The river channel in the cave is very narrow, only about three meters wide, and only two boats one after the other can move forward slowly.

After only several hundred meters, there was no natural light source in the cave, and everyone fell into a complete darkness. They could only rely on the torch on their hands to illuminate.

But the darkness around all around is like the light that can swallow the light. The torch in his hand can only find out the range of a few meters away, and he can no longer see the situation in the distance.

Tang Xianghui put out a breath: “Fortunately, there is only such a narrow waterway in this hole. If it is a large lake, I am afraid we will have to find it for a long time.”

Dumpling looked up at the top of the cave, but no matter how hard his eyes were, there was nothing visible in the darkened piece: “This place feels a bit wicked, why can’t the light shine through?”

“Because it’s too deep, I’m afraid the top of the hole is very high, so we can’t see it, and we feel that the light is not far away.”

Liu Changding interjected, “This type of cave is generally caused by the long-term dissolution of groundwater. Because the composition of the rock wall is different, the shape of the dissolution section will also be different.” He also pointed to the rock walls on both sides. Stalactites.

Then he continued: “But the top of the hole above our head is not only caused by water erosion, but also the impact of mountain movement.”

All around the members of the Shadow Corps were all nodded thoughtfully. Then asked again and then chatted.

In the darkness, several members of the Shadow Corps had to speak and communicate in order to maintain ease and reduce stress. It seemed that as long as they did not speak, they would be completely swallowed by darkness.

But whether they are Azure Moon Hill or Zuo Zhicheng, they have not joined their conversation from beginning to end. They know Azure Moon Hill, which is the indifference of the Qingyue family, and Zuo Zhicheng is also a ghost punch. In their eyes The image inside is different again.

‘It’s almost like an iron man. ‘Thinking of the actions and achievements of the other party, Tang Yuan secretly glanced at Zuo Zhicheng, who was sitting at the forefront of the boat:’ Extreme will, execution, latent ability and action ability, I really do n’t know where it was cultivated. Guy. ‘

Suddenly, A Wei of the latter ship rubbed his eyes and asked Liu Changding next to him with some doubt: “Mister Liu, have you seen anything?”

Liu Changding on the one side looked in the direction of A Wei’s fingertips. There was nothing in the darkness.

“Awei, don’t scare me, where is there anything?”

Awei frowned: “But I seemed to see a woman in a green dress just now.”

“Who are you scaring?” Tang Xianghui was startled. “Don’t talk nonsense in this kind of place. We haven’t seen so many of you, so you saw it alone?”

Several people turned their heads and looked around. Where were any women in green clothes, they all blamed A Wei for talking in a mess.

Zuo Zhicheng actually turned around and took an unexpected look at Azure Moon Hill. In his ears, the sound of Azure Moon Hill’s breathing just thickened. Looking back, in the infrared line of sight, the heat in the chest of the other person increased, and it seemed that the heartbeat also accelerated.

Under the mask, Zuo Zhicheng’s corner of the mouth slightly raised. I didn’t expect this face to be a woman who kept cold and seemed to be afraid of ghosts?

A Wei’s dazzling thing was just a trivial matter. After a few minutes, everyone was left behind, and Zuo Zhicheng and his team continued to row and continue along the dark river.

The river channel in the soluble cave is like an endless channel leading to hell. Until half an hour later, although you know that your entire group is moving forward, there will still be a feeling that the all around scene has not changed.

“You have come in a few times before, and will you be so long?” Zuo Zhicheng asked the Azure Moon Hill and the others behind, thinking about the content in the data.

Tang Xianghui explained: “Yes, this river is very long. After one or three miles, there will be a stone platform. The first two teams will go in from there. We originally had a camp there, but since then After the two groups are missing, we will pull people out of the camp. “

Seeing Zuo Zhicheng’s silence, Tang Xianghui asked: “What? Is there a problem?”

I saw the ghost fist raised his head, thinking about the stone wall all around, and the direction of the top of the cave on his head. He turned his head and looked around, not knowing what he was looking for. Then he bowed his head and looked towards the water.

Seeing him like this, the entire group was also nervous, and Tang Yuan asked, “What’s the matter, Lord Ghost Fist?”

There was a chill in Zuo Zhicheng’s voice. He glanced back at the people in front of him, and then passed over the bodies of the people, directly looking towards the stern.

“When we entered the hole, there were two ships.”

“A Wei and Liu Changding, where are their ships now?”


All of a sudden, everyone looked towards the stern, but besides an empty lake, there was another ship’s trace.

Tang Xianghui looked towards the back in surprise: “How is that possible? How did they disappear?”

Tang Yuan also stood up: “Where are the people? We are going to find them.”

The dark caves, the bottomless lake, and the sudden disappearing companions made everyone a little confused.

“Quiet.” The violent murderous aura, mixed with the coldness of an iceberg, centered on Zuo Zhicheng’s body moved towards all around radiation. All around the people around the Shadow Corps felt that their hearts were bright, and they unknowingly listened to Zuo Zhicheng’s words and stopped arguing.

Of course, this is not yet the work of the real Mortal Manifestation, but Zuo Zhicheng’s prestige achieved with his Murderous aura and awe-inspiring strength, plus his own strength.

Seeing the people calm down, but his face was still full of this incredible and panic, Zuo Zhicheng said coldly, “Don’t make a fuss about nothing. Don’t think about anything messy.

It’s just that a boat has disappeared. I have encountered something more bizarre and more incredible than this.

No matter what happens, there must be a reason.

In short, I will first look at the situation of our all around environment. “

The darkness in the cave is like the thick fog of black. It envelopes everything in the darkness. With the torch’s illumination, everyone tries to look backwards. In the faint darkness, it seems that a boat shadow can be seen rear.

Tang Xianghui put out a breath: “They should be behind. The hole is too dark, so we didn’t see it before.”

“No,” Tang Yuan said nervously. “Why didn’t they order torch?”

“Awei, are you there?” Someone shouted in the darkness behind towards.

“Why didn’t you ignite? Talk?” There was no sound coming from the shadow of the boat behind, and the entire river channel was like a dead silence, only the sound of flowing water slowly passed into everyone’s ears.

It was as if something in the darkness had swallowed Awei and the others.

“There is a problem.” Zuo Zhicheng held out his hand and said to Tang Xianghui, “torch to me.”

At this time, Zuo Zhicheng seemed to have a convincing appeal. Tang Xianghui involuntarily handed a torch to the other party.

After taking the torch, Zuo Zhicheng pulled a small jar out of the small pocket of the clothes. In the jar is the magnesium powder extracted from the bitter soil in the lime, which is the magnesium oxide. After burning, this magnesium powder will The release of dazzling glare is one of the main components of flares in modern army.

Zuo Zhicheng doesn’t know if the shimmering gold in Taoist materials is similar, but he knows that the simple flares made of magnesium powder in his hand are enough to let him see the situation in front of him.

In the past, since Zuo Zhicheng didn’t detect any abnormalities in infrared vision, it needs to be illuminated.

“Be careful, it will be dazzling.” After speaking, everyone saw Zuo Zhicheng’s hand shadow flash.

The next moment, a boom, the burning flares have taken a clear path of light, moved towards the head of the crowd, and in a short moment, the original dark cave top has turned into a light, just like daytime, completely Appeared in front of everyone.

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