Silent Killing

Chapter 891-892

A vast, endless and endless earth, except for white, is still pure white. There wasn’t even a little wind and a little undulation on the ground.

I don’t know where the light comes from, which illuminates the whole earth, making the white sand more hot and dazzling.

The four silhouettes across the sky are like meteors, and it is Zuo Qingcang, White Cangyan, the water of the Styx and the endless wind that have entered the White Land.

It was three hours after they came to White Land, but as they flew along, they found nothing but the scattered and irrational demons that were rarely seen on the ground.

In front of the White Land, the desolation is a bit scary.

“It won’t work like this.” The endless wind stopped. “The original planet has been fine with the Transmission Gate open. There is a reason, White Land here is too desolate.”

Gao Cangyan said, “Moreover, Xuannet cannot be used here. It is troublesome if we lose contact in the main universe for too long.”

Yes, since it was the first time to enter White Land, the four of them also found that there was no way to use Xuanwang to contact here.

Just as they shoved forward or back, suddenly in the distance, violent waves of force swept through, and the rays and magnetic fields shining on them were already comparable to the constant starlight lines in the universe. .

“Really strong explosion.” Gao Cangyan’s eyes flashed. “Is there a demon fighting?”

The four looked at each other in the same way, and their bodies accelerated at the moment, and they had flown again.

The four-person flight also revealed the different powers of the four. Zuo Qingcang couldn’t see the slightest smoke and fire all over his body, it was the whole person flying into the air, which was the result of directly pushing his body with entangled mimicry.

Coming to death, Cang Yan sprayed out intense plasma flames. Advancing with jet reaction, this method seems primitive, but because his body is light and has almost no weight. The speed is surprisingly fast.

The way the Styx moves is a bit strange, and the liquid makes up his body. And his body now walks in the void like a snake, as if the air around all has become substance.

The endless wind looks similar to Zuo Qingcang, his body seems to be a never-ending whirlwind, soaring freely in the sky. At least with Zuo Qingcang retaining his strength, he showed the strongest displacement ability among the four.

So he was the first to reach the explosion site. When the three of Zuo Qingcang arrived, they saw him standing motionless on White Land and in front of him. It’s a huge white pothole.

Above the pothole is a humanoid woman with black body wrapped around her.

What differs from a human woman is the blue undercoat of the creature’s epidermis, with white stripes. Her brow bone is also particularly prominent, and her long black hair flows down like a waterfall of silk to his waist.

Four pairs of blue wings spread behind her like bat wings, her chin lifted slightly, and dark green’s eyes lightly scanned Zuo Qingcang and the others.

Of course, in fact, at this distance, Zuo Qingcang had already sensed the existence of the other party with True Yuan wave.

But nothing happened with Zuo Qingcang. The three people, including the endless wind, saw the humanoids in front of them complexion changed, and their eyes were terrified.

“You … have you been here too?” Cang Yan died respectfully: “Do we need to do anything?”

The woman glanced at him coldly, and said, “Say the death to Cang Yan? With your strength … here is very dangerous now. Leave more than 10 kilometers at once.” The strength of these people is enough to move sideways on most planets , But it is impossible to put it in her eyes.

In the face of the woman’s scorn, Cang Yan was killed without any discomfort, but he retreated back easily and happily: “Let’s go.”

Zuo Qingcang frowned, but he left first. He was not an impulsive person, not to mention he didn’t know the identity of the other party.

After the four had left, he asked, “Who is this person? So arrogant?”

“It’s just arrogant, who makes people feel confident?” Said Cang Yan, who died. “Star River God and Demon Ranking 114. Night Banshee. She wants to bully us, even if they kill us. That will kill them .

I can’t reach Xuanwang here. “

The 114th night Banshee and Zuo Qingcang blinked slightly. He remembers a post he read, in which he said that this is a woman who can compete with the Star Swordmaster for the first powerhouse in the galaxy.

Suddenly, Zuo Qingcang became curious about this woman.

‘Star River God and Demon Ranking 114, what kind of strength will you have? ‘

‘Can I beat her? If so, in what state? ‘

Zuo Qingcang suddenly asked, “What is the purpose of 114 powerhouses coming to White Land?”

“Capturing Evil God … probably.” The water of the Styx is uncertain: “This level of powerhouse, what they are considering is no longer what we can understand.”

However, when a few people were guessing the purpose of the night Banshee, a white rays of light lit up in their eyes. The four of them quickly turned back and saw a colorful beam of light rising to the sky. There were waves passing by. The waves of air swept through the white mud on the ground, scattered like a tsunami.

The amazing explosion happened in front of the four, and then a blue silhouette had flashed all the way towards the four.

“That’s …” The three men who told the death of Cang Yan stared at each other, but Zuo Qingcang was relying on the wide range of True Yuan’s fluctuations. He had already seen the people. It was Banshee who had let them leave quickly.

At this moment, the 114-star Powerhouse of Star River God and Demon Ranking is at this time all over the body, the blue blood is constantly flowing out, it is piercing the space again and again, and it is moving at high speed continuously and instantaneously.

Her movement speed is not fast, but the continuous instantaneous movement makes her displacement distance more than thousands of kilometers per second.

Almost by the time the three Cang Yan were found, she had come to their presence.

“Isn’t it that you should hurry up?” Evening Banshee, although her tone was bad, seemed to be good, and she came to understand half of her words: “Your speed is too slow …” She turned her head took a look. As if some fierce enemy is chasing behind him: “hmph, forget it, I’ll take you away.”

Talking. Regardless of how he died, Cang Yan prodded. The blue dots of light flashed out from the void, connected directly to form a force field, wrapped up the deadly Cang Yan and the others, and moved instantly.

But the momentary movement at this time failed, and Banshee stunned, and the ability to launch failed. She hadn’t encountered such a thing for too long.

She didn’t know that this was deliberately done by Zuo Qingcang. He excuses the speed of light’s entangled mimicry to counteract Banshee’s interference in space.

In her short time, the anomaly had already happened.

Hundreds of kilometers behind her, a large gap appeared in the sky.

This so-called blank space is that large areas of air molecules are constantly disappearing. In this case, it is impossible for ordinary people’s eyes to see, but even for the dead and the others, large areas of air molecules are constantly disappearing. The sky There are many invisible and colorless voids, which is really too obvious.

Besides, with these blanks, all kinds of light and high temperature are born in the sky.

“What’s coming?” Shouted the endless wind.

Banshee coldly snorted at night: “It’s a real pursuit.” She gritted her teeth. With the strength of the other party, she had no time to run away from this distance, and stayed to fight against it. Then look for a chance to break through, this is the best choice.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but looked towards the side. The four said: “Successful death, endless wind, the waters of the river …” In her memory, everyone in the Star River God and Demon Ranking was nothing but Viewing the pattern on the palm, but when she saw Zuo Qingcang, she did not see the identity of the other party.

But it doesn’t seem to matter, that means the other party didn’t even have the Fiendgod list, which is not worth her attention at all.

So after she said the names of the three people who died of Cang Yan, she said directly: “I will fight in a while, I have no time to control you. You try your best to escape.”

The death of Cang Yan looked at the natural phenomenon in the sky, and the invisible and colorless hollow space continued to expand. The high temperature and high heat have surrounded them in an instant.

He asked nervously, “What is this, is it the Devil Noble?”

“It’s Evil God.” Yeshe Banshee suddenly shouted, “old bastard. I’m just borrowing your baby for one use, don’t you chase it so tight?”

Evil God, of all White Lands, goes beyond common sense, beyond the title of the ultimate enemy that ordinary civilization can deal with. That is the super rare beast that only the powerhouse on the Star River God and Demon Ranking can deal with, which is enough to affect terrifying disasters of dozens or even hundreds of planetary systems.

“Banshee at night …” In the hollow, a nearly transparent monster refracted the faint light so that everyone present could see him.

It was a collection of long creatures like countless snakes, dragons, eels, and earthworms, and where all snakes wandered by, all air molecules were swallowed up.

The electromagnetic waves released by monsters are like the shouts of thousands of wild beasts, which makes the death of Cangyan and the others feel dizzy for a while.

“This is not your universe. There is no High Dimensional Battleship to support you. In White Land, you are doomed!” After that, tens of thousands of transparent and invisible ‘snakes’ came out of the unidentified group. At this point, it is not just air molecules, all other sediments, earth, all materials are directly disappeared, as if eaten by these snakes.

“Flick off, these things can devour everything into heat.” The electromagnetic signal propagated to the death of Cang Yan at the speed of light.

The night Banshee himself was instantly transformed into a shadow and penetrated into the ground, and the entire ground was covered by a large black shadow.

The tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant turned into a battlefield, the endless black shadows at the feet, and the sky is a boundless invisible hollow.

In the shadows, such shadow-like punctures are continuously emitted, and in the sky are invisible ‘snakes’ rushing to the ground, trying to devour the shadows on the ground.

The war began in an instant, and the death of Cang Yan and the others had disappeared. It was directly transferred by Zuo Qingcang to White Land tens of thousands of kilometers away.

And Zuo Qingcang himself, tens of thousands of kilometers away, overlooking the battlefield with True Yuan waves, watching everything in front of him.

In fact, whether it is Evil God or Banshee at night, he is the object he has already discovered. The detection range of hunted thousand kilometers is too far.

Even the Evil God and Banshee at night are only about 20% of his detection range.

Now the battle between Evil God and Night Banshee is naturally made by him intentionally.

His purpose is very simple, so rare to encounter the high-end powerhouse on the Fiendgod list, he naturally wants to try to see how strong the opponent is.

Not to mention here is White Land, a wild land that even Xuanwang cannot cover.

‘Evil God’s ability … Does swallowing matter transform energy? It is a bit like my Heaven Devouring. ‘

‘Yanse Banshee’s ability, shadowing, transforms himself into a two-dimensional creature? But it has three-dimensional vision and can attack three-dimensionally in two dimensions. It is really no stronghold one cannot overcome the ability. ‘

Two-dimensional matter lacks a height than three-dimensional matter, which means that for three-dimensional creatures, the thickness is zero.

So as long as they are willing, they can break into any gap, cut into any material within the body, and enter any defensive base, not to mention the secret of the shadow itself.

When encountering an attack, as long as they use the zero-thick side to face the direction of the attack, they can even completely ignore the attack of the other party.

This is a powerful offensive and defensive ability, but the opposite Evil God has a vague engraving of the night Banshee in the way of battle, because he can directly devour the medium that the night Banshee casts two-dimensional shadows.

On the contrary, the Evil God in front of him is not a pure material existence, but rather a conscious phenomenon. Like the thunderbolt in the sky, the hurricane on the ground, and the tide in the sea, there is not even any extraordinary existence in it.

So the fighting between the two people became instantaneous, and at night Banshee fell into a full blow at this time. Shadows have been steadily retreating all the time, struggling to support.

In a blink of an eye, a large expanse of white sand was swallowed up, and the transformed thermal energy formed an explosion, which opened up a lot of land.

Although the night Banshee is struggling to support, Zuo Qingcang on the side is taking it very seriously. The immediate battle gave him a clear understanding of the battle strength of Fiendgod 114.

At the same time, a small piece of fingernail-sized shadow was quickly escaping from the ground, and moved towards the north of the battlefield, constantly fleeing.

But as she fled the battlefield, she suddenly discovered that Zuo Qingcang and the other four did not know when he appeared in front of him.

“These four wastes …” At night Banshee thought at first what space means the other party had used to escape, wherever I thought the other party was still looking at it stupidly.

“Hey, are you four silly? I can’t deal with this Evil God, are you here for courting death?”

But in the face of her words, the four did not answer, but instead an invisible giant dragon in the sky chased after her, and it was Evil God who found her escape.

Seeing the giant dragon fluttering in the direction of him and the death of Cang Yan, the four of them were completely covered, and Banshee sighed helplessly at night: “These four hindering guys.”

Just when she wanted to block the attack of the other four, she found that the one nobody who didn’t know the name didn’t know when to stop in front of her.

“Do you like Supreme Yang?”

Banshee was angry at night: “Hey, what are you doing!”

The electromagnetic signal propagating at the speed of light has just entered Zuo Qingcang’s body, and Evil God’s engulfing phenomenon has hit head-on, even colliding with the right fist blasted by Zuo Qingcang.

Banshee was angry, looking at Zuo Qingcang’s back as if looking at a stupid man: “Idiot, this guy can’t be killed with his fists.”

It seems that like Yeshe Banshee said, Zuo Qingcang’s entire right hand, including the elbow, was swallowed up in an instant.

But the swallowing behavior stopped at this moment.

Evil God exclaimed: “What … are you monsters?”

Zuo Qingcang said: “Human.”

The next moment, the infinite light and heat enveloped everyone.

At the same time, the black spikes rose from behind Zuo Qingcang, and continued to move frantically.

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