Silent Killing

Chapter 926-929

There was a loud bang, and ripples like water spread wildly across the stars, just like an invisible big hand stirred vigorously in the void, mixing the entire burning atmosphere into a mess of gruel.

Vacado’s face was full of unbelief and incredibleness, his metal body was pierced through a large hole, and the whole man ejected away towards the universe at a rate of more than 70 Mach.

The air along the way was constantly rubbing against his body, and the high temperature produced almost reddened his entire body.

Almost instantly, he had opened a large hole in the atmosphere of more than ten kilometers, and the whole man crashed into the void of the universe, and then kept moving towards the distance.

In just a few minutes of fighting, Wakado almost became more and more frightened, because with the repeated explosions of his fist, his body was evolving almost to an unprecedented degree.

The power is getting stronger and stronger, the space around all around is constantly distorted, it seems that even time is gradually frozen.

It has been a long time since he has shown this degree of evolution. This is the infinite pressure Zuo Qingcang brought to him. The bio-metal that oppresses within the body has become stronger and stronger, and has rebounded again and again.

But it is still far from enough, because no matter how strong and fast he gets, Zuo Qingcang can always press him with more brutal force and more unreasonable fist.

Until this time was punched into space by a punch, Vacado’s eyes had flashed seriousness and seriousness never before.

“Why are you so serious?”

When Vakado was stunned, a voice sounded directly in his electronic chip, or a stream of information passed directly on, and his head was completely bombarded by the whole body, and the whole person rolled towards the void. Fly away.

On the other side, Zuo Qingcang and the live broadcast group did not know when it had been teleported into the void, watching Vacado who had stopped rolling for 1000 meters before it could be stopped. Zuo Qingcang indifferently said: “Why the weak are fighting”

“Yeah!” Seeing the other side so calm and contemptuous look, Vakado just couldn’t help the fire from his heart. Along with the tide of electromagnetic waves, he opened countless small mouths all over his body instantly. The whole person was like a nova explosion, releasing a gamma-ray burst that even eclipsed Supreme Yang.

This is comparable to the collapse of stars. The astronomical disaster of black hole generation, neutron star impact, and his attack range were even calculated in light years.

The crazy light burst engulfed Zuo Qingcang and engulfed the live broadcast group in a millionth of a second. Even the cave pupils and alien travellers who dared to come over screamed and escaped, and had to immediately open the High Dimensional Battleship to leave this death zone.

Behind them, the entire star was swallowed up by light burst within a second or two.

This is comparable to Supreme Yang ’s 1,000,000-year energy explosion, which burned the entire planet into a glass sphere almost instantly, and then the infinite rays changed into light and continued to shoot into the endless universe void until they spread across the entire galaxy, galaxy, and even galaxy Until hundreds or countless years later, it was seen by a certain civilization’s astronomical telescope, witnessing this big explosion that will span countless stars.

Of course, their rays were already weak and harmless at that time, they just added a stroke to the universe that has been filled with countless rays.

But just under terrifying light burst strikes. Some things still seem to survive.

The rays of light were gradually extinguished by little by little, Vacado stood in the void, his original straight back had to bend down, his face was pale, his mouth gasped, and his mouth was breathing. The round attack is still an unprecedented consumption for him with the Void Engine.

And with the disappearance of rays of light, Zuo Qingcang’s silhouette was revealed again and was not hurt.

Not only is Zuo Qingcang himself harmless, even the live broadcast group protected by a circle of aperture is also harmless, enough to destroy a stellar system. The ultimate move to destroy hundreds of millions of lives failed to achieve any results.

Seeing Zuo Qingcang in front of him, Vakado took a deep breath, and didn’t know what to think about.

“Why. Stop attacking?” Zuo Qingcang said, “Are you afraid of me?”

“Dream less.” Vakado sneered, his hands snapped together, and a lot of metal balls fell off his body in an instant. This and everyone metal balls were flying fast, in a blink of an eye. Filled with densely packed void.

Zuo Qingcang can clearly perceive that each of these metal spheres is moved towards the end of time and space through each and everyone wormhole. Countless parallel universes draw energy from other universes.

This is Vacado’s copy of the Void Engine. You must know that the even if it is void engine can provide unlimited energy, but his instantaneous output also has a limit. Now that Vacado is doing this, he is constantly raising his limit.

“I originally planned to use this move on the Star River platform to impact the top ten positions.” As the Void Engine continued to replicate itself and split itself, Vakado’s expression became more and more confident. .

“But I did not expect that in this session, you will appear in a character like you.” With the continuous increase of the Void Engine, Vacado’s body also slightly expanded, and the layers of time and space fluctuated from his body Spreading out, it seems that the entire space is constantly changing as his strength rises.

“Do you know why I don’t use this move?” Vakado coldly smiled: “Because it is too powerful, it even freezes the entire three-dimensional space-time, making the new three-dimensional space crystallize in the universe. There is nothing at all. Exists next to me. “

At the next moment, he cup one fist in the other hand, raised it high, and looked at Zuo Qingcang in front of him with a cruel sneer: “Goodbye.”

The laughter disappeared, and the magic trick appeared: the dark and turbulent universe collapsed!

Endless dark energy swarmed out of Wakado’s double fists, and the dazzling beam of light was released by the reaction of the electric ions, which directly pierced the void of black and penetrated the space in front of Zuo Qingcang.

The dark energy density of regional space changes due to the interference of Vakado. When the pressure and density ratio of dark energy is lower than 1, they will expand and grow indefinitely in a limited time, and the Gravitation Force will also be rejected by dark energy. Being weakened will lead to the collapse of countless celestial systems.

The Gravitation Force was excluded, and at this moment space and time seemed to lose its original laws. Zuo Qingcang can perceive that more than a dozen planets in the galaxy here have begun to collapse, and even Supreme Yang, which is far away, is gradually extinguished.

Zuo Qingcang can still feel that the particles within the body seem to be pure and pure at this moment, losing the shackles of Gravitation Force, and they seem to be gushing out at the next moment. Blast his entire fleshy body into pieces.

Looking at Zuo Qingcang engulfed in a beam of light, Vacado’s face showed a slight indifference: “It’s over.”

“Although you are strong enough, it is impossible to survive this attack.”

“It’s a pity you met me too early, if you would wait a bit longer”

Vacado’s words were not finished. A palm that constantly collapses, moved towards all around, shooting out a stream of high-energy particles, a palm with drenched with blood that can’t see the complete muscles and skeletons, and stretches out from the tide of the dark and turbulent universe collapse, Grabbed Vacado’s dull face directly.

When the light wave gradually dissipated from Vacado’s hands, the peeled fleshhy body of Zuo Qingcang was revealed.

“Just this move, it really hurts.”

While speaking, Zuo Qingcang’s flesh had grown back, watching Vacado with his head pinched in his palm. He indifferently said: “But you are too small.”

I saw that his palm was slightly hard, and a phenomenon comparable to the collapse of a white dwarf was born in his palm, smashing the entire body of Vacado into a photon that was not visible to the naked eye, and then the collapse phenomenon continued to occur, releasing no Weaker than the gamma-ray burst just released by Wakado.

Just clenching the palm of the hand formed an astronomical scene of the collapse of the celestial body, and even the aftermath of the gamma-ray burst caused by the formidable power was still manufactured by Wakado.

In Xuanwang, countless powerhouses saw this scene and took a sigh of relief at this moment. If Vacado showed that they were desperate. So Zuo Qingcang is so strong that they never even thought about it.

When the gamma-ray burst slowly dissipated and the collapse phenomenon gradually ended, Wakado, who had only been in the first half of his life, was slowly combining his broken body.

He glared at Zuo Qingcang, the anger and indignation in his eyes did not decrease at all.

After all, his ontological consciousness is in the mysterious web. Even if this body is really obliterated, he cannot be killed. But with such a powerful body, such a quantity of bio-metal, evolution over and over, and the throughput of the Void Engine over and over again, this powerful body does not know how much resources and wealth it has consumed.

Once this body is lost. His interference in the physical world will be greatly reduced. If he uses a spare body next, I am afraid that his ranking in the Star River ring will also drop a lot.

So instead of fear and fear, he was full of anger and hatred.

Wakado gritted his teeth and said, “Zuo Qingcang, what do you want?”

Even this move of the dark and turbulent universe can only break open the skin of Zuo Qingcang. He no longer expects that he can defeat the opponent.

Zuo Qingcang laughed, and suddenly looked towards one side of his body, and saw a light door light up there. I don’t know who opened the door of the High Dimensional Battleship, and sent a pile of yellow shit here.

Instantly, the barrage, comments, and messages on countless live websites exploded. Most people don’t understand what is happening with Varkado’s dark turbulence, nor do they understand the deep connotation that Zuo Qingcang just pinched. They only knew, and it only needed to know that Vakado was completely suppressed.

For them, compared to the previous tricks, the excrement being teleported in front of them is the real surprise.

“I rely on, who sent the shit over?”

“Someone really sent shit over?”

“Now Zuo Qingcang if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, does he really feed shit to Wakado?”

“If he dare to feed the standing committee members, that would be a provocation with the Supreme Council, don’t try to confuse.”

“That’s not necessarily the case. He now has the strength of a permanent committee member, whose value can be above Vacado.”

“Hehe, the Supreme Council will not allow this kind of thing to happen, which is related to the rule of the parliament. Once this is done, it is equal to ** naked face, and I am afraid that it will be more than the current number.

Wait a minute, I’ll pick up a courier. “

Countless reviews. Countless comments, and the number of people watching the video also ushered in another wave of peaks due to the emergence of this excrement. But no one thinks that Zuo Qingcang will really feed shit at this moment, that is the Supreme Council.

Caroline sighed, watching Zuo Qingcang in the video said: “This is troublesome. This is a dilemma. If it is really done, the Supreme Council will not let him go. If not, he said just now. What a matter, it will fall out. “

“At this time, do you still care about losing powder?” Sword Prison said: “The audience are all grumpy bastards. The problem is that the Supreme Council will never give Zuo Qingcang the opportunity to do this. I am afraid that the people in Parliament will stop immediately. This is completely different from the previous fight. “

“But I don’t think he looks like he’s going to stop.” The Cosmic Fairy looked at the video in the video, his face suddenly changed: “Not good, he seems to be really going to do it.”

The orangutan looked at the unknown excrement in the picture, and said a little plainly: “If Vacado is really fed shit, it is really significant. But why did the people in the council not block the live broadcast, they are confident , Confident that Zuo Qingcang wouldn’t do it. Or even if Zuo Qingcang would do it, they would have the confidence to stop it at the last moment. “

Gorilla looked at Zuo Qingcang in the picture and said, “This guy should not dare to feed shit really, because it would be too uncomfortable for the Supreme Council and the standing committee members.”

“Hehe.” Xi Zong laughed.

Upon hearing his laughter, the orangutan wondered: “Do you think he really dares to do this?”

“There are many kinds of people in the world. Some people think about the overall situation, they look forward and backward, they don’t care about the feelings of others, the upper-level view, they think about the impact of their actions on the overall situation, and you are this kind of person.

“There is another kind of people. They have no concerns, no taboos, they fight the heavens and earth and fight against themselves, breaking the rules like a lunatic. Trampling high-level, even if you threaten him with his whole family, he frowns at most.”

Orangutan asked, “You want to say, Zuo Qingcang is this kind of person?”

“No, Zuo Qingcang is even more extreme.” Zong Zong said indifferently: “This guy looks normal, but he is crazy.”

“Crazy?” Orangutan said, “But even if he dares to do it. The council will not let him do it. I don’t know how many eyes are staring here, how many doors of High Dimensional Battleship will open at any time.”

Just then, the orangutan’s eyes widened suddenly, watching Zong Zong who stood up slowly on the seat and said, “You succeeded?”

“I originally thought that it would be completed after watching this year’s Star River platform, but after seeing Zuo Qingcang, it seems that it has already been completed.” Xu Zong looked at Zuo Qingcang in the picture and said.

In the void on the other side, Zuo Qingcang’s finger twitched slightly, and he had recruited that excrement in front of Vakado.

Seeing this scene, Wakado’s face changed suddenly, and he looked at Zuo Qingcang with a stunned voice, and privately talked through Xuanwang: “Zuo Qingcang, are you crazy? If you dare to bring this shit near me, I will Kill all the Earth people! Kill all the people who have a relationship with you! “

Zuo Qingcang did not chat with the other party through Xuanwang. Instead, he spread his will directly in the universe, swept it out in the form of electromagnetic waves, and was included in the live broadcast in the distance.

“Did you ever think of such a day while pirating my mantra?”

“Do you know how I felt when I opened the search engine and typed the spell, and saw all the connected author names are Lanlos?”

“All these things can be talked about. You have defeated me. Is it going to offend the entire Supreme Council now?”

While sending information, Wakado struggled frantically throughout his body, but due to the idea of ​​Zuo Qingcang, his body was shrouded in a gravitational field, and he couldn’t even move at all. little by little welcomed.

The anger on his face almost turned into substance. Looking at the filthy thing that was approaching, he moved towards Zuo Qingcang in the Xuannet and sent a message frantically: “Zuo Qingcang, stop! Are you crazy?”

“I don’t need the curse, I will give you back those copyrights!”

“I promise that no one can pirate you again! I will cooperate with you to promote your mantra.”

“Fuck it!”

However, no matter what conditions he proposed, no matter how much information he sent out, Zuo Qingcang’s movements did not stop at all, and there was no hesitation in his eyes.

The scene in front of him is even worse than the bio-metal body that ruined him. It can be said that if Zuo Qingcang really did. For at least a hundred years, Vacado had no face to go out to meet people. Even he has no face to lead the important sections of the Information Department and Xuanwang Engine.

Not to mention being completely out of control, at least it can no longer be guided by arms.

And his external forces will definitely be separated quickly. The blows to the forces and forces in his hands were extremely profound.

Of course, it’s Vacado’s own feelings that made a Fiendgod number 19 and a accustomed to aloof and remote. Creatures accustomed to Fiendgod suffer from this kind of thing, in which the trampling of consciousness is unprecedented. It was difficult for Vacado to imagine what he would become furious and shame after such things.

When he could do nothing, Zuo Qingcang’s action finally stopped. Zuo Qingcang felt that in the void beyond the infinite light years, something seemed to have focused on himself and aimed at himself.

“Zuo Qingcang.”

It was a young voice, an aloof and remote sound like Spiritual God. With a touch of impatience and a touch of urgency, it was directly introduced into Zuo Qingcang’s consciousness through Xuanwang.

“Stop it.”

“In this way, we all look bad.”

“Don’t look good?” Zuo Qingcang sneered: “Then when they borrowed power to oppress me and asked me to sell the copyright of the curse to them, their faces looked good?

When they misappropriated my mantras and smeared me on Xuanwang, everyone’s faces looked better?

They control the search engine, and the council’s face looks good when it promotes that waste? “

The entire conversation above and below. Zuo Qingcang passed on to the live broadcast without reservation. He changed his style from the beginning of the war and stopped fighting like he did in the past. In the end, it was only for this show.

In fact he was willing. Single thought can deal with Vacado’s body in front of his head, but this is meaningless. Doing the show well, increasing the number of fans, and completing the Immortal One Thought training, this is his current goal.

“That’s just Wakado’s self-assertion. Since you defeated him this time, it won’t happen in the future.”

“So it’s as if everything was born?”

“We will pay you what you deserve.”

At the same time, the major live broadcast platforms are also exploding, and various comments and screams are endless.

“It turned out that Zuo Qingcang knew it.”

“Being forced by Gao Licheng, and then he was shot in by himself, playing high-level feces, and he was handsome. The mantra was there, and I was going to see it.”

“That Lorenz is really not a thing.

“Haha, I guess he is vomiting blood while watching the live broadcast.”

“But it’s time to end it, but unfortunately I can’t see Wakado eating shit. This kind of dog thing borrowing power can be used to seize the bully and oppress the lower layers. It should really be shit for life.”

“Nonsense, the top parliament has come to intervene, how could it make Wakado eat shit.”

Just then, Zuo Qingcang, who was facing the high level of the parliament, had already spoken again.

“I came to this World and started to practice about 18 years old. Counting the universe with different time flows, it is about 6o years.”

“Do you know what my purpose is?”

Although the other party was shocked by the news that Zuo Qingcang had only cultivated for 60 years, and wondered why Zuo Qingcang talked about this, he still asked, “What is it?”

“Only four words, never compromise.”

At the next moment, Zuo Qingcang pushed hard and had moved the entire head of Vakado towards the mass of excrement fiercely.

Countless people moved towards Zuo Qingcang at the same time.

“Are you crazy? Stop now,” Banshee said in a hurry. “The people in Parliament are going crazy.”

Caroline: “Enough, sir, the situation will get out of control.”

“Zuo Qingcang! I am a member of the Standing Committee, stop right away, or you will endure the anger of the entire parliament.”

“I’m the Vice-section Head of the Information Management Department. Stop your actions immediately, or you will be banned for life.”

“Zuo Qingcang, this is the Star River Competition Management Committee. Do you want to be disqualified?”

“The Supreme Council’s fourth arm suspension of the Milky Way Galaxy has now officially issued a notice, Zuo Qingcang, if you do not immediately stop your extreme behavior. We will fire your employment qualifications and revoke all your permissions.”

“here is”

“here is”

“here is”

At the same time, the light doors of hundreds of High Dimensional Battleships were opened together in the space around thousands of ten thousand meters in all around Zuo Qingcang. Either anger, or shine, or violent breath swept out of it, everyone just dumped a little energy, and the fluctuations caused almost a storm of time and space.

“Stop! Zuo Qingcang!”

The original young voice representing the top of the Supreme Council said: “I represent the entire Supreme Council. On behalf of the entire universe, you are now ordered to stop immediately. Do you want to be right with the world? This is your last chance!”

Along with the violent power fluctuations of all around, Zuo Qingcang really stopped by holding the palm of Vacado. He could feel that among the light gates around all around, at least 7o lanes came from the level of permanent members. Power was almost on par with Vacado’s grasp in his palm.

Seeing him stop, countless powerhouses watching the video showed disappointed, contemptuous, disdainful expressions.

And Zuo Qingcang’s face still couldn’t see a trace of panic, he just repeatedly said, “The whole universe?”

“You said you could represent the entire universe?”

The young voice sounded like a creature of aloof and remote. With a touch of indifference, a touch of indifference: “Of course, I am the person responsible for this time event. The council has given me the highest authority to handle the entire event. The decision I make here will not be opposed by anyone.

“Then I ask you, can you represent that star?” Zuo Qingcang said Supreme Yang, which was gradually extinguished in the distance, and when the other party was stunned, he asked: “Can you represent these stars? Can you Represent the dead primitive creature on this star? Can you represent this void?

Or why don’t you ask if they want to be represented by you? “

There was anger in the young voice. “Zuo Qingcang, you may not know who you are talking to, I am.”

“I’m not interested in knowing.” Zuo Qingcang said, “However, you should know that you can’t represent anyone. It can’t represent this universe. There is no such person in the past, no one now, and no future.”

The next moment, Zuo Qingcang’s palm continued to press hard, and Vacado’s head was moved towards his eyes. Also at this time, the light gates of hundreds of High Dimensional Battleships were generous and bright at the same time, which was difficult to describe, difficult to measure, and difficult to record. All the videos were instantly transformed into a vast expanse of vast expanse, high temperature, low temperature, and electrical energy. Magnetic energy, kinetic energy, thermal energy, all kinds of sharp, oscillating, crushing different forces swarmed out of the light gate, and Zuo Qingcang fiercely, which moved towards the center, bombed it.

Over 70 people who are about the same strength as Vakado, and over 30 are just slightly worse than Vakado’s powerhouse. They are working at the same time and transmitting their power to Zuo Qingcang through High Dimensional Battleship. What will happen? A situation?

It is simply Heaven Falls and Earth Rends. The void is broken and everything is exhausted. At this moment, all matter is disappeared without a trace by the strikes. Even the last photon in the void cannot be seen. Absolute darkness and silence. Everything is at the end of the zero degree, time and space are penetrated, everything is smiled, Between Heaven and Earth is confused, nothing seems to exist.

Hundreds of experts in the council struck a blow, almost shattering the entire galaxy, annihilating everything, turning the position of a few light years into an eternal dark area.

Hundreds of black holes are suddenly generated and stirred together, and time and space are in chaos. The three-dimensional space is in chaos. It seems to be trapped in the chaos before Universe Great Explosion.

It seems to be a moment, it seems to be 1000 years, when this dark area has been restored to the normal state of the four basic forces of the universe, it has nothing, and there is still a person standing there, pressing Vacado’s head firmly In the pile of shit.

The live broadcast group was also released from the subspace, and then next moment, they saw Vacado’s body drifting with the wind, turning into countless particles scattered in the void.

Seeing this scene from the young voice of “you you you” seems to be extremely anxious and spoiled: “Zuo Qingcang, I originally thought of your talent and excellence, and gave you opportunities again and again. Instead, you are so ignorant of self-love and insignificance. Insulting top management, insulting parliamentary hum. “

In the end, it was already a series of sneers: “Do you have any last words?”

“What kind of clumsy and insulting it is?” Zuo Qingcang said, “Supreme Council, I originally thought that there was any expert. In the final analysis, it was nothing but a gangster and a coward.”

“You are so brave, Zuo Qingcang, do you know?”

“Shut up! Garbage.” Zuo Qingcang lightly shouted. The violent force directly impacted the opponent’s thinking and sent it into a piece of cake.

The voice seemed to be extremely angry, and screamed wildly: “Arrogance, it’s arrogance, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, kill me!”

Suddenly, the whole void changed dramatically again. Just now, many powerhouses just shot at will. Zuo Qingcang, who was able to survive, was also serious. Various terrifying breaths came from the doors of the High Dimensional Battleship. The pressure of terror spread over Zuo Qingcang’s body. The whole space seemed to tremble and the sound of crak creak came out.

Too much and too much power is constantly dissipating, so that the entire local void balance will be broken. Even ordinary viewers watching the live broadcast can feel the next blow, I am afraid it will be unprecedented. Heaven shaking earth shattering one strike.

“What are you waiting for? Let’s do it together.” Zuo Qingcang stood proudly in the void, looking at the flashing light gate in front of him, and said, “Without doing anything, I’ll come first.”

I saw Zuo Qingcang stepping out one step, and then there were six successive steps. At the same time, each step was throws a punch. After each throws a punch, the fist strength was scattered into 15 shock waves. .

A total of seven steps, seven punches, 105 fist strength shot into the 105 light gates, and there were countless screams in an instant, the other side of the light gate exploded.

In the entire area under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council, there were instantaneous explosions of magnitude 1o5, just as millions of new stars exploded at the same time, driving out and lighting up the darkness of the entire universe.

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