Silent Killing

Chapter 936-937

The stars, of course, also have trajectories.

Earth is orbiting Supreme Yang with several other planets. It is moving in a spiral way inside the galaxy, and the entire Supreme Yang system is constantly moving.

To find Earth, of course, it is not like marking a map on the map like ordinary map navigation, but you must know the entire Earth’s orbit and be able to accurately calculate his operating location at that time.

But this point is too simple for Du Gufeng. His portable time shuttle within the body has been able to help him automate this process. Hundred Year Empire technology development has already exceeded most of the universe for many years. Imagination of civilization.

But the problem now is that he should have stood on the new continent, but in front of him appeared in the dark void.

There is no earth, no blue sky, let alone human beings, even the entire Earth is gone.

‘what happened? Did you make a mistake in transmitting the coordinates? ‘

‘But the time shuttle can’t make mistakes. ‘

‘What the hell is going on. ‘

Du Gufeng frowned, within the body Martial Dao’s will has emerged through the body, propagating outward at the speed of light in the form of electromagnetic waves.

The martial path on Earth, from Qi Practitioner to refining spirit to Void Refining, and Du Gufeng, who has become the most powerful house of the Hundred Year Empire, has already surpassed the limit of Martial Dao Void Refining, reaching a point where no one has come before. Martial path created by myself.

Under the exploration of Martial Dao’s will, he immediately discovered the source of the strange situation in front of him. The starry sky is still the starry sky, but the material has changed.

‘The time machine has no errors. ‘

‘Earth should really be here. ‘

‘The real problem is that Earth is gone. ‘

‘Who did it? ‘

The entire Earth was gone, and Du Gufeng thought of this happening, a hint of cold light appeared.

At the same time, countless thoughts kept tumbling in Du Gufeng’s mind. At this moment, an incredible force dropped from the sky, pulling his body directly. He was dragged deep into the void with an irresistible will.

“Zuo Qingcang?” Looking at the black clothed person in front of him, Du Gufeng took a deep breath, glanced at Madiri on the other side, or focused on Zuo Qingcang’s body.

“Long time no see. Du Gufeng.” Zuo Qingcang looked at Du Gufeng in front of him, he could feel that the other party looked like a human, but its existence itself could not be described by living things at all.

It felt like seeing countless still pictures being forcibly stuck together. Law of Time seemed to be unable to act on the other person.

With this sentence from Zuo Qingcang, countless messages were directly transmitted to Du Gufeng’s brain. In less than a second, he already knew the situation.

The vast universe, the Star River God and Demon Ranking, the Supreme Council, and Zuo Qingcang, now raging across the universe like Fiendgod.

But even so, the confidence in Du Gufeng’s eyes has not diminished.

Maybe the Supreme Council takes up an immense amount of space. Maybe Zuo Qingcang’s power is enough to push the stars and destroy the galaxy.

But I ’m Du Gufeng, and my Yan Holy Holy Son is definitely not weak, no. It should be said that I, who has mastered the secret of time, is more powerful.

I … is Invincible.


I … is Invincible.

This, he had understood when Parosas was born.

He is very ordinary, and even belongs to the ugly group in the entire Xingluo tribe.

His IQ is not high, let alone inventing and creating various advanced weapons, or practicing high-end techniques, he can not even complete the general education of the Xingluo ethnic group.

His luck was even worse. Before his birth, his parents had both died. Yes, he crawled out of the cold body of mother himself. He has no friends and no loved ones. Before he was ten, he seemed to live in hell. Yes, to him, the whole world and the entire universe were hell.

But he was still Invincible because it was the day he was born. He already has the ability to break up the entire parent star into particles. But he couldn’t control his power perfectly. When he was ten days old, he was angry with hunger, and blew through the city where he was born.

When he was six months old, because of having a nightmare relationship, in his sleep he turned the entire star Luomu into dust.

As he grew older, Parosas’ control gradually increased, but compared to the increase of his own power, all this was worthless.

Those who look at him will become mentally dead.

Those who have touched his body will become dust in the universe.

The air he exhaled could turn an entire space fleet into scrap iron.

His voice can tear Supreme Yang into a black hole.

Even everything close to him, whether it is light, steel, wind or mountain range, the river, the sea, will be stretched into a spaghetti by the majestic force field.

His childhood was only destruction, despair, and killing. Before the age of ten, he could not even complete a complete conversation with any creature, because before the other person said the first sentence, he would collapse because of Parosas .

At that time, the Star Luo government tried everything they could to get Parosas to nothing. They could not even hurt the other party, and normal inspections and detections could not be completed.

The eternal monster, the ruined Divine King, the immortal demon, people are afraid of him, afraid of him, and do not want to kill the monster in this monster all the time.

But in the face of Parosas, all the laws of the universe seemed to have lost their effect, and the contrast between the strong and the weak became meaningless, because whether it is a weapon that can destroy the stars, or a powerhouse that has been trained for countless years, it can fight the universe fleet as an individual. They are no different from toys in front of Parosas.

As a result, people could only use the last resort. They destroyed most of the man-made facilities of the entire galaxy. All members of the race evacuated together. They abandoned their hometown and left the ruins of the entire civilization to Parosas.

He was exiled, alone in this lonely galaxy.

Thousands of years have passed, tens of thousands of years have passed, and I do n’t know how many **** nights flashed in front of Pasaros. One day, with the birth of Star River God and Demon Ranking, some descendants of the Star Luo people I remembered the existence of this legend, the horror of him forcing them to leave their hometown.

When they came back here again, what they saw was already ordinary. But Parosas couldn’t even say a whole sentence.

This day, the legend began.

Fiendgod’s first place, the final terror, Parosas debuted.

The universe emperor in the dark slowly opened his eyes. I don’t know when he has become a vast void in front of him, as well as Zuo Qingcang, Madiri, Du Gufeng and others.

Madilly looked at Parosas in shock, though he tried to suppress it. But there was irresistible fear in his eyes.

“Master Parosas …”

“I should have been exercising just now. Did you pull me here?” Parosas looked directly towards Zuo Qingcang.

Zuo Qingcang looked at each other’s pure silver streamlined body, forming a small figure with a height of one meter, complete four arms and two feet. Apart from this, there was no organ on the body.

But this simple image seems to occupy the entire void, standing there like a prehistoric giant from Swire Great Desolate, and his look towards Zuo Qingcang directly caused the collapse of hundreds of spaces.

“Hmph … would you lift the entire river system and call it exercise?” Zuo Qingcang’s eyes also showed a hint of excitement: “I thought all the people on the Star River God and Demon Ranking were all rubbish, now look There is still a fight here.

It seems that all the Star River events in the past have concealed your strength. “

of course. Madilly is convinced of this. No, it should be said that all the top ten powerhouses in Fiendgod understand that Parosas is different. His strength is beyond the existence of innate talent, intelligence, force, courage, and luck. His strength is not a dimension of the entire Star River God and Demon Ranking.

He added High Dimensional Battleship. This is the ultimate guarantee of the entire Supreme Council.

“Are you going to fight me?” Parosas’ expression was extremely calm, for him, Zuo Qingcang, Madiri. Or there is no difference between any poor people in the universe.

This is like a giant life in an ant’s nest, and the gap between them cannot be made up at all.

Because he knew his Invincible, Parosas had never expected any fighting, or he had never really fought since birth.

Everything is more interesting than crushing one or two ants with your thumb.

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Zuo Qingcang’s mouth: “Just a few seconds, and an old friend is coming over.”


What is Invincible?

Is it expert wisdom?


Is everything a strategy?


Is that brave unstoppable?

It’s not.

That is nothing that cannot be broken. Is it an unstoppable weapon?

Not even more?

What exactly is that is innate talent? Is the background? Is it inheritance? Is power? Is it will? Is it quantity? Isn’t it luck?

Luck? That may be called the strongest, but it is still not Invincible.

Xi Zong slowly stood up from the throne. He set his gaze on a large video in Xuanwang. It was a planet completely built and planned by him after the occupation by the Resistance. There are icy snow fields, there are rolling mountain ranges …

Countless powerhouses fight night and night on this planet, until the final one is determined, and then the next round of killing competition will be started.

In this battle, the owners came from the powerhouses of various planets and civilizations.

Some of them are vicious wanted men arrested by the Supreme Council, some are genius scientists closely guarded by a certain country, some are excellent heirs of the imperial royal family, and some are innate talent amazing powerhouse apprentices.

These elites from different corners of the universe were brought together by the order of Xun Zong, and they carried out the most primitive fight in order to survive.

“They are really excellent.” Xi Zong slowly said, “Some of them are higher in intelligence quotient than me, some are more attractive than me, and some people practice innate talent once in a thousand years, and some even More persevering, more sensible, and thinking more than I do. “

The orangutan on the side said, “Under the same conditions, maybe their achievement will be above you.”

“Hehe, the same conditions?” Xi Zong coldly said: “There will never be such a thing in the world, even the true Spiritual God cannot be absolutely fair and just.

Some of them are smarter than me, some are more persevering, and some are more innate talent than me.

But now I can crush them all with one finger. “

“What is strong? What is weak?” Wu Zong sighed. “The one who can kill you is the strong, the one who is killed by you is the weak.

Other so-called powerhouses should be determined. It should be humble, and it should be nothing more than thinking about that’s all.

Powerhouse is called powerhouse only because he can kill most people, and he is bright. It doesn’t matter whether it’s chivalrous, bold, insidious, or chicken belly. “

The orangutan asked, “What do you mean, even if a pig is made stronger by genetic modification surgery, as long as he can kill the geniuses on that planet. Is that pig a powerhouse?”

“Of course. What about cleverness and how brave, the victor in history has never been the smartest, the most tenacious, and the most brave.

The ultimate winner in history, the only thing they have in common is that they are the last winners and the last to live. “

The orangutan wondered, “Do you want to say life-saving ability?”

“Life-saving? Hehe.” Xi Zong’s eyes looked towards the depths of Wuyi’s void, as if he had broken into countless layers of space, directly shining on Zuo Qingcang’s body.

“True Invincible. It’s destiny.”

His eyes flickered fast, and his brain kept flowing through the scenes of countless killings on the planet, wisdom, martial arts, innate talent … All the qualities are useless, even if you are 100 times better than my innate talent, the result is still It may be that you are transcended by me and beheaded by me.

There are too many factors that can affect the outcome, and the strength is not strong. If you are not innate talent, you will definitely win. Those who are not crowded will definitely win, those who are not strong will definitely win, and those who are not noble will certainly win, and those who are dirty will definitely lose.

All the factors that affect the outcome are summed up. It is destiny.

Even the innate talent itself is only part of the fate.

Only those who can control fate, control fate, and transcend fate are Invincible.

Xi Zong opened his palm as if he had known it. Let Zuo Qingcang wrap his entire body with overbearing power, and moved towards the depths of the void.

He embraced Zuo Qingcang’s power just as he embraced Supreme Yang.

His mind flashed all the information about the Star River events during this period.

“My eyes penetrate the past, and my hands manipulate the future.”

“I saw through destiny, mastered it, and then surpassed it.”

“I … I’m Invincible.” Of course Xingchen also has a track.

Earth is orbiting Supreme Yang with several other planets. It is moving in a spiral way inside the galaxy, and the entire Supreme Yang system is constantly moving.

To find Earth, of course, it is not like marking a map on the map like ordinary map navigation, but you must know the entire Earth’s orbit and be able to accurately calculate his operating location at that time.

But this point is too simple for Du Gufeng. His portable time shuttle within the body has been able to help him automate this process. Hundred Year Empire technology development has already exceeded most of the universe for many years. Imagination of civilization.

But the problem now is that he should have stood on the new continent, but in front of him appeared in the dark void.

There is no earth, no blue sky, let alone human beings, even the entire Earth is gone.

‘what happened? Did you make a mistake in transmitting the coordinates? ‘

‘But the time shuttle can’t make mistakes. ‘

‘What the hell is going on. ‘

Du Gufeng frowned, within the body Martial Dao’s will has emerged through the body, propagating outward at the speed of light in the form of electromagnetic waves.

The martial path on Earth, from Qi Practitioner to refining spirit to Void Refining, and Du Gufeng, who has become the most powerful house of the Hundred Year Empire, has already surpassed the limit of Martial Dao Void Refining, reaching a point where no one has come before. Martial path created by myself.

Under the exploration of Martial Dao’s will, he immediately discovered the source of the strange situation in front of him. The starry sky is still the starry sky, but the material has changed.

‘The time machine has no errors. ‘

‘Earth should really be here. ‘

‘The real problem is that Earth is gone. ‘

‘Who did it? ‘

The entire Earth was gone, and Du Gufeng thought of this happening, a hint of cold light appeared.

At the same time, countless thoughts kept tumbling in Du Gufeng’s mind. At this moment, an incredible force dropped from the sky, pulling his body directly, dragging him with an irresistible will. Deep into the void.

“Zuo Qingcang?” Looking at the black clothed person in front of him, Du Gufeng took a deep breath. He glanced at Madiri on the other side again, still focusing on Zuo Qingcang.

“Long time no see, Du Gufeng.” Zuo Qingcang looked at Du Gufeng in front of him, and he could feel that the other person was still human. But its existence can no longer be described by living things.

It felt like seeing countless still pictures being forcibly stuck together. Law of Time seemed to be unable to act on the other person.

With this sentence from Zuo Qingcang, countless messages were directly transmitted to Du Gufeng’s brain. It took him less than a second to understand the current situation.

The vast universe. Star River God and Demon Ranking, Supreme Council, and Zuo Qingcang, which now rages across the universe like Fiendgod.

But even so, the confidence in Du Gufeng’s eyes has not diminished.

Maybe the Supreme Council takes up an immense amount of space. Maybe Zuo Qingcang’s power is enough to push the stars and destroy the galaxy.

But I ’m Du Gufeng, and my Yan Mo Holy Son is definitely not weak. No, it should be said that I, who has mastered the secret of time, is more powerful.

I … is Invincible.


I … is Invincible.

at this point. He knew it when Parosas was born.

He is very ordinary, and even belongs to the ugly group in the entire Xingluo tribe.

His IQ is not high, let alone inventing and creating various advanced weapons, or practicing high-end techniques, he can not even complete the general education of the Xingluo ethnic group.

His luck was even worse. Before his birth, his parents had died. Yes, he crawled out of the cold body of mother himself. He had no friends, no relatives, and he seemed to live in hell before the age of ten. Yes, to him the whole world, the entire universe is hell.

But he is still Invincible, because the day he was born, he already had the ability to break down the entire parent star into particles. But he couldn’t control his power perfectly, when he was ten days old. Angered by hunger, he blew through the city where he was born.

When he was six months old, because of having a nightmare relationship, in his sleep he turned the entire star Luomu into dust.

As he grew older, Parosas’ control gradually increased, but compared to the increase of his own power, all this was worthless.

Those who look at him will become mentally dead.

Those who have touched his body will become dust in the universe.

The air he exhaled could turn an entire space fleet into scrap iron.

His voice can tear Supreme Yang into a black hole.

Even everything close to him, whether it is light, steel, wind or mountain range, the river, the sea, will be stretched into a spaghetti by the majestic force field.

His childhood was only destruction, despair, and killing. Before the age of ten, he could not even complete a complete conversation with any creature, because before the other person said the first sentence, he would collapse because of Parosas .

At that time, the Star Luo government tried everything they could to get Parosas to nothing. They could not even hurt the other party, and normal inspections and detections could not be completed.

The eternal monster, the ruined Divine King, the immortal demon, people are afraid of him, afraid of him, and do not want to kill the monster in this monster all the time.

But in the face of Parosas, all the laws of the universe seemed to have lost their effect, and the contrast between the strong and the weak became meaningless, because whether it is a weapon that can destroy the stars, or a powerhouse that has been trained for countless years, it can fight the universe fleet as an individual. They are no different from toys in front of Parosas.

As a result, people could only use the last resort. They destroyed most of the man-made facilities of the entire galaxy. All members of the race evacuated together. They abandoned their hometown and left the ruins of the entire civilization to Parosas.

He was exiled, alone in this lonely galaxy.

Thousands of years have passed, tens of thousands of years have passed, and I do n’t know how many **** nights flashed in front of Pasaros. One day, with the birth of Star River God and Demon Ranking, some descendants of the Star Luo people I remembered the existence of this legend, the horror of him forcing them to leave their hometown.

When they came back here again, they saw a Parosas that looked ordinary, but couldn’t even say a whole sentence.

this day. The legend began.

Fiendgod’s first place, the final terror, Parosas debuted.

The universe emperor in the dark slowly opened his eyes, and he did not know when he had become a vast void before him. There are also Zuo Qingcang, Madiri and Du Gufeng.

Madilly looked at Parosas in shock. Although he tried to suppress it, he had unstoppable fear in his eyes.

“Master Parosas …”

“I should have been exercising just now. Did you pull me here?” Parosas looked directly towards Zuo Qingcang.

Zuo Qingcang looked at each other’s pure silver streamlined body, forming a small figure with a height of one meter, complete four arms and two feet. Apart from this, there was no organ on the body.

But this simple image seems to occupy the entire void, standing there like a prehistoric giant from Swire Great Desolate, and his look towards Zuo Qingcang directly caused the collapse of hundreds of spaces.

“Hmph … would you lift the entire river system and call it exercise?” Zuo Qingcang’s eyes also showed a hint of excitement: “I thought all the people on the Star River God and Demon Ranking were all rubbish, now look There is still a fight here.

It seems that all the Star River events in the past have concealed your strength. “

That’s for sure, Madiri was convinced. No, it should be said that all the top ten powerhouses in Fiendgod understand that Parosas is different. His strength is beyond the existence of innate talent, intelligence, force, courage, and luck. His strength is basically the same as the entire Star River God. And Demon Ranking are not a dimension.

He adds High Dimensional Battleship, which is the ultimate guarantee for the entire Supreme Council.

“Are you going to fight me?” Parosas’ expression was extremely calm. To him, Zuo Qingcang, Madiri, or any poor man in the universe is no different.

It’s like a giant life in an ant’s nest. The gap between them cannot be bridged at all.

Because he knew his Invincible, Parosas had never expected any fighting, or he had never really fought since birth.

Everything is more interesting than crushing one or two ants with your thumb.

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Zuo Qingcang’s mouth: “Just a few seconds, and an old friend is coming over.”


What is Invincible?

Is it expert wisdom?


Is everything a strategy?


Is that brave unstoppable?

It’s not.

Is that nothing that cannot be broken?

Not even more?

What exactly is that is innate talent? Is the background? Is it inheritance? Is power? Is it will? Is it quantity? Isn’t it luck?

Luck? That might be called the strongest. But still not Invincible.

Xi Zong slowly stood up from the throne. He set his gaze on a large video in Xuanwang. It was a planet completely built and planned by him after the occupation by the Resistance. There are icy snow fields, there are rolling mountain ranges …

Countless powerhouses fight night and night on this planet, until the final one is determined, and then the next round of killing competition will be started.

In this battle, the owners came from the powerhouses of various planets and civilizations.

Some of them are vicious wanted men arrested by the Supreme Council, some are genius scientists closely guarded by a certain country, some are excellent heirs of the imperial royal family, and some are innate talent amazing powerhouse apprentices.

These elites from different corners of the universe were brought together by the order of Xun Zong, and they carried out the most primitive fight in order to survive.

“They are really excellent.” Xi Zong slowly said, “Some of them are higher in intelligence quotient than me, some are more attractive than me, and some people practice innate talent once in a thousand years, and some even More persevering, more sensible, and thinking more than I do. “

The orangutan on the side said, “Under the same conditions, maybe their achievement will be above you.”

“Hehe, the same conditions?” Xi Zong coldly said: “There will never be such a thing in the world, even the true Spiritual God cannot be absolutely fair and just.

Some of them are smarter than me, some are more persevering, and some are more innate talent than me.

But now I can crush them all with one finger. “

“What is strong? What is weak?” Wu Zong sighed. “The one who can kill you is the strong, the one who is killed by you is the weak.

Other so-called powerhouses should be resolute, humble, and whatever should be, just think about that’s all.

Powerhouse is called powerhouse, because he can kill most people, it has nothing to do with whether he is bright, chivalrous, insidious and spicy, or chicken belly. “

The orangutan asked, “What do you mean, even if a pig is strengthened by genetic modification surgery, as long as he can kill the geniuses on that planet, that pig is also a powerhouse?”

“Of course. What about cleverness and how brave, the victor in history has never been the smartest, the most tenacious, and the most brave.

The ultimate winner in history, the only thing they have in common is that they are the last winners and the last to live. “

The orangutan wondered, “Do you want to say life-saving ability?”

“Life-saving? Hehe.” Xi Zong’s eyes looked towards the depths of Wuyi’s void, as if he had broken into countless layers of space, directly shining on Zuo Qingcang’s body.

“The real Invincible is destiny.”

His eyes flickered fast, and his brain kept flowing through the scenes of countless killings on the planet, wisdom, martial arts, innate talent … All the qualities are useless, even if you are 100 times better than my innate talent, the result is still It may be that you are transcended by me and beheaded by me.

There are too many factors that can affect the outcome of victory and defeat. If it is not innate talent, it will win, if it is not crowded, it will win, if it is not strong, it will win, and if it is not noble, it will definitely win. It will win, and the dirty one will definitely lose.

All the factors that affect the outcome are fate.

Even the innate talent itself is only part of the fate.

Only those who can control fate, control fate, and transcend fate are Invincible.

Xi Zong opened his palm, as if he had known it for a long time, and allowed Zuo Qingcang to use overbearing power to wrap his entire body, moved towards the depths of the void.

He embraced Zuo Qingcang’s power just as he embraced Supreme Yang.

His mind flashed all the information about the Star River events during this period.

“My eyes penetrate the past, and my hands manipulate the future.”

“I saw through destiny, mastered it, and then surpassed it.”

“I … are Invincible.”

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