry to show up.”

“Speaking of which, compared to 105 Star Swordmasters, 114 Night Banshee, I think it’s more likely.”

“Yes, the night Banshee has been killing the rare beast Pajero in the last few years, dominated by the insect race, and last year alone wounded a White Land Evil God, which is not something an ordinary person can do.”

The next main thing is the worshippers of Star Swordmaster and Night Banshee, each talking about how powerful they are. Zuo Qingcang is quite interesting. From the piecemeal information, he can feel that these two galaxies are the strongest of the old generation and the power of the new generation of new stars.

Next, I read some more popular posts, most of which are introductions to various galaxy Fiendgod powerhouses, but after all, it is a c-level area. Zuo Qingcang looked for a while and felt that he did n’t bother Read more.

So he went back to the imaginary space and told them to Ayue, and appropriately mentioned a few cultivation bases to encourage humans to accelerate their development. A few hours later, he had returned to the hotel. in.

Three days later, I will attend the party that killed Cang Yan. Zuo Qingcang simply opened the task panel and wanted to see what tasks could be taken.

But after watching for a while, he gave up. Without High Dimensional Battleship, he would go to each and everyone planet to complete the task and solve the threat. It would take too much time, and the ordinary Continent Level threat task would be completed in a few minutes. With more than a dozen points, as for other threats from Planet Level and Star Level, that is tens of thousands of points.

But still, that’s too far.

And this level of threat. Compared to the Continent Level threat, the quantity is really as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. It takes months or even years to complete a trip from one place to another, even if it is a subspace flight.

‘No High Dimensional Battleship come and go. It’s really a bit of a hassle to get the remaining 90 points in five years. ‘

Ordinary tasks are really not suitable for him to complete such a powerhouse. It is totally a cannon attack.

So Zuo Qingcang looked towards those large-scale tasks that were still going on for hundreds of years. Inner Galaxy Level Other threats.

Such as clearing the Insect race of the Magellan Galaxy, or counterattacking White Land and catching Evil God alive. Or ignite the heart of the galaxy, restore the countless dead Star Sea in the center of the galaxy, and improve the ecological environment of the galaxy.

If such a task or two can be completed, then more than 100 million points will definitely be available within five years.

Just when Zuo Qingcang was thinking like that. A message to add friends was sent over, Zuo Qingcang swept a little, and found that it was from the voice of the galaxy.

‘This guy is well informed. ‘

Zuo Qingcang understands that the powerhouse on the Fiendgod list must have its own eyeliner in the branch, and he was not surprised, so he directly agreed to the other party’s request.

The voice of the Milky Way over there opened the communication. His image was directly transmitted to Zuo Qingcang’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Hello, congratulations on winning the first place in this test.”

“Just say something directly.” Zuo Qingcang indifferently said.

“It’s about this Star River ring, do you plan to participate?” Yinsheng Voice asked cautiously. Although he was recovering from his injury at this time, Zuo Qingcang was still full of fear.

“I will attend. What’s your question?”

The voice of the galaxy hesitated, and seemed to be hesitant, and then opened the mouth and said: “Some things, it is better to speak face to face, I don’t know if your Excellency has time these days. It is best to meet tomorrow tomorrow, let’s meet together . “

“This morning?” Zuo Qingcang thought about it, and there were just a few things to ask. He wanted to stabilize the sound of the Galaxy about the death of Cang Yan. So he said, “This morning, you say somewhere.”

So there was nothing to say overnight. After the artificial Supreme Yang of continuous rose, Zuo Qingcang left the hotel room and moved towards the outside.

Every few steps, he really flickered and transmitted to a restaurant instantly. Go to the sound of the galaxy and sit down. His quantum entanglement was enough to allow him to shuttle freely within a hundred thousand kilometers with the help of imaginary space.

In the restaurant, other people just glanced at this instant flash situation, not too surprised, after all, this is too common in the universe. It’s not the absolute momentary light gate of High Dimensional Battleship. What’s so amazing.

But at this time, the sound of the galaxy was wrapped in a black robe, blocking people’s sight and various detection devices. He obviously didn’t want people to know his identity.

“Hello, sir.”

Voice of the Galaxy greeted a bit, and first talked to Zuo Qingcang Dongxi to talk about the situation of some branches, the changes in the Fiendgod list, and the preparation of the Star River ring.

In the conversation between the two, Galaxy Voice used encrypted infrasound waves. Zuo Qingcang simply sounded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of each other. Although they were in the restaurant lobby, no one could know what they were talking about.

When Zuo Qingcang asked him impatiently, Voice of the Galaxy seemed to be aware of it, and asked, “Hi, Zuo Qingcang, I wonder if I can trouble you to help me complete a task.”

“What task.”

“An Inner Galaxy Level other task.” The sound of the Galaxy directly uses its sonic capabilities to pass the invisible infrasound wave to the within the body of Zuo Qingcang.

“With your support, we will definitely be able to complete this, which will greatly accelerate your speed to obtain High Dimensional Battleship.”

Obviously, in order to gain a good position on the Star River ring, Voice of the Galaxy also thought of using Zuo Qingcang’s strength to strengthen itself. Of course, as he said, if the task is completed, it is obviously good for Zuo Qingcang.

Zuo Qingcang looked at him coldly and said, “Why should I help you?”

“I can also help you with High Dimensional Battleship.” Voice of the Galaxy looked at Zuo Qingcang without fear. As the powerhouse of the Fiendgod list, he still has this courage, not to mention the improvement of his own strength and the ranking of the new Fiendgod list. Of course, he must strive for reason.

The two looked at each other for a while, and while drumming in the voice of the Galaxy, Zuo Qingcang coldly smiled: “Well, let’s talk about the task first.”

“Promised! This monster promised.” The sound of the sound of Galactic sounded a burst of joy, just a moment of joy. But at this moment, a huge silhouette suddenly rushed out, kneeling in front of Zuo Qingcang.

Looking at the big lizard man in front of the hill. Zuo Qingcang couldn’t help but frowned.

Behind this lizard man, along with two small lizard men, they were pulled to their knees by the big lizard man.

“Sir, I’m really instigated by a villain. I didn’t mean to trouble you. Please have a lot of adults, please spare me this time.”

The guy kneeling in front of him for mercy was naturally the Lizardman Bibino, who deliberately made things difficult for Zuo Qingcang’s chief in the test. But for the Fiendgod powerhouse, who is serving on the Supreme Council, is a personnel commissioner. Marginalization and even fired him in the end is a matter of one sentence.

Although Bibino is only transferred from the personnel section, as a veteran of the Supreme Council, he is too aware of the means of slowly moving away from the center, eventually marginalizing, and even being fired.

It is also difficult for him to imagine what would happen if he did not have the post of Supreme Council. Not only is power now gone, but wealth is also being exploited by countless people.

Even more terrifying are those who have sinned before, and they will know how he will retaliate after he is no longer a member of the Supreme Council. He couldn’t even think of it.

So many parties asked who was going to deal with himself, and after being disturbed for one night, he received the news of a friend of his own and learned that Zuo Qingcang appeared in this restaurant, so he brought his wife, child, to kneel in front of Zuo Qingcang. under.

Seeing the two little lizard men crying and begging for mercy, Zuo Qingcang was even more unhappy.

This Binobino seemed to beg for mercy, but it was clearly disgusting to come, to use this rogue method to force him to submit, and Zuo Qingcang, such an absolute self, hates being persecuted. Whether by force or poor.

But Zuo Qingcang was not happy, but one person was even more furious.

The sound of the galaxy, who was just immersed in joy, saw the three lizard men in front of him so angry that they were disturbed by his good deeds, how could he not be angry.

See the lizard man begging for mercy. He was coldly snorted and said directly, “I’ll give you three breaths, give me away.”

When he said this, he immediately showed his out of the ordinary and arrogance. Bibino also heard the unambiguity of the other party, but to the point of his. That is either the fish dies or the net splits, and taking a step back is a cliff, how could it be said by the other party in a word.

I saw that he winked, and he was moved towards Zuo Qingcang’s calf, and his wife daughter also saved Zuo Qingcang’s other leg and the sound of the Galaxy.

“Please, I beg you, you fired me, that is to let me die, it doesn’t matter if I die, but my daughter is still young, he can imagine a young girl like this in countless people What will happen in bad faith … “

When the sound of the galaxy over there is released, even if Murderous aura is released, coldly snorted and said: “I don’t know what to do.”

As the powerhouse of the 6512th place in Fiendgod list, he was only in the presence of Zuo Qingcang, but how could a nobody like Bibino be regarded by him, even if he would stand in front of him, it would be just a junior that’s all.

Immediately, he stood up directly, and he didn’t even bother to ask what was going on, and he kicked out the female lizard man holding his thigh.

“Boy, you asked for it yourself.” He opened his mouth, spit out, and a shock wave directly lifted Bibino out, and the latter bleed with seven tricks and spit blood on his face and fell to the ground.

“Father.” The little lizard wailed and lay on Bibino’s back, shaking Bibino’s body constantly.

Seeing this, someone in the hall finally couldn’t stand it.

A human face with a handsome face, like a son of Supreme Yang, stood up and said, “It’s almost there, bullying a woman, hitting a nobody, what is the ability.”


Zuo Qingcang didn’t speak, he just sat there quietly. The voice of the galaxy was coldly snorted, and looked towards the young man and said, “Boy, do you want to be nosy?”

He was covering his body and hiding his identity at the moment, but no one could see that he was the sound of the galaxy on Fiendgod’s list.

The young man was impressed by the sound of the galaxy, and immediately felt falling into the downwind, knowing the opponent’s power. However, his identity and strength are simple. The key is that in front of several companions, he is absolutely unwilling to bow his head.

However, his tone softened slightly: “This is a restaurant, you have to go out and make trouble. Don’t bother everyone to eat here.”

The voice of the galaxy grew colder: “Oh, remember what you say, boy.”

“You don’t need to threaten me, I just can’t get used to bullying you.” At this time the young man was talking purely at the scene. no way. The opponent’s superior is really too strong, and his tone is too crazy, he could not help but beat the drum in his heart.

That handsome and alien alien companion is also clever. When the young man spoke to the voice of the galaxy, a pink woman with four hands and three eyes moved towards Bibino walked past. While helping the other side to heal, ask what is going on.

“They want to kill my father. My father is a good man. He enforced the law impartially. The bad guy bribed others, let them frame my father, and beat my mother.” The little lizard yelled immediately.

However, what everyone said was not attentive, after all, Bibino looked at the young men in a group and saw that the other party was luxuriously dressed and out of the ordinary. Fortunately in my heart, I said something out

Hearing that this was the first defendant in the test, Cang Yan was fancy. When Bibino was to be taken away, there was a hint of calmness on the pink woman’s face. At the same time, the information was secretly passed on to young people.

When the young man heard that Cang Yan was about to kill the lizard man, his brows were frowned.

The powerhouse on the Fiendgod list is really no one willing to provoke easily.

However, Zuo Qingcang in front of him is just the first in a test. The mercenaries with c-level authority are not the death of Cang Yan himself, but the big man who beats Zuo Qingcang has a lower natural status and cannot be denied by reason. Young people put their eyes on.

Think of it here. His heart was full of anger, and coldly smiled said, “Big man, I’m Gross of Deity Race. I don’t know what the lizard man did wrong. But you interrupted me and my friend to eat here, then Sorry. “

His remarks are to avoid the heavy and to ignore the light. He bypassed the death of Cang Yan who wanted to make the lizard man. When he wanted to come, it was already a face of death to Cang Yan. After all, your younger brother scolded me like this, and it would be too unreasonable for me to fight back. Already.

Besides, his identity with the five companions beside him is by no means simple. They are all s-class mercenaries of the Supreme Council Galaxy and the Third Arm Spin Division. This time they met in the Division together to inherit the redundant Fiendgod position.

That is the Fiendgod vacancy caused by Pasalijia, they are all strong competitors. This shows two problems. One is that they both have High Dimensional Battleship, and the second is that they are very strong.

With so many Fiendgod powerhouses dead at this time, they are the biggest winners, and as candidates for the Fiendgod list, they also have an aloof and remote mentality for other ordinary people.

So although they don’t want to provoke the death, they can never be afraid of their brother.

And when he heard what Grossas said, the sound of the galaxy laughed, and looking at the young man was like watching a dead man. That look made Grosace too uncomfortable.

“S-level mercenary, God’s Son, Grosace.” It’s rare that the Voice of the Galaxy remembers the identity of the other party, but Grosace thinks that the other party has to be softened. The position of time Fiendgod is vacant, so don’t forget about it, you can come back from where you come from.

Get out of here now and don’t let me see you again. “

“What?” Grosace’s face paled for a moment after hearing this. They became candidates together this time, competing for the vacant position in the Fiendgod list, which is definitely a secret in the secret, and it was even said by the other party.

And the other side asked them to go directly from where to go, this tone is really too great, really had to let Grosace take a stun.

“Did I get something wrong? ‘He had to think so.

But when it comes to this, it was really impossible to get down the steps. Sagros had to brace oneself and said, “Where do I go? What are the arrangements? That is decided by the senior leadership of the parliament. I do n’t know what your Excellency is. Status, you can order me to do this kind of thing. “

This is the second time he has inquired about the voice of the galaxy.

Even if you want me to be soft, you still have to give me a reason and tell me your identity.

Of course, if you really only want to tone him to hit me, then don’t blame me for being impolite.

But the Voice of the Galaxy does n’t sell the other person ’s face at all, or he does n’t look at the group of Sagros at all, and he does n’t want to reveal his identity. He directly shook the head and said, “You should know when you should know In short, this thing is not something you can mix, go ahead. “

The pink woman with four hands and three eyes seemed to be unable to stand it, and stood up and said, “Haha, you’re really crazy. If we just care about this thing? In the restaurant, people were seriously injured, Do you still have reason? “

However, their quarrel Zuo Qingcang can’t stand it anymore, he sighed coldly, and moved towards the voice of the galaxy said: “Chat with them nonsense, Shaanxi Ran 饩 觥

If you don’t solve it, I will solve it. “

“This … how can you get a shot.”

Not to mention that the voice of the Milky Way over there was a cold sweat for a moment. This is the Supreme Council’s territory. What you said is too naked.

“Solve us?” The pink woman over there looked at Zuo Qingcang with perseverance, and said old-fashionedly, “Don’t be too arrogant, really think you can do whatever you want by relying on the relationship of dying Cangyan?” “(~ ^ ~)

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