Silent Killing

Chapter 885-886

The Pink Girl’s words were naturally not taken into account by the voice of the galaxy.

But when I heard what Zuo Qingcang said, the voice of the galaxy immediately condensed its arrogance and cleaned it up. Then I remembered that in front of this monster, I put on a Fiendgod list of masters, so bullying a nobody, This behavior will not make Zuo Qingcang unhappy, and disagree with the previous request.

And this is the site of the Supreme Council. No matter how you can not let this monster operate here, it is a terrible disaster. In case half a branch is destroyed and so on, just wait for the whole universe to kill.

Thinking of this, he looked towards the family of three lizards and Sagros’ eyes even more disgusted, but he remembered what Zuo Qingcang said, and stopped talking nonsense to the other side, enjoying the thrill of bullying, he swept the other side coldly At a glance, the senior management of the branch was directly contacted.

As the 6512 Fiendgod leaderboard powerhouse, of course, there are many acquaintances at the top of the branch, and based on his relationship, he only needs to find a master’s selling personality, and no one even knows that he is the voice of the galaxy To deal with Sagross and the others.

So shortly after he used Xuanwang to communicate, the face of Sagross and the others immediately changed. Apparently someone was notified that they did not need to participate in this alternate competition for Fiendgod position.

“what happened?”

“You always tell me who offended me?”

It’s a pity that the people who informed him did not bother him at all, but said, “Take a good attitude and accept the criticism, and don’t say I contacted you.”

I saw Sagros and the others complexion azure-white, all of them softened as if the spine had been drawn.

Especially the pink lady, the chest undulated a few times, and finally it looked like a dry balloon, and even stood still.

The opportunity to step into the Fiendgod list was just lost in a few newsletters. Not to mention how disappointing and frustrating they were, the power behind it, the power it represented, made Sagross and the others not afraid. Don’t panic.

The eyes of Galactic who looked at the sound of the galaxy showed a deep sense of resentment and fear, but he quickly converged. He knew that the other party was definitely a character he could not offend and could not help but move quickly Qian asked for mercy: “Sir. We really don’t know your identity, and we didn’t mean it.”

At the moment he arrived decisively, but Bibino’s scream went straight up and interrupted the other limb’s limbs and said, “This guy will give it to us, please forgive us this time.”

“I said let you go. Just go.”

The face of Sagross flushed immediately, but after all it was forcibly tolerate this breath, and with his companion was frustrated, leaving the family of three, pinching the frightened Bibino.

“I was wrong, I was really wrong.” Bibino was really terrified. Whether it was Sagross or the sound of the Galaxy, let him know he really hit the iron plate this time His condition was even worse than before, and at this moment he really regretted it. Why promise my cousin to cheer him up, why bother turning his brain around?

He cried, “Please let me go, I really know I was wrong … I … wow … wow … wow.”

But he didn’t say a few words, the family of three was blocked by people and taken away.

Before leaving, Sagros said, “Two adults, we will definitely give you an account of this time.”

Zuo Qingcang impatiently frowned, and didn’t bother to look at Sagros, dragging the sound of the galaxy directly. A flicker disappeared.

He flashed both, and went directly to the hotel where Zuo Qingcang lived.

“Come on, what task.”

The Voice of the Galaxy paused for a moment, then said, “Well. That’s it.”

The task he focuses on is related to the instance race of the Magellan Galaxy. In fact, as a support force sent by the Milky Way to the Magellan Nebula, the Voice of the Galaxy has spent most of its time fighting the insect race entrenched there.

So he is very familiar with many materials and tasks of the insert race.

“There are many types of combat arms for the insect race, from the underground to the surface. There are a variety of insects to fight in the atmosphere, to different terrains such as outer space.

But how to say it, one thing is the same, that is, in the insert race, the self consciousness of each insect is a very small part, most of their brains are used to maintain the collective network, and this network Commands the consciousness of all insect races, which the Supreme Council refers to as the queen. “

Voice of the Galaxy said: “The instance race in the Magellan Nebula should also have a queen commander, but until now, the council has not been able to find the queen’s material incarnation.

If you can find her existence, let alone the insect race that defeats the Magellan Nebula, in the best case, maybe you can control the endless Insect Sea of ​​the entire nebula, it is simply an unimaginable force. “

Hearing here, Zuo Qingcang’s face remained calm, but interest was already in his mind, he asked quietly: “So do you know where this queen is?”

“Not sure yet.” Galaxy Voice’s eyes stared at Zuo Qingcang with extreme seriousness: “But one year later, someone formed an expeditionary force, more than 100 Fiendgod powerhouses, and more than 100 Civilized fleet, ready to thoroughly clean up the Magellan Nebula and capture the Queen. “

In his mind, the scene of Zuo Qingcang’s killing the scorching sun and golden flames flashed, and in his mind, the scene of the ice Queen’s murder was constantly emerging.

‘With his strength, maybe it really can. ‘

“I was thinking, if I really meet the insect race queen, I can summon you.”

What did summon do? No more specific thing, the Star of the Galaxy has not been spotted. After all, he is a man with a city hall, how could he just say he died casually.

But Zuo Qingcang naturally understood what he meant.

‘Snatch the queen? By the way, grab this other task of Inner Galaxy Level, if you can, maybe I also want to be killed by the insert race. ‘

‘But no matter what, this is indeed a good opportunity. ‘

‘The queen who can command the entire insect race in the nebula, whether it is a collective consciousness across the starry sky, or the Queen’s control of countless insult races, is of great value.

Complete the task of killing the queen. ‘Zuo Qingcang swept the taskbar on Suan Xuan Online, secretly said in one’s heart: “Has 50 points …”

“I can promise what you say,” Zuo Qingcang said, “but just using High Dimensional Battleship, your job is too easy.”

“It’s not that simple. These high-level intelligence, as well as the work of going deep into the Insect Sea, are very dangerous …”

Zuo Qingcang raised his hand to prevent him from continuing. He laughed, and that smile made Yinhe’s voice cold with sweat: “I want to ask you a question, have you been to Yinxin?”

The silver heart is naturally the center of the galaxy.

Look from the universe. That is the most prominent part of the Milky Way, like a very bright light bulb with a diameter of XNUMX light years and a thickness of XNUMX light years.

A major feature of silver is that this area is composed of high-density stars. As the first birth center of the Milky Way. In this area 2.6 light years away from Earth, the old red stars and white dwarfs are mainly older than 100 billion years.

At the center, there is an overweight black hole in the center area. Its mass is approximately the sum of the masses of 260 million Supreme Yangs.

For Zuo Qingcang, who can become stronger by absorbing substances and increasing mass, there is simply cultivation of Holy Land.

But letting him go alone didn’t know it would take hundreds of years.

The galactic voice hearing this is a little puzzled. For most civilizations and powerhouses, the silver heart is a pure barren land, where almost all the stars have gone out, and only eternal darkness and darkness in the void. cold. The mining of various materials is extremely difficult, the Gravitation Force changes abnormally, and it is always attacked by gamma rays.

There is a desert of civilization, even the insect race and the demons will not appear there. He didn’t understand why Zuo Qingcang was interested in that kind of place.

But he paused or is, “I haven’t been there. Would you like to go there?”

“Well, I’m a bit interested, but you still need to inquire about something.” Zuo Qingcang instructed: “You ask me about the Supreme Council Galaxy, observe and monitor the Galaxy’s heart, what section and what situation.

The more detailed the better. “

“I see.” Although it felt strange. However, the voice of the Galaxy still agreed, but before leaving, he asked: “What about the queen …”

“Just notify me in advance.”


The next time Zuo Qingcang basically stayed in the hotel and went to Xuanwang to see all kinds of information. Also supports this opportunity. He reviewed the many powerhouse profiles on the Fiendgod list.

In particular, the top 100 members of the Supreme Council are his key observations.

“Star River God and Demon Ranking first …” Zuo Qingcang thought to himself: “I don’t know if they can crack the ‘Dao Fusion’ ability.”

Just as he looked at the various materials, the contact for the death of Cang Yan came.

“B52, see you in an hour.”


“Hehe, you are here.” Coming to death Cang Yan is still the same, floating in the air like Ghost Fire. Looking at Zuo Qingcang wearing a black robe in front of him, he slowly led the other person into a building.

“This is the office I set up in the branch with a few other friends, and I also have a small business.”

Looking at the 1000-meter-high building in front of him and various aliens coming in and out, Zuo Qingcang knew that the small business in the mouth of Cang Yan would be absolutely impossible.

However, this is also normal. Except for the powerhouse on the Fiendgod list, which is completely controlled by the country, which is 100% controlled by the country, which one does not gather countless wealth and power, not to mention the death of Cang Yan, which was originally in Supreme. There are posts in the Council.

Zuo Qingcang followed the Voice of the Galaxy to a Conference Hall. In addition to the death of Cang Yan, three other powerhouses on the Star River God and Demon Ranking appeared in front of him in turn.

Appearing in front of Zuo Qingcang were a water man, a stone monster, and a cloak floating in mid-air. You can see the splendid gas like a cosmic nebula under the cloak.

These three extraordinary lives are obviously companions who died.

They are Indestructible Steel Rock, Styx Water and Endless Wind. These are also powerhouses with Fiendgod rankings between 8000 and 8500.

Seeing Zuo Qingcang appearing in front of them, the eyes of the three people have a taste of inspection, especially Indestructible steel rock, the cold and hollow stone face, it seems to feel a little hostility.

Only the humanoid made of the unknown blue liquid seems to be friendly. With the sound of the wave shaking softly, “Hello Zuo Qingcang, I feel that you have great strength and said that you can join us in this operation. I support it. His decision, you are welcome. “

The endless wind seems to have no meaning at all, but Indestructible Steel Rock came slowly, and said with a little hostility: “Boy, suing Cang Yan means that you are very difficult to deal with, but such things as strength, You always have to see and hear the truth. If you want to join this operation, take me first. “

With that, along with his pace, the breath around all around instantly suppressed, not the kind of mental depression, but the air really became heavy on Zuo Qingcang’s body.

‘Ability to control gravity? ‘This kind of opponent Zuo Qingcang wasn’t the first time I met, so I saw Indestructible steel rock punched out, moved towards Zuo Qingcang slowly attacked, the gravity around all around suddenly tens of thousands of times, the air It seems to have condensed into substance, wrapping Zuo Qingcang.

Facing this fist of Indestructible Steel Rock, Zuo Qingcang also delivered it with one punch. The horrible gravity was easily broken by him like a cobweb, and the air turned into substance was as weak as paper.

The next moment, the two punches hit each other, a layer of white air waves radiated from the position of the two punches, and Zuo Qingcang’s body was motionless. On the Indestructible steel rock side, the whole person was about to fly and he was about to fly out. Covered by the water of the Styx River with a layer of water curtain, but Rao is so, there is an obvious huge crack in his chest.

“My dear, this fist is enough to destroy a cosmic battleship, but you were hit directly.” Indestructible Gangyan stared at a pair of hollow eyes looking towards: “This guy is really right. You are better than me. “

“Haha, I’m right, Gangyan, people are much harder than you.” Cang Yan died and said, “How about, is there anyone who opposes Brother Qing Cang?”

The body of Indestructible Steel Rock slowly creeps, and the cracked rock body recovers in a matter of seconds: “I’m fine, with him, our success rate will be higher.”

The remaining three people looked towards the endless wind. Zuo Qingcang could feel this strange and intangible strange life, which seems to be the deepest unpredictable of the four.

Seeing the three’s eyes looked towards himself, he kept groaning and said, “I agree in principle, but he doesn’t know our destination yet. I don’t know if he knows, he will agree . “

“Um.” Cang Yan was turned to death and looked towards Zuo Qingcang. The face formed by the flames was more serious than ever. He said, “Brother Qing Cang, before I say this, I have to explain to you first. If you plan to listen to the next content, If you do, you must go, if there are concerns, I will not say.

You can leave now, we are still friends. “(.)

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