Silent Killing

Chapter 916-917

The first new crowd in the knockout round ranted that it would hang Fiendgod.

Fiendgod list is unstoppable, the villain is crazy?

Human Race teenagers will win first place in the Fiendgod list? !!

Carolyn walked back and forth in the Catman Village, watching the various titles about Zuo Qingcang that erupted instantly in Xuanwang. It collapsed to the extreme.

It can be imagined that the people of the entire Xuanwang network and the various intelligent lives of the entire main universe do not know how many people are watching the jokes of Zuo Qingcang.

Yes, it’s a joke. Because no one will believe that a newcomer in the knockout round will get the first place in the Fiendgod list. Everyone who sees the news will only look at it as a paragraph.

Looking at the titles that are getting more and more frightening, how to attract the attention, Caroline only feels that those media are extremely unscrupulous. Although she has done so in the past.

Of course, in this way, Zuo Qingcang is also instantaneous. After all, when the entire Star River God and Demon Ranking was established, it was never daring to say such arrogant remarks.

You know, this is the Star River God and Demon Ranking. If you compete here, you may be killed, countless races, and countless powerhouses.

One word offends all the most powerful forces and powerhouses in the universe, no one has this courage.

But Zuo Qingcang did it, and he will naturally get angry, maybe it will become a rich expression pack, maybe it will become a red period of years, but it is definitely not as red as Carol originally planned.

“Sir!” She swayed the tail of the fish, floating in groups of clear water holding her body, and brought her closer to Zuo Qingcang, angrily said, “Why do you say that? We haven’t settled on the answer to the question long ago. Are you there? “

“I’m just telling the truth.” Zuo Qingcang said faintly, in front of him, the cat people who had kneeled on the ground, these cat people were alternately injected with Divine Power’s curing potion by each and everyone.

They looked at Zuo Qingcang’s eyes as if they were looking at Spiritual God.

Caroline looked at Zuo Qingcang and still focused on the cat person, and couldn’t help but say, “Do you know how much influence you have said this time? The entire universe will see you as a joke!

Even many narrow-minded Fiendgod powerhouses will be hostile to you directly, and maybe they will be poisoned and assassinated. Make a trip! This is unnecessarily adding many obstacles. “

“As long as I get the first.” Zuo Qingcang casually said: “If you can’t get the first, I will naturally tell a joke. When I get the first, I will be Legendary.

At that time, they will respect me like God. “

while speaking. The cats in front of him each and everyone quickly transformed, various stealth, teleportation, stealth, flames. Powers such as storms and rays burst out from them.

Their faces were full of pain, but they gritted their teeth and didn’t make a sound, instead they looked at Zuo Qingcang’s eyes more and more crazy, more worship.

Carolyn focused her attention on Zuo Qingcang’s words. When she heard the other person casually put the first place on her mouth, she could only sigh deeply in her heart.

She couldn’t argue with Zuo Qingcang, and she wouldn’t take the initiative to point out Zuo Qingcang’s mistakes. She just said, “In that case, we can only change our original strategy.”

Zuo Qingcang didn’t speak. I just learned the method of medicament, guided my own power, constantly changed the gene fragments of cats in front of me, and showed an interesting smile on my face.


In the Heavenly Dragon galaxy, Mai Luo watched the news report in Xuanwang. Ha laughed heartily three times, watching Zuo Qingcang’s video in front of him as if watching an idiot. responded fiercely to Zuo Qingcang’s interview. Mai Luo looked at it a little, and even saw the 445th bursting wave of criticism of this situation, and said that Zuo Qingcang could enter the fifth place. Will give him a profound lesson, but unfortunately he is now worried that the other party can not enter.

Many different ranked Fiendgod powerhouses have also commented, issued statements, condemned and other things.

of course. The most remarkable is the 55th natural disaster leader, leaving two words under Zuo Qingcang’s video, arrogant.

The more he sees the report, the more happy Mai Luo feels, and hehe laughs and says: “I really did it myself. It doesn’t matter, this person is dead anyway, no need to pay attention.”

Although Zuo Qingcang has become a joke for countless people, time still passes day by day.

After an hour’s rest, the first round-robin round finally began. In the round-robin competition, there were 1 powerhouses from 951 to 1 in the Fiendgod list, plus 500 new players, a total of 2 participants.

In each match, there are more than 26 games in pairs. There are 519 games in total, which means that everyone must play against any other player.

Over, or as many predict, the game with the most spectators belongs to Zuo Qingcang.

In the live video, the number of people exceeded 1 million at the first time, and then it continued to increase at a rate of hundreds of seconds per second.

This is the Star River competition that spans the entire starry sky. Even in the first round of the round, the people concerned have far exceeded any human imagination.

As in the knockout round, the first round of round-robin matches began, and the battlefields were still randomly divided. The first match of Zuo Qingcang was a terrifying abyss of more than 5ten thousand meters underwater.

The depth of terror is enough to smash any Earth submarine.

The purely dark environment does not even have a little visible light, and only pure darkness can be seen.

Of course, even if such an environment is photographed, the ordinary person can’t see how the battle is going. In fact, most of the powerhouse battles on the Star River God and Demon Ranking cannot be watched by the ordinary person.

In order to solve this, and in order to supplement the fairness of the Fiendgod list, the organizers of the competition have always used the photon capture system. They have used a hyperspatial analysis engine and a super-clear image simulation system for live broadcast, and of course there are various translation equipment. To broadcast the contestants’ conversations.

The photon capture system can capture and record all material movements below the speed of light, helping viewers understand what powerhouses usually look like in battle.

The hyperspace analysis engine is able to draw the general situation of exceed the speed of light and other motions in subspace, but this is really only rough. But fortunately, even the powerhouse on the Fiendgod list cannot violate the laws of physics to truly break through the speed of light. They just exceled the speed of light attack by instantaneous movement, shuttle through the parallel world, and looking for wormholes and other methods. Intuitively reproduced.

As for the ultra-clear image simulation system, after all the above data is obtained, the battle pictures that can be viewed by all races are created.

Not bad. Most ordinary viewers have no way of looking at first-hand information. They can only watch the organizing committee modify the format with each and everyone system, and then simulate it.

But this is more accurate and ornamental, even many powerhouses that can understand first-hand information. Will choose to watch the converted screen.

Coupled with the commentators prepared by the organizing committee, basically most people can see and understand the general process of the battle.

Zuo Qingcang stood quietly under 5ten thousand meters of water, and the newly added cloak continued to burn the flame of ice blue, adding some points to his image again.

In front of him was an ugly alien resembling a toad.

When Toad sees his opponent is Zuo Qingcang. laughed heartily.

“You are Zuo Qingcang?”

“Boy, I’ve read your remarks. It’s a frog in well to the extreme. Since you met my Heaven Devouring beast today, I naturally want you to understand the size of the universe and the depth of the void …”

Zuo Qingcang stood there quietly, listening casually to the other’s intentional or unintentional humiliation and criticism, and Carrollan’s numerous orders continued to come to his mind.

“My lord, I know you have no difficulty with more than 9 players, but you can at least let people finish. The opponent falls down without saying a word, and falls down with a few provocative words. That is completely different And every round of the round must be completed by everyone, and then the next one will be randomly allocated. It is not useful to win in advance.

There are also moves to defeat the other party. Don’t be too handsome and handsome. After using them, they won’t work. It’s simple and powerful. Don’t use too many tricks that everyone can’t understand. With your current route, you can despise each other, and look relaxed and crazy. 5th to.

So Zuo Qingcang can only wait lazily to start the next time.

The powerhouse of each Fiendgod list is different, and their styles are different. Especially the battles watched by the entire universe, their respective performances are naturally different.

There are people who advertise, people who like to promote themselves, people who like acting, and people who like pretends like Heaven Devouring. Of course, there will be many people who have nothing to say.

Zuo Qingcang’s opponent in the second game was like this. On the surface of the ice layer above minus 200 degrees, the little black dwarf rushed over without a word, and was gently pressed by Zuo Qingcang on his head. The whole person directly Was broken into the heart of the earth.

It took the organizing committee more than an hour to rescue the other party intact.

Of course, Zuo Qingcang has a larger audience.

But in the next game, no matter whether it is 951 or 1 player, there is no one who is the enemy of Zuo Qingcang.

Zuo Qingcang gradually lost his patience, basically seeing people slap in the air, regardless of who the other person was talking about.

So when Mellow of the Heavenly Dragon galaxy won a few games, he was proud of himself and was secretly excited. When he just got out of the light door, his whole eyes darkened and he passed out.

The last single thought in his head was: “Did the High Dimensional Battleship fail?”

At this time, even the most lay audience can see that Zuo Qingcang’s strength far exceeds the level of Fiendgod’s 95th place. Countless people who wait to see his jokes instantly feel that the game is not interesting.

However, the results of the battle will not change due to changes in the audience. In the knockout stage, there will be a 20-hour rest every ten games. Most players will not use their best effort unless they have the necessary score or the enemy of Life and Death, but they will work tacitly to save the necessary battle strength for future games.

But like Zuo Qingcang, it ’s like cutting the melons and cutting vegetables all the way. Not only is n’t it, it can be counted on one’s fingers throughout history.

After the entire 519 games passed, all the players looked at Zuo Qingcang, the first on the score list, with 519 consecutive victories, and an undefeated result deeply shocked them.

Only those who participated in the competition knew what kind of power and oppression it represented.

As for the outside world, the news was publicized, and the entire Star River’s eyeball competition was instantly taken away by one person.


A few days later, Star Ring Media Headquarters.

Merris is constantly watching reports about Zuo Qingcang. In her hand, there is some information about the Zuo Qingcang from the Galaxy branch.

While she was looking seriously, a chunky alien came to her and said, “Merris, do you want to prepare a series of special reports for that kid?”

“Yes boss.” Meris stood up and said seriously: “I think he has this potential, I have read his profile …”

“Okay, this is a clown, what do you care about? Wait until he passes this 9th round robin. Let ’s talk about it. Every 5th place in the Fiendgod list is as different as heaven and earth in strength.” He said angrily: “Every topic is edited in line. How can you say you change it?”

“But he really has potential. If he can enter a higher ranking, our report will have an advantage over other platforms.”

Editor-in-chief said with a cold laugh: “This guy is just a joke, that’s all. Well, don’t tell me more …” Naturally he wouldn’t say it directly, because of Zuo Qingcang’s relationship, he lost at the black market casino A lot of money, that’s why they hate each other so much.

But just as the two were arguing, a small alien screamed, “Fuck, Zuo Qingcang won again.”

“Who is it?” Meris asked quickly.

The other party said, “It was a private fight. He gave King Zombie, King Ice Dragon, and Duke Dingbo a haha. Look, he also said that he would beat these three guys up … by …” He said, watching the video, he stood up in shock, and knocked the tables and chairs around.

“Fuck, lean, lean, lean, lean, really shit.”

All three are powerhouses ranked 3 to 35.

The editor’s face suddenly became ugly.

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