Silent Killing

Chapter 938-939

Along with the passing of power across the void, the Emperor Zong, who was countless light years away, directly dropped from the sky and came to Zuo Qingcang.

The corners of his mouth were raised, and after all he laughed at the next moment.

“Zuo Qingcang!”


It’s like cooking oil on fire, and it’s like a little fire star dripped into the gunpowder box.

The first time the two met, their eyes slammed into each other firmly. In the void, there seemed to be mountain of blades and seas of fire lit up, killing intent, murderous aura, killing thoughts soaring into the sky, as if through thousands In absolute time and space, it seems that even the silver heart in the distance is slightly dim.

The next second, the majestic force like a mountain tsunami had collided fiercely.

Zuo Qingcang’s fist straddled the void of 100 kilometers, and directly bombarded Zong Zong’s face with the weight of 10,000,000 stars at a speed exceeding rays of light.

Space was torn, and everything was twisted into noodles under this absolute power.

‘Take me this fist, Xi Zong, if you can’t even get a punch in my area, then you will not be involved in the next battle. ‘

‘come on! come on! ‘The trembling like a soul is constantly rising in the consciousness of Zong Zong:’ Zuo Qingcang, let me see how you have grown after all these years. ‘

Zuo Qingcang ’s fist is completely gone at this moment. Absolute strength and quality make it difficult for any substance to exist. His fist has become a pure darkness, such as the same demonic beast born in the Great Desolate that devoured the world. towards 蜃 宗 ‘s cheek blasted down.

When the fist had not really landed on Zong Zong’s face, his entire body had been torn into pieces, and then, as if encountering a black hole, his fist moved toward Zuo Qingcang involuntarily, his body was being swallowed by the fist, Bite by that absolute darkness.

When this fist of Zuo Qingcang is gone, the void within one light year in front of him has become a true vacuum state, all energy and matter have disappeared, and this absolute black vacuum is still moving toward the distance at the speed of light. .

I am afraid that it will be hundreds of years before the power of this fist will dissipate in the cosmic void hundreds of light years away, devouring everything along the way, leaving an invisible cosmic orbit.

With Zuo Qingcang’s throws a punch, almost everyone at the scene changed color.

Madilly’s eyebrows were raised high, and he looked at Zuo Qingcang with an expression like a ghost, and the quality of this fist on the other side, he could not even see what value was reached.

Exceed the speed of light, a blow from a super black hole, he could not even detect it, but the aftermath of the attack caused by the eyes is enough to explain the formidable power of this fist.

Yan Mo Holy Son first froze, then smiled, the danger in his eyes kept rising and increasing. He could not see the slightest fear in his eyes, all he could do was the burning fighting intent.

Parosas was still calm and composed, and looked at Zuo Qingcang, who had caused the super galaxy ’s natural disaster in front of him, although there were some surprises, but he was still not surprised.

Xi Zong, none of the people in the audience felt that he could survive the punch he had just made, and he could not even find any traces left by him at the scene.

Madilly first said, “Zuo Qingcang, do you want to go to war with us?”

Compared to Zuo Qingcang’s answer, Yan Mo Holy Son stepped forward and said, “I don’t know who the two of you are and I’m not interested to know. But Zuo Qingcang must be defeated by me.

I have waited too long for this battle.

As for the two of you, go away and don’t hinder me. “

As he said, he twisted his neck, with a smirk in his mouth, and stepped away in the direction of moved towards Zuo Qingcang.

However, Madiri’s heart was angered by what he said. As the fifth place in the Star River God and Demon Ranking, when has he been said this kind of thing, even if he is angry, he doesn’t care about Zuo Qingcang right now. Raised his finger and moved towards Yan Mo Holy Son, pointing out in the air.

Not to mention the power that Madiri has gained on the other side of the door, just to say that he himself is the fifth-ranked fighter in Fiendgod’s list, and his own strength is also extraordinary.

That’s the ability to terrorize space freely.

‘Infernal hell! ‘

I saw that with Madiri’s instructions, Yan Son Holy Son seemed to become a paper person. The whole person was connected to form a ring from head to toe, which was that the space around him was forcibly stuck. Together, it became something similar to the Mobius strip.

Under this move infernal hell, let alone fight, even the move itself has become a luxury, the attacked person will be in a state that can never move, can not fight, even because of the space chain, not even the light, sound, electromagnetic waves In the case of passing, they cannot speak, communicate, and see things.

The so-called infernal hell is that it sinks permanently in it until it runs out of energy and turns into a grain of dust in the universe.

With one finger, Yan Son Holy Son Du Gufeng was resolved, and Madiri looked again towards Zuo Qingcang’s direction.

“Master Parosas, this guy seems to be broadcasting live on Xuanwang. Do we need to stop?” Madilly’s eyes showed a dangerous atmosphere. Although I don’t know what Zuo Qingcang was going to do, I just broadcast it to the whole universe It seems to him that he is upset after all.

Facing Madiri’s problem, Parosas shook the head: “If he can beat me, it doesn’t make sense to ban live broadcasts. If he can’t, then live broadcasts are okay.

However, my attack range is too large. Against him, I’m afraid I can’t control it. “

When Parosas was speaking, he still had a cold expression, as if there was no emotion in his body at all.

But Madiri heard the meaning in Parosas’s words, and he couldn’t keep his hands on Zuo Qingcang in front of him.

A surprised look at Zuo Qingcang, Madilly looked again at the palm of her newly regenerated body, and suddenly laughed: “Since then, my lord, let me try his first …”

Only half of his thought fluctuations came out, a white crystal palm had emerged from the void, and gently pressed against his forehead.

‘Play with me to hell? ‘

‘You have no idea what hell is. ‘

At the next moment, Martial Dao’s will is like Mount Tai pressed on Madiri’s body, regardless of the strength of the flesh and the protection of the thousands of layers of bonding space on the outer layer of the body.

How was Madilly’s first thought possible? How could Yan Son Holy Son crack his infernal hell, he could feel that his infernal hell was intact.

But next moment, boundless shock and fear have shrouded his mind.

This blow from Yan Mo Holy Son directly struck Madiri’s mind, which was a collision of will and will, a battle between soul and soul, consciousness and consciousness.

This is Du Gufeng’s 1300 years of training. He completely sacrificed all physical attacks, returned the refining spirit from the apex of Void Refining, and concentrated all his strength on the stroke of the mind.

Unintentional purgatory! The boundless Asura fear directly shocks the opponent’s mind and destroys the opponent’s will and consciousness.

“You have a strength, but you are uncertain, unwilling, and distracted. Why fight with me?”

Three consecutive palms struck through the air again. The power of unintentional purgatory directly hit Madiri’s mind. There was a crackling sound in the void, Madiri had screamed frantically holding her head.

Ignoring Madiri, who seemed to be on the verge of collapse, Yan Son Holy Son Du Gufeng turned his head and looked at Zuo Qingcang and said, “It’s your turn.”

Zuo Qingcang shook the head: “I arrested the four of you, not to play solo with you.”

He lowered his head, looked at his palm and said, “I … too strong.”

“Do you understand? If I want to do it myself, it only takes a few months to kill all the creatures in the universe.”

“My thoughts can easily cross the river system in an instant, come and scan in countless light years.”

“But when I have this coveted power, all I feel is endless emptiness and loneliness.”

“But later, I felt the breath of the four of you, the four strongest people in the universe except me.”

“So I suddenly had an idea. If you four go together, can you beat me?”

“Help me get rid of my loneliness.”

“Just kidding.” Yan Mo Holy Son’s eyes spit fire, and countless annoyances flashed in his eyes: “I didn’t come here to join forces with these rubbish.

I can beat you alone, Zuo Qingcang. “

Zuo Qingcang laughed and didn’t say: “But then I found out that there is a better way … everyone in the universe who is still watching here, besiege me.

Either the powerhouse on the Fiendgod list or the hidden master, I’m here, waiting for your siege in the center of the galaxy. “

Speaking, a little black light lit on his fingertips, which was the breath of the dark heart from White Land.

At the next moment, the dark heart of White Land shrank violently, disappeared, and transmitted to the position of the silver heart in an instant. It coincided with the original black hole here, and the two black holes suddenly hit together, and the entire silver star ’s Everywhere is being devoured by the heart of darkness.

Seeing this scene, the face of Yan Son Holy Son changed, even Parosas, who had been calm and composed, opened his eyes wide, and there was a slight divine light in his eyes.

“If you can’t kill me for a month, my dark heart will devour the entire silver heart, and then exceed the speed of light moved towards all around.”

“He will eat up the entire galaxy in two months and devour thousands of rivers in the next five years, destroying more than half of the universe.”

Destruction Universe, even crazy people have never thought about really doing this kind of thing, because the universe is too large, even if the High Dimensional Battleship keeps pouring out weapons, it will take no time to cover the entire universe.

But Zuo Qingcang is really doing it. With the power of Immortal One Thought and Divine Gate Four Revolutions, he is really doing it, and it looks very reliable.

“This guy!” The eyes of Yan Mo Holy Son also fiercely shook: “What on earth does he want?” Zuo Qingcang I know is definitely not this kind of lunatic who wants Destruction Universe … ‘


At the same time, the entire Xuannet has been noisy, countless curses, fears, sorrows, unbelief, disdain, and even Zuo Qingcang can hear it clearly.

Some people fear the sky, fear the world Doomsday is coming.

Some people don’t believe it at all, and think Zuo Qingcang is crazy to be alarmist.

More people felt that there was no tension that Doomsday came to, and they looked at the scene in front of them with a kind of mentality of watching a theater.

But these are just the reactions of ordinary person. Most of the ordinary person can’t really realize the seriousness of the problem before things are in sight. Many powerhouses in the world can understand what Zuo Qingcang did in a short time. How horrible.

“Master Parosas, are you there?”

“Are you sure?”

“Is Zuo Qingcang’s statement true?”

“According to our calculations …”

The major forces in the universe, especially the Supreme Council, immediately acted after they were confirmed by Parosas. Each and everyone is so secretive that even unnamed sections keep appearing, and the members of each and everyone are notified and transmitted.

High Dimensional Battleship has been used in unprecedented high power. Numerous countries and civilizations found that their powers were temporarily suspended and requisitioned.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield.

Parosas looked at the direction of the dark heart. He didn’t say much, and he never liked to say more, because action was his language, and his fist was his cry.

I saw him step out and shatter countless layers of space directly with a fleshhy body, and came behind Zuo Qingcang, then threw a punch.

Space, this is probably the most solid thing in the universe. Even if the neutron star collapses, the impact of a black hole can only distort him, not break him.

But at this moment, in front of Parosas, the space was easily torn and shredded like layers of paper, and he directly pushed the flesh to the state of exceed the speed of light, with infinite kinetic energy and thermal energy. throws a punch, just like the punch of Universe Great Explosion blasted directly behind Zuo Qingcang.

In the face of Parosas’s fist, Zuo Qingcang ’s response was also exceed the speed of light. With Superman ’s energy reserves, his brain has already entered the exceed the speed of light operation state, so he can react. Come to this fist in Parosas and even reorganize the body with quantum transmission.

So when Parosas hit this fist, Zuo Qingcang’s back has been reorganized into a front, and he also punched a punch, colliding with Parosas’s silver fist.

The entire universe seems to be overshadowed in this fist, and the scene where the two black holes collided just now seems to be unable to match the style of this fist.

In one second, within a few light years, all physical laws have almost disappeared, space is absent, time does not exist, and there is a chaos in the void. Force, weak force, and strong force are all excluded from this field by the fist strength of both.

With millions of quantum bubbles, the Black Hole Insect was blown out, and the power that was poured out moved toward the parallel universe, without knowing how much matter was destroyed in an instant.

Countless civilizations in different universes have observed the super big explosion in the universe in the following years, decades, and hundreds of years, and are amazed by the terrifying energy contained in it.

Yan Mo Holy Son flashed into the void a few years away, staring at the scene in front of his eyes. This was a blow beyond human imagination, and even reached the upper limit of the power that can be accommodated in the main universe, so it even poured into other time and space.

At the same time, a light gate lit up next to him, and Pasalos walked out of it as usual. His left hand was holding Madiri, who was still shaking, and the right hand, but There was only one left, and there was an entire arm below the elbow, as if it had been bitten by a wild beast, as if it had been ripped off by human life.

At the same time, Zong Zong’s voice rang in his mind, as well as Madiri and Parosas.

“Three people, Zuo Qingcang not at all to lie to you, now he is indeed too strong.”

“So I’m telling you to join forces now, and you should not object.”

“The four of us want to save the universe together.”

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