Silent Killing

Chapter 889

Just when Emperor Zong had finished speaking, the king’s eyes showed doubts.

The mutation happened suddenly.

I saw that Emperor Zong raised his palm and moved towards the king’s head, which was a gesture of reaching out and grabbing, and easily took the king’s head.

When Emperor Zong gently held the king’s head, a flash of confusion flashed in his opponent’s eyes, and his eyes changed rapidly. Instantly he had been lying in the golden mountains and silver seas, all around was surrounded by countless beautiful people moving towards his direction Then, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he felt unprecedented joy.

Looking at the confused king in front of his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of Pu Zong’s mouth, and the stone man moved towards his side ticked his fingers.

With a bang a light sound, the kinetic energy bomb hit the back of his head, and Xi Zong’s head burst like a watermelon.

But Zong Zong who lost his head just shook slightly, and next moment was like the headless Knight, shaking the king’s head leisurely, pressing it on his neck wound.

The flesh and blood of white squirmed, and the king’s head was perfectly joined.

At the next moment, the epidermis trembled all over his body, and he had become more and more like the previous king, even perfect and without blemish.

But just after he finished all the changes and became a king, a green spear had appeared behind him, directly penetrated his entire vest, and nailed Zong Zong to the ground.

But the formidable power of the blow is far more than that. The spear formed by pure high-energy high-speed particles is enough to crush and crush everything that comes into contact with it.

They saw the spear fall down along Zong Zong’s body, and the gun rod turned the opponent’s body into two.

Then continue to separate the rooftops, as if cut off the cream and cut all the way under the building.

Just letting it go, the formidable power becomes enough to destroy everything, even sinking all the way, cutting off all the crust encountered, and even sinking all the way to the heart.

And the master who made this attack slowly landed in front of the constantly creeping Emperor Zong.

It was a humanoid with a green skin, a tail, double horns, and a height of about three meters.

It is the absolute trump card of the Ghost Empire. The ultimate biological weapon, gloomy glory.

At this moment, he looked at the Emperor Zong who was slowly healing in front of his body, and said, “Crazy, do you think that such a poor camouflage can deceive me?”

Then he spoke again. The tone is full of calmness and cruelty: “At most, your level is a War Master with only Level 13.

And I am the Doomsday Lord of Level 17.

I don’t see any possibility for you to survive. “

“Hehehehe.” A low laugh came from the king’s mouth: “The so-called hierarchy, the number, is just a chain that the incompetent use to limit themselves.

The powerhouse in the entire universe should not be described by a few simple numbers. “

“And are you sure you didn’t lie?”


Just as Zong Zong finished saying this, the wound on his body cracked again. It was as if a layer of skin had been peeled.

As this layer of skin was peeled, a green bloated body was slowly exposed.

Seeing the glorious gloom of the gloomy glory, Xi Zong laughed: “So are you planning to attack me?”

The Star River beacon is a conceptual weapon, which is the equipment that stores the structural concept and injects it into the target organism.

Conceptual armed, incapable of deprivation, difficult to steal, and difficult to destroy, seems to be a very powerful armed force.

But in the end, as long as you have the entire equipment under control.

It’s just like Zong Zong is doing now. this moment. Glorious glory finally understands why the king’s coordinates are displayed here, because the king’s body has always been within the body of the other party.

In the gloomy eyes of detection, the layers of silver-white electromagnetic fields completely wrapped the king from top to bottom, moving towards the gloomy sneers like a possessed demon.

“Do you think I can do nothing about this?”

Nether glory reached out and beckoned, and a lance emerged from the void, a frown flickering at the number that was enough to cover the sky.

“Why, do you want to kill the king?”

“No need, just remove you.” While speaking, the spear called by the glorious glory moved towards the king like a storm.

Unlike the green lance that was enough to cut everything off, the lance at this time is like a transparent crystal. Even the electromagnetic fluctuations in the past have been absorbed completely.

“It turned out to be a material that could absorb Electromagnetic Force …”

At the end of this sentence, the king’s body continued to tremble, and it was that the strength of the Emperor Zong was being continuously extracted and stripped.

The strength of Xi Zong became weaker and weaker.

A hint of disdain flashed on Ghostly Glory’s face: “Hostage. This is your reliance? Honestly, I don’t even use 1% of my power now.

And you are already on the verge of failure.

This is the Doomsday Lord. He represents the absolute master in the universe. I will let you understand the pain of contempt of powerhouse. “

Just as he said these words, the strength of the Emperor Zong in the king was already weak, and the glory of the ghost was stepping out step by step. Reaching out, he took the king in his arms.


Just when Ghost Glory was thinking like this, the king in his arms suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of evil, evil, evil eyes staring at the Ghost Glory in front of him.

“Don’t move, I’ll die if I move.”

“You!” A glimmer of surprise flashed on Ghostly Glory’s face: “You, you are, right, you are the king, but why do you …”

The next moment he responded: “So, you have the king’s consciousness?”

The king shook the head said, evil said with a smile: “The real king is sleeping, and now the person who controls this body is me.”

He shook the bomb controller in his hand and said, “As soon as I press it down, the nanobomb in my body will explode, blasting me, your king, into a pile of powder.

Of course, coma, violent psychological fluctuations, abnormal blood pressure, and abnormal Gravitation Force represented by changes in time and space all lead to … “

“He exploded?” Ghost Rongguang said with a sneer, holding in his hands the damaged bomb controller.

He went on with a sneer: “Lack of the algorithm, it took me a thousand minutes and only one second to crack it.

And you can’t even see the action I took away the controller. “

But before him, the king still sneered, full of evil and ferocious.

next moment, the consciousness of the glorious glory has completely ended …


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