Silent Killing

Chapter 913-914-915

“The positive remarks of justice, kindness, justice, etc., whether you like it or not, like it or not, are the characteristics that most intelligent creatures of most races in this universe like.

And the dark, selfish, cold-blooded, cruel, and so on opposite of him, even if you are loved by this part of the race, I am afraid they will not help you. “

Yes, the powerhouse who took the dark line may be worshipped by the same selfish and cold-blooded people, but you are counting on a fan who likes selfishness, cold blood, cruelty, and perverts to bring you benefits, obviously you think too much.

Even if they are not attacked by the United States, the test of combat is over, and you will die if you die. Unfathomable mystery and other attacks will be lucky.

A mess of mud standing in front of Zuo Qingcang said earnestly: “So it makes no sense to attract those races and lives of negative traits. Not only are they scarce, they also have poor returns.

Speaking is indeed a mess. This is a collective life from the fairy galaxy. Countless microorganisms are gathered together and formed by the collective thinking of the biological Lightning Net network.

And now he is forming a muddy mouth and eyes, looking at Zuo Qingcang, telling them about the plan they discussed with Caroline.

“Of course, proper domineering and high-profile are also necessary means to attract popularity.”

Zuo Qingcang sat on a sofa made of water, listening to the other party’s speech, and watching the long materials in Xuanwang. It was about the various things he would do in front of the public, express his language and attract Fan detailed plan.

It is thicker than a dictionary in detail, and Zuo Qingcang is also seen to be slightly frowned.

The sludge went on there: “You don’t have to guarantee this state at all times, but you can take one day at least every ten days to complete some training.”

“I remember all these things.” Zuo Qingcang said to remember, of course, really remembered, with his control of the body, to achieve some acting, appearance camouflage is simply impossible.

The mud showed an ugly smile and said: “We have to adjust it. Not everyone has the same aesthetics as us, and your data collection, we need to speed up.”

With the current level of science and technology in the main universe, the resources mastered by Carol, plus the technology mastered by the Eternal Fortress and the others, many things can be solved briefly.

It’s like Zuo Qingcang’s current conversation and conversation. The outline of the strategy is not what they imagined.

Instead, they entered Zuo Qingcang’s usual body parameters, simulated them with holographic simulation images, and then passed the investigation and testing of hundreds of conventional races.

But for the powerhouse on the Fiendgod list, fighting is the most important thing.

So fighting style, gorgeous tricks, and even handsome lines are very important.

And Mud is the best at this aspect. He looked at Zuo Qingcang said with a smile: “I have designed some tricks that may be hot. I don’t know if you can do it.”

Ask powerhouse to reveal the type and nature of power. Obviously it is very difficult, so although the efficiency of doing this is very slow, Muddy plans to design each and everyone to see which one can match Zuo Qingcang.

However, Zuo Qingcang squinted his eyes for a moment, but said, “Let ’s go, look at these tricks first.” Handsome tricks, Zuo Qingcang has some inventory in his mind.

Time spent the little by little in the efforts of the Caroline team and in the relaxation of Zuo Qingcang.


In the laboratory. A total of 13 radiances are sequentially illuminated in red, blue, green, cyan, yellow, orange, pink, purple, gold, silver, black, white, and gray.

These rays of light are not emitted by any light source. It comes from cracks like gates from different realms.

Zuo Qingcang felt the various emotions contained in 13 rays of light, or surging like a flame, or cold like an iceberg, and the power of silence like death, and kept feeling in his heart.

This is the power of Dark Magic, just like many other systems. There are different factions in Dark Magic.

In terms of Tory Judith’s memory, it is divided into 13 factions, according to the cultivator’s body, consciousness, and experience. Even with different personality preferences, the cultivation potential in the 13 factions is different.

And Toriusus, the premier Dark Magic bull in the entire universe, is extremely researched on Dark Magic of all 13 factions.

Although Zuo Qingcang has used the artificial God World to analyze all Dark Magic of the Torriyusian Society, it is virtual after all. Although he has made occasional attempts in the real world, he has not really decided which one of them to specialize in .

According to Torreysis, 13 rays of light represent the power of 13 different Demon Gods from outside.

As for Zuo Qingcang’s feelings, the power of red, black, gray and golden gives him more intimacy.

On the contrary, white made him feel cold, disgusted and even a faint threat. The three rays of light of silver, azure, and blue are completely repelling him. Especially the silver rays of light, he is basically unable to guide its power to perform any Dark Magic. This is the so-called altogether disagreement.

Dark Magic is to summon the power of Demon God from the outside world. Naturally, you must choose the one that is most suitable for you and the easiest to guide.

I saw Zuo Qingcang’s fingertips picking slightly, a gray light group has been guided into his palm.

Ten meters away, a cat man about 1.5 m saw the appearance of Zuo Qingcang, and was yelling, seemingly fearful, warning.

Zuo Qingcang didn’t care about him, a few deep curses sounded in his mouth, and the gray light cluster at his fingertips pierced the cat’s chest like a lightsaber.

Ten Level 2 Dark Magic, Divine Power.

With the development of magic, the layers of muscles on the cat’s body bulged up, and at the same time his skin kept peeling off, it seemed as if he had been delayed, and the layers of skin and hair fell off.

But in the pain of his painful roar, layers of scarlet’s rock-like skin grew and soon wrapped his body.

“Does the protective superpower?”

Magical Powers, Superpowers, Witchcraft, each race has a different name, but Dark Magic Divine Power at Level 2. It is a strong demon method that can give ordinary creatures extraordinary power.

Of course, what kind of extraordinary powers the magical subject will possess is that there is no randomness at all.

Zuo Qingcang did not use naked eyes to see each other’s constantly reorganizing rocky skin and skeleton. Instead, he carefully felt the continuously with True Yuan waves, flowing slowly into the cat-man within the body like a long stream. Power from Demon God of the Other World.

The power of gray transforms the gene fragments of the creatures in front in a way that Zuo Qingcang cannot fully understand. Inspired a power that the opponent never had.

After looking at the new Catman after a few minutes, Zuo Qingcang sighed: “Demon God, what kind of existence is there …” He could use it at will, but he couldn’t fully use Demon God’s Theory, so he tried to rewrite some Dark Magic Role and scope.

A moment later, the catman screamed again in the laboratory.

A dozen days were spent in Zuo Qingcang’s leisure, and Caroline’s team finally selected many plans.

In the endless white room, Zuo Qingcang slowly wore a black golden armor, and the armor showed a graceful streamline. Enveloping Zuo Qingcang’s entire body, the helmet part does not have clear facial features marks, but reveals a low-key luxury in a trace of golden pattern.

But even more noticeable is that behind Zuo Qingcang, the illusory shadow like the Milky Way light wheel flashes the stars of light, exuding a mysterious atmosphere like the entire starry sky, and revealing a domineering power to control Star River.

This is one selected by Carol and the others after Zuo Qingcang made several marks to practice Immortal One Thought.

Seeing handsome, majestic eyes. All over the body is filled with rounds of overbearing Zuo Qingcang, and Carol could not help but laugh nodded: “In terms of Appearance. Most of the races in the universe should be considered pleasing to the eye.”

“That’s OK,” Zuo Qingcang said with a slight twist of his head. “The first round of knockout will start in half an hour, so I’ll go first.”

“Master,” Caroline said, bowing, “be sure to win beauty.”


The official start of the Star River 擂 taisai, of course, has attracted the attention of countless people.

But it’s a bit difficult to say how many people will focus on the knockout games.

At least Zuo Qingcang’s first match saw only three or four people watching the live broadcast.

Yes, the entire Star River Round from the first elimination round to the final of the final was broadcast live on

But Zuo Qingcang certainly didn’t care. He just shot one shot after being rushed to an unmanned asteroid.

So the adversary who just appeared was fainted.

Then came the next game, another asteroid, another palm, and the opponent passed out.

Knockouts are very fast-paced matches with only one purpose. Is to eliminate the number of people to the last 100. In theory, the top 20 of them can enter the Fiendgod list, and the remaining 80 are candidates who are prepared to worry about casualties.

Because the players in knockout games often have huge differences in strength, the venue of the game is very simple, the schedule is very compact, and strong and potential players often eliminate hundreds or thousands of people a day.

At the end of such a knockout, their number of eliminations is a ranking, which has important reference significance for whether to enter the Fiendgod list later. After all, the higher the previous ranking, the more likely it is to enter the Fiendgod list in the final more back and less fill.

The top 20 has the opportunity to enter the first round of the round and compete directly on the Fiendgod list.

The first round of events soon ended. After 30 consecutive hours of combat, there was a five-hour break.

In the Heavenly Dragon galaxy, Merlot walked out of the Transmission Gate with a smile. As the strongest genius of his family, the Heavenly Dragon galaxy’s strongest s-class mercenary. His own strength is already Peak in the non-Fiendgod world. Among the Peak.

At this time in Star River, he can be said to have set extremely high expectations. You have to know that even if you are on the list, all sorts of tedious steps are not evaluated, and High Dimensional Battleship is enough to stop most people.

However, the qualification to be included in the Star River Championship will be awarded directly to the High Dimensional Battleship by the Supreme Council.

The Star River ring is indeed an extremely sacred and insatiable event for countless powerhouses in the universe. Many people have worked hard for decades and hundreds of years. It is just for such an opportunity to be on the list.

The goal of Merlot is not to simply enter the list, but to enter the top 9000 of the Fiendgod list. As a genius of a thousand years, he has inherited the relics of several super-ancient civilizations, and also got the powerhouse on the Fiendgod list. Guided and even worshipped each other as Teacher.

He believes that it is not difficult to achieve this.

This is even more true in today’s first round. Solve your opponents easily and easily, and give a few pointers to the pleasing eye. For those who are not pleasing to the eye or hate or fear, except for a few efforts, it is still extremely easy.

My favorite is to use this strong strength to crush the past, enjoying the envy of opponents and others.

As he walked out of the Transmission Gate, he saw many contestants sighing or were injured, and he laughed. These people have either failed. Either the injury is too heavy to support the second round, of course he will look down at them.

Naturally, those elated and excited contestants, Mai Luo smiled even more. They belong to opponents who will be eliminated by others or by himself.

Although he knows that the first round of the knockout match is due to the number of people, the strength gap is the biggest day, but thinking about his game today, he still can’t help it.

‘I eliminated 2100 people today. Even if it doesn’t make it to the top, it’s definitely in the top ten? ‘Mello thought. If he hadn’t encountered several War Masters at levels 13 and 14, and wasted his time, his speed would definitely have been faster.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t wait to connect to Xuan. With the current technology and work efficiency, the results of the first day of the knockout should have been calculated.

But when Mello clicked into the state of Star River. Looking at the knockout list, he showed a hell-like expression.

“Zuo Qingcang? Thousands of 100,000 taels eliminated? What a joke.”

Mellow screamed angrily, drawing everyone around him around.

‘How could it have eliminated the thousand thousand people in the first round, damn it must be this guy’s luck. Encounters are super weak opponents. ‘

But he knew that this was unlikely, and he also reacted, and eliminated the thousand thousand people in 30 hours, which was almost one in a second.

For random battlefields, the time it takes for a High Dimensional Battleship to teleport is almost one second.

In other words, if there is no time delay for the transmission of High Dimensional Battleship, the opponent’s performance will be better.

‘The hope of the first place is lost. ‘

After 30 hours of happiness and superiority suddenly disappeared, Mai Luo went on, and the second place was his own name and the third place was more than 2000 people. It is more than 100000 people away from the first place, and the gap is really a bit outrageous.

He still murmured in his mouth: “100,000 taels thousand people, how could it be 100,000 taels thousand people.”

If there is such a big gap between the powerhouse on Fiendgod’s list and him, then he will not do so, but the same newcomer is still unknown, and it really hits him a bit.

Compared to most competitors who can only rest near the transmission point of the competition, Zuo Qingcang has so many powerhouses on the Fiendgod list as partners or collaborators. The High Dimensional Battleship quota he actually owns is actually very high.

Casually stepping into the High Dimensional Battleship in the envy of countless people, he has returned to the laboratory of the original planet again.

After the door was opened, Zuo Qingcang, the silhouette moved toward the center of the laboratory said, “It’s finished …” When he said something and so on, the silhouette’s fingers were fatally sighed, and his whole body had become a concentrated afterglow. Into the silhouette.

After taking this Avatar back, Zuo Qingcang looked again towards the experiment in front of him. And if those contestants who are watching the rankings know that this time it is only an Avatar from Zuo Qingcang, their expressions will be even more ugly.

This Avatar comes from a Dark Magic called Avatar Shadow Transformation. It can condense a part of its magic to form Avatar with a fixed behavior mode and target.

In front of Zuo Qingcang, there is a cat in a coma. A blue liquid is slowly being injected into the other’s body along the syringe.

This is the effect of Zuo Qingcang refining the ‘Divine Power’ and condensing it into a potion.

After the medicine was injected into the catman, although the other party was in a coma, the nerves and muscles trembled violently after a reaction. A few minutes later, a trace of electric sparks was born from the catman’s hair.

After Carol received permission from Zuo Qingcang. Come in from the door and congratulate first: “Sir, congratulations, the first day of the knockout is the day with the largest number of people. With your results, it will be absolutely dominant in the next knockout schedule.”

Zuo Qingcang nodded. what not at all said, for him, the so-called knockout games are not as interesting as the games in front of them.

With the continuous injection of blue medicament, the electric sparks on the cat’s body also increased, and even the hair on his body gradually changed to change color. That is because the reflected electromagnetic waves are different.

Caroline also saw this strange change and couldn’t help asking: “Master, this is …”

“Give ordinary creatures some supernatural powers, but at most they are level eight to level nine. Pass time when you are bored.”

Zuo Qingcang’s words were bland, but stopping in Caroline’s ears was a shock.

Just give ordinary creatures enough power to destroy a ground armored force, can this be considered fun? She laughed bitterly. There was no way. The gap between the powerhouse and the weak was so great.

A few days later, Zuo Qingcang’s speed in the following knockouts has not changed at all, and almost every day is more than the thousand eliminated. The second place behind him was initially stimulated, followed by anger. Then there was numbness, and now he has stopped watching Zuo Qingcang’s results.

There are more reports on Zuo Qingcang on Zuo Qingcang. Of course, this has something to do with the various marines and studios hired by Caroline.

Domineering on the ring, King Dao off the ring, this is the strategy they set. And Zuo Qingcang eliminated every hundred thousand people every round. Each game is an overbearing and straight-handed slap opponent. This is a subject that is easy to advertise.

However, after all, the knockout match is only a knockout match. As a warm-up for the Star River platform, not many people pay attention to them.

For a few months I practiced magic and experimented in Zuo Qingcang. A little bit passed in the process of participating in the competition, and the knockout round finally ended, and Zuo Qingcang naturally won the first place.

Because of this first place achievement, Zuo Qingcang received many interview requests from well-known media. Carolan carefully selected it and listed the name of the family.

So this reporter named Xinghuan Media was able to set foot on the healing planet of Zuo Qingcang.

Meris came out of the High Dimensional Battleship, and her heart was disappeared because of the unpleasantness of waiting. You should know that this is a High Dimensional Battleship. Generally, only high-level nations, battle heroes, powerhouses and super bombs have this opportunity. Even if she is enjoying this treatment for the first time in her life.

Looking at the beautiful houses, the sky and the natural environment in front of her, she was even happier. After the interview, it was a good pastime to live on such a planet for a few days.

However, work first. Although the news of the knockout championship can only be regarded as second-third rate news, after all, it still focuses on timeliness. After pushing for the meal, Meris asked to see Zuo Qingcang first to complete the interview.

So she was carried into a valley by an aircraft.

I saw a simple and primitive village in it, and many cats walking upright looked at them curiously, but did not do anything radical.

Merris asked strangely, “Is this the native on this planet?”

Carol Nodded on the side said, “His Zuo Qingcang is very concerned about the backward intelligent race in the universe, and will often help them.”

Merris was nodded boringly. She had no interest in this kind of news, and Carolan’s familiar temperament and words also made her guess the lacklusterity of the next interview.

Walking around, I saw Zuo Qingcang at the village center who was healing a cat-man.

At this moment, Zuo Qingcang is still wearing gorgeous costumes specially prepared for events such as interviews, just like the masked Young Master and Noble from the night, full of all kinds of charming elements.

Merris, however, was accustomed to similar people, and started interviewing a little politely.

What race, where they came from, past experience, feelings of participating in the competition for the first time, a series of answers that were prepared and not one drop of water can leak out made Meris even more boring.

Originally, the news of the first place in this knockout game was not paid much attention, so in the end, she just asked the question as usual: “Excuse me, how many rankings do you think you can get at the Star River ring at this time?”

Zuo Qingcang as it should be by rights: “Of course it is first.”

“Oh, it’s number one, so … wait …” Meiris’ eyes blinked instantly, staring at Zuo Qingcang and saying, “What are you talking about?”

Caroline covered her eyes on the side: “Damn, we haven’t discussed it. Is this the top 200 answer to this question? ‘They were still afraid that Zuo Qingcang would not get such a high ranking. By then, the arrogance would become a laughing stock in the future.

You have to know that the top 200 is already extremely exaggerated.

Someone started to block Merris’s question, but she was completely excited: “You mean you will defeat all the powerhouses in the Fiendgod list and get the first place in the Star River God and Demon Ranking.”

“Don’t get me wrong.” Zuo Qingcang shook the head, looking towards the camera, “I’m not saying I can beat everyone on the Star River God and Demon Ranking.”

“I mean all the creatures in the entire Star River God and Demon Ranking add up, and they are not my opponents.”

“Fuck!” Caroline, holding her head, made a painful whisper.

Meris brightened her eyes, looking at Zuo Qingcang as if looking at a treasure.

The staff around all around also stopped and looked at Zuo Qingcang like a fool.

But the silence lasted only a few seconds. Next moment, the whole scene became chaotic.

“Sorry, Meris Young Lady, the interview is over.”

“Wait, I still have questions.”

“Not good, His Excellency Zuo Qingcang has been under a lot of pressure recently. Let me answer the remaining questions, as well as the previous answers …”

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