Silent Killing

Chapter 911-912

Compared to the hesitation of others, the answer of the eternal fortress is more direct. ,


Because the code was directly modified by Zuo Qingcang, and he was also responsible for transmitting the message to the main universe when Zuo Qingcang was on White Land, his status was slightly higher than a few people.

Zuo Qingcang’s answer to the Eternal Fortress was also expected. If a person who has not reached the Fiendgod list can choose the powerhouse at the top of the War God list, then I am afraid that the people at the top of the Fiendgod list are too busy to deal with all kinds of challenges every day, and this is obviously impossible.

To qualify for the first place in the Fiendgod list, you must first have the position of a permanent member, which is to enter the top 100 of the Star River God and Demon Ranking.

Entering the top 100 is another complicated matter, especially like Zuo Qingcang who has not entered the Star River God and Demon Ranking, but a mercenary is equal to participating in the entire Star River ring event.

The first is the sea election, which is a universe-wide knockout. It lasted for nearly half a year. Only powerhouses with a War Master level of Level 11 or higher can participate.

The sea election is a simple knockout match. The first battle determines the winner, the loser eliminates, and the winner advances. Until the final top 20 of the knockout stop, they are eligible to participate in the Fiendgod standings. They are called Fiendgod standing candidates.

This is the stage with the most competitions. Participants will play dozens or even hundreds of games almost every day. The test is not only strength but also endurance.

These candidates will compete with the powerhouses from the top 9501 to 10000 of Fiendgod in a round-robin match. The winner wins 2 points, the winner receives 1 point each, the loser 0 points. The round-robin score determines the new A ranking. The top 20 can enter the round-robin of the 9001 to 9500, and after the second round of the 9001–9500 round, the top 20 will enter the three rounds of 8501 to 9000.

The schedule is equally fierce, almost everyone has a few or even a dozen games.

如此不停循环,每500名都有前20 人可以上升进入下一个层次的循环赛,直到进入前101到500位的循环赛。这场比赛的前20位,便能进入前100 位的决赛。

Of course, in the end, the number of people on the Star River God and Demon Ranking may be 10 or 20 more, or it may be 10 or 20 because of too many casualties.

This is the entire Star River competition, which often lasts for a few years. It can be said that the entire universe is full of enthusiasm and blood.

It is also because of the long and fierce competition. The test is the real strength of the powerhouses, the real battle strength, and any unexpected, partial, crafty plots and machinations method is impossible to last.

There is no way, such a matter related to the rise and fall of a civilization, race, or even a galaxy, no matter how repeated considerations can not be overemphasized.

If a newcomer like Zuo Qingcang wants to go from the candidate all the way to the first place, he will fight almost every day for several years, counting the initial selection. At least tens of thousands of battles will be fought.

However, Zuo Qingcang, who knew the rules of the Star River competition, did not show impatience. It’s even slightly nodded.

He used Dark Magic, Evil God’s nature, and past experience and artificial God World to create the Taoism ‘Immortal One Thought’, which is a spell that requires fame and intelligent creatures.

The beginning of this spell requires someone to worship him, to fear him, and to have similar feelings for him. Then spread about his incantation and symbols.

The characteristic incantation and symbol use the conceptual armed Theory. As long as you keep thinking about the incantation and drawing the symbol, the electromagnetic waves will construct a structured quantum signal that is the simplest answer.

The greater the quantity, the better. These signals complement each other and will form a Dark Magic mantra that guides the power of the Demon God of the Other World through many areas in the universe.

After the whole method matures and the magic is enough, it doesn’t matter if the believer is there. At that time, as long as someone has the place of the Zuo Qingcang symbol, as long as someone thinks of his incantation, he can come and go freely, single thought rebirth.

And to get the admiration of countless people quickly, to promote unique symbols and incantation, what method is comparable to the speed and speed of Star River?

This feast of the entire universe is related to the rise and fall of countless civilizations, countless countries, and countless races, which is equivalent to the Olympic Games plus the World Cup plus the imperial examination plus the parade plus the World War.

Although it was a bit more difficult from the beginning to the end, Zuo Qingcang felt that adding worshippers like this was more effective than just a few challenges. It took him a few years to develop the Immortal One Thought without affecting his strength growth. In his It seems to be more cost-effective.

Besides, he has the intention to reach the top of the Fiendgod list.

“Let me arrange the registration. You do n’t need to make any special arrangements, you can start from the most basic sea trials.” Zuo Qingcang commanded: “Yes, you need to help me prepare some websites and prepare to publicize my results after I have scored . “


After hearing Zuo Qingcang’s remarks, everyone in the audience was a little bit mistaken. I have never seen such a direct powerhouse and leadership. What Zuo Qingcang said was not in line with his image.

Zuo Qingcang is naturally too lazy to explain to them, let alone explain to them, but just emphasized: “I don’t care about the specific plan, anyway, help me to guide positively, when I get the first place, I hope that at least the entire universe has 50% of the population worships me. “

This said…

For Zuo Qingcang’s strength, of course, the few people present were very clear and admired.

Zuo Qingcang can become a permanent member, Star River God and Demon Ranking top 100, they must be extremely incomparable. But to say that the top ten, or even the first one, is not quite sure if I have seen Zuo Qingcang’s cosmic fairy and the others beheading Evil God.

In particular, as the powerhouse on the Star River God and Demon Ranking, they were slightly dissatisfied with Zuo Qingcang’s evaluation of the Fiendgod list with such a ‘lightly crazy’ tone, and arguing that they should take the first place.

We know that you are strong, but even if you are, you can’t just take the first place. That is the strongest in the entire universe, countless galaxies, and countless high masters. Every word determines the existence of the fate of thousands of civilizations.

For those powerhouses who have been struggling on the Fiendgod list, the number one in the Fiendgod list is too sacred, too tall, and too far away.

But of course they are not stupid enough to directly refute Zuo Qingcang in person, anyway waiting for you to reach the top 100 finals of the Fiendgod list and playing against those perverts. Naturally you know that you are too arrogant.

After talking for a while, Zuo Qingcang flatly said, “Okay, you can arrange the remaining things yourself, and just ask me through Xuanwang if there is anything.”

“Give me a place to rest.”

There are a total of eight powerhouses on the Fiendgod list, plus Banshee, which is not too late, and the sons of Silver Moon are all over 100. It is too easy to arrange a place for Zuo Qingcang to rest.

But before leaving, the Cosmic Fairy couldn’t help asking: “Sir, what about the Nothingness Zone of the Third Military Region?”

Zuo Qingcang stopped. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: “If he can meet an opponent worthy of his use at the Star River ring, he will naturally leave White Land.”

The implication is that he now drops the dark heart directly on White Land, and only uses it when he encounters an enemy that can be dealt with after more than one turn of Shenmen.

Almost two hours later, an original green planet had been cleared in advance. With the opening of a light gate, a large number of six-footed flying robots flew out of them. The nano-robots they sprayed covered Fangyuanyi within seconds. Kilometers of land. Formed a splendorous and majestic palace.

Even the structure of the atmosphere has been slightly changed, like a magnifying glass playing against the scene of three satellites in the sky. Just for the sky to be more beautiful, it will also make thunder and rain thousands of miles away.

Temperature and humidity are also slowly adjusted by the nano-robot in the air, making it more comfortable and pleasant.

As for the changes of other hills, waterfalls and gardens, it goes without saying.

After being covered with various camouflage guards and defenses, Zuo Qingcang came out of the light gate with the help of several waiters.

Zuo Qingcang was thinking, looking towards a mountain peak aside, and saw dozens of furry silhouettes holding stone tools. Yelling at them in the sky.

“Is there intelligent life on this planet?”

The waiter on the side lowered his head and replied, “Some uncivilized wild beasts, do they need to be cleaned up?” Although what he said was casual, the content was Murderous-looking. If it was really cleaned up, it might be the entire planet. Similar life is extinct.

In fact, the waiters sent by these eternal fortresses are not simple. Not only are the Interstellar Soldiers with a pro-level level 10, even almost all appearances are alien life similar to humans, and they have more obvious female characteristics.

Their skins are flesh-colored, white, pink and green, and they look like Earth legendary Elf, Succubus, Angel, Goddess and the like.

Cosmic fairies naturally do not expect to fasten Zuo Qingcang through the so-called female color. Even if it is a reserve candidate for the Fiendgod list, many planets say that there is a good one. The so-called female resources are really not lacking.

This is just the basic treatment of the powerhouse in the universe, except that some races prefer it, and some races do not have this need. As for whether Zuo Qingcang likes women, or is not interested, it’s just a trivial matter.

If you like it, then you can choose tens of thousands of arbitrarily. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like it.

After listening to the waiter’s answer, Zuo Qingcang glanced over there again. The specific structure of these intelligent lives had been swept into his brain. It was some kind of intelligent life that evolved from cats.

Hairy skin, large erect ears, and of course degenerate palms and feet. It looks like a big cat standing up.

“Anyway.” Zuo Qingcang said lightly, looking towards the palace at his feet.

A few hours later, more Earth and aliens appeared in the palace. Some of them were Earth survivors who had previously left the imaginary space, and some were Earth people who wanted to go out now. As for the aliens, , Most of them were the eternal fortress and the others sent over to meet Zuo Qingcang’s requirements.


In the sky, a skateboard-like aircraft is swimming at high speed in the atmosphere.

From time to time, purple lights were shot from the skateboard and hit the woods or hillsides, causing explosions.

The cats on the ground ran fast, staring at the aircraft in the sky with a hint of panic and despair.

Zuo Qingcang again pointed out that the big tree behind a cat was cut in half, causing the hair on the other side to suddenly explode. Speeding up again.

“Sir, Ms. Caroline is here.”

The voice of the waiter came from Zuo Qingcang’s mysterious net. He nodded and continued chasing these cat people slowly and said, “Let’s use video communication directly.”

Soon after speaking, accompanied by the rays of light emitted from the side of the skateboard, a slender silhouette appeared beside him, an alien with a blond mermaid appearance.

“Hello. Lord.”

“You don’t need to be polite. Do you understand my question?”

To be honest, Caroline doesn’t quite understand. As a senior publicist in the universe, she has also served many big shots making an all-out effort, and some of them are relatively high on the Star River God and Demon Ranking. The presence.

For example, Banshee at Night, in fact Banshee pulled Carroll over.

But although I have seen a lot of fame, crisis PR. Or for powerhouses such as advertising, commercial purposes, public opinion offensive, but setting the tone as high as Zuo Qingcang, she really met for the first time.

Star River God and Demon Ranking First, the worship of half of the universe …

Hearing this request, Caroline only felt that the other party was extremely arrogant and ignorant, but as a professional. She not at all pointed it out directly, just holding an attitude of doing everything to listen to destiny.

After all, the reward given by the other person really made her very jealous.

So I heard what Zuo Qingcang said. Carol Nodded said, “We have some plans based on your goals and conditions.”

“First of all, we think that in terms of image, it may be necessary to block the face. It is better to use a mask.”

Many aliens in the universe are humanoid, just because of their appearance and environment. They have different aesthetic views on faces. Zuo Qingcang’s appearance is considered to be small in humans, cold and handsome, but in many other races, it is definitely ugly. Horrible and disgusting.

Cover it with masks and robes, and cooperate with armor, tabards, and colonial costumes. That way, it is easier to meet the aesthetic threshold of many humanoid creatures in the universe, at least it will not naturally make many people hate and disgusting, and even this artificial appearance change will be more It is easy for people to have a sense of substitution. It feels like they are put on it, which is conducive to spreading.

Of course it is always impossible for everyone to like it.

“We have designed several sets of clothing, but there are still your requirements, adults, need to spread incantation and graphics, can you tell us what language and graphics are in advance?

For the entire universe to spread, it is best to be as simple and beautiful as possible. Incantation is also the best. It is better to have only one byte. Powerhouse can communicate through electromagnetic waves, but most ordinary creatures have different parameters such as the frequency of sound waves they communicate with. “

Zuo Qingcang slowly exchanged his views with Caroline, but the flying skateboard under his feet kept flying, and within a few moments he had driven dozens of cat people into a dead end.

Although the whole process is breathtaking, there is no dead cat person, and Zuo Qingcang also has some understanding of the physical parameters of these primitive lives.

With a little finger, in a scream, more than a dozen cats have been caught in the imaginary space by a sudden emergence of black mist.

For him, doing research on this planet, practicing Dark Magic, and constantly receiving the growing quality of the Dark Heart, has been a rare relief.

Caroline on the other side continued: “There is also a way of speaking, usually it doesn’t matter, but when talking to ordinary people, you may need to change the way of speaking slightly.

Zuo Qingcang crooked his head and said, “How to change?”

“You now … um …” Caroline thought for a moment and said, “Some are too cold.

You are different from ordinary life, single thought head can kill thousands. This will make people worship, and it will also make people feel fear and hate.

But ordinary person, especially the general public, is also very deceiving. You need to deal with them more kindly, at least make them think that you are on the side with them, and you are willing to communicate with them equally. “

Zuo Qingcang nodded, slowly landed on the ground and said, “Just walking with my feet and holding things with my hands, often disguised as ordinary creatures, right?”

“Yes,” Caroline said, “while showing great power, do things that are grounded, as well as bloody, inspirational, and righteous things.

I know this may not be what you want, but at least it will get you the approval of most people, at least you need to make it look like this on the surface. “

Zuo Qingcang indifferently said: “I’ll do my best.” After that, he flew into the palace with a flying skateboard in a flash.

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