An area of ​​thousands of square meters of underground space appears outside the cave entrance, and in these underground spaces, they are all filled with a layer of woods emitting strange fluorescence.

Zuo Zhicheng and the others just saw the fluorescence coming from the mouth of the cave, which is emitted from these trees.

“It’s psionic food!” Azure Moon Hill looked at the wood in front of him and pointed to the fruits on the tree. “A lot … a lot of psionic food, there is so much here.”

“I’m afraid it’s not just psionic food.” Zuo Zhicheng jumped out of the hole and landed firmly in the underground space. He put the three down, and under the fluorescent light, all around was a little dim, but ordinary people could see things.

Zuo Zhicheng pointed to the position on the branch and said, “It looks like this is where they store their food.” I saw countless dead bodies wrapped in vines above the branch: “No wonder your first two teams of men and horses have disappeared. I’m afraid it broke into the base camp of others directly. “

Zuo Zhicheng looked around all around again. At the edge of the underground space, not only the hole they ran out of, but also the rock wall around them all, there were more than 20 large and small holes, and numerous vines along With these holes growing out, it was like a spider web covering the entire underground space.

While Zuo Zhicheng was observing, Tang Xianghui exclaimed, moved towards a tree and ran over.

“It’s Awei them!”

I saw a tree, A Wei, Liu Changding, and the others were wrapped in vines and were hanging from the tree. Tang Yuan held a machete and climbed up the tree, but A Wei and the others did not respond. Tang Yuan dropped several people after one after another, only to find that A Wei and the other person’s stomachs had been scratched. .

On the other hand, although Liu Changding was in a coma, he looked rosy and breathing normally not at all died.

Dumpling fiercely said: “These monsters!”

Zuo Zhicheng has no interest in sighing, dead people, dead teammates, dead friends, this kind of thing is normal for him. There may be the strongest people in this world, but there are absolutely no Invincible people. Human beings are a kind of fragile creatures, and every little mistake will lead to death, not to mention that Ai Wei is far from being truly powerful.

He wiped the dust and branches from the ground and found the bricks and some broken carvings.

Looking at the sad people who were still squatting beside A Wei, Zuo Zhicheng said, “Now is not the time to be sad. The underground passage here extends in all directions. I just dumped them temporarily. Those monsters will find here soon. We Think of something. “

“Then what do we do?” Azure Moon Hill, who kept his face cold, couldn’t help showing panic expression at this time.

“Do you have a way to wake up Liu Changding? I see traces of artificial construction here, maybe he can find any clues.”

Azure Moon Hill nodded and took a few vials of potion from his arms: “I have an antidote here, Mister Liu should have been stuck by these small thorns on the vine, and then fell into a coma.”

Apparently, the dead bodies here were caught by the monsters and tied up on the trees, and then starved to death or killed halfway. They seem to be storing food here.

“Then wake him up.” Zuo Zhicheng said he had jumped onto the tree branch a few steps. “I’ll go and see what way out here.”

After Zuo Zhicheng said all this, he had switched modes and adjusted his night vision eyes to the infrared line of sight. Under the scan of the infrared line of sight, he immediately noticed the difference.

All the wrapped people or animals have died, and they can barely see any heat on their bodies, but yet another faint human form appears underground.

“Someone underground? No …” Zuo Zhicheng thought for a moment and understood: “There are mezzanines in the underground, or a secret room.”

However, this is not the one that most attracted the attention of Zuo Zhicheng. What attracted him most was the ignition light. In Zuo Zhicheng’s infrared vision, a purple fire was burning, just like Supreme Yang in the sky. A feeling that shines on the earth and never goes out.

After scanning all directions, after no new discovery, Zuo Zhicheng switched to night vision mode again, and then jumped between the trunk and trunk. His speed was very fast and light, just like the apes in the jungle. Go fast.

And soon, he knew what the red purple fireball that appeared in the infrared sight before.

Standing on a tree branch, Zuo Zhicheng looked at the behemoth in front of him, surprised to take a deep breath.

It was a Giant Black Snake curled together like a hill bag. The black snake curled together. I do n’t know how long it is, but Zuo Zhicheng can clearly see that the diameter of the other snake’s body has reached 2, 3 Meters around.

There was even a skull-sized black scale on the snake body. Seeing these scales, Zuo Zhicheng suddenly remembered the shipwreck he encountered when he first came to that world. At that time, he seemed to see similar scales, but he It’s several times bigger than this.

‘Is there a relationship between the two? ‘But Zuo Zhicheng just thought about it and jumped over. Although the giant snake in front of him lay there like dead, the purple flame in the infrared sight told him that the other party was clearly not dead, but concentrated the heat of the whole body on the snake’s head.

Zuo Zhicheng thought of the season now: ‘Hibernation? ‘He didn’t know if a snake of this size needed hibernation, but it was cautiously, little by little backing away.

‘Is it because I have been eating psionic food here? That’s why I have such a natural instinct. ‘Although Zuo Zhicheng is also a purple, but the same muscle, the number of opponents is indeed hundreds of times his, regardless of strength or explosive power, Zuo Zhicheng can not be compared.

Quickly retreating, Zuo Zhicheng ran towards the direction of Azure Moon Hill and the others, he suddenly wanted to understand a problem.

‘The monsters, who tied their prey here, were preparing food for the snake after hibernating and waking up. It seems that the psionic fruit still cannot offset the beast’s instinct for meat. ‘

After hibernation, Zuo Zhicheng snake will be in a very hungry and very hungry state. Obviously, the meat in the woods is prepared for him.

‘You have to leave here quickly, it’s too dangerous here. Once those monsters found us, they even awakened the snake. ‘

When Zuo Zhicheng rushed back to Azure Moon Hill, Liu Changding was awake.

“I don’t know.” He touched his head, and his face was scared. “It suddenly fainted, and it’s here when we wake up.”

Azure Moon Hill frowned: “The spikes of the vine have the role of Ghost King, you should be the second move. It seems that the people in the camp before were caught by Ghost King.”

“I don’t have time to study this.” Zuo Zhicheng told everyone about the big snake and the hole around the underground space.

“Snake, monster?” Liu Changding pats said in his head. “I think of something, what you see may be Pluto.”

“Pluto snake? What is that?” Zuo Zhicheng said.

“That is the kind of protector Divine Beast that Amallikon worships. It is said that they can swim Yin-Yang two sectors to manipulate the ghost. People at that time often used living people to worship Hades.” Liu Changding said: “Just throw virgins or young women into the holes where the Pluto snakes inhabit. The snakes will swallow them up and fight for the Amalekans when needed.

There are also weirdoes. They should be the dead corpses manipulated by the Pluto snake, and the Amalekans call them corpses. “

‘It should be a primitive worship of the ancient wild beast. However, the serpent does seem to have some connection with the corpses. The so-called rumors of manipulation are most likely to come from this. ‘

But how did Divine Beast survive to protect the country thousands of years ago? She still has no idea. Zuo Zhicheng just asked Liu Changding again: “I can feel that there is a layer below our underground space. You Can you find a way? “

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