Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 100 Waiting For The Time

On the first day of November, the largest national TV station in Yindu announced to the world a news that has been warming up for a long time in the evening news:

Yindu's own advanced fab was completed near the Ganges and successfully trial-produced the first 5nm-level chip.

They named the chip "Spirit Monkey".

The world's public opinion is boiling. Unlike the collective silence of the Western media when the Xinghuo Factory was in reality, those reporters who brought their own filters flocked like flies to India, which they never wanted to go, and scrambled to report on the "spiritual". First-hand information on the monkey" chip.

This situation is exactly what Chen Hao's chip industry project team expected. Only on the third day after the news was released, the factory announced that they had completed the first successful tapeout, and the chip manufacturing had entered the mass production stage. The price released to the outside world is only half of that of Huaxia's chips of the same level.

The next morning after the price was released, the share price of the domestic chip industry-related stocks fell collectively for the first time, and the share price of Huaxin International even fell by 4%.

Although this is not a significant drop, objectively speaking, it does mean that domestic investors attach great importance to the Yindu chip factory.

Although these people have always been unreliable, it is precisely because of their unreliability that people doubt whether they will really be reliable once.

The most important thing is that there is clearly a shadow of an ugly country behind this factory, which makes some domestic enterprises even more uneasy.

If the ugly countries end up in the big price war in person, can our own enterprises still hold on?

No one answered their questions, and even the officials kept a rare silence.

Ye Zhou contacted Chen Hao immediately after receiving the news, trying to find out what the official strategy was.

From the phone, he heard Chen Hao's slightly tired voice.

"...This incident is within our expectations, and it can even be said that the progress of Yindu is slower than we expected, giving us sufficient time to react."

"However, that doesn't mean that we have to act immediately when they have just thrown out the first move in the price war. Our original purpose is to take this opportunity to drag each other into the quagmire, so the cheap chips they sell are more and more expensive. The more, the better for us.”

"Because according to the strategy you provided before, after the two key pain points are revealed, this part of the market that was temporarily lost due to price will still come back to us. All we need is a certain waiting time."

After listening to Chen Hao's explanation, Ye Zhou nodded secretly on the other end of the phone, and then continued to ask:

"What about the domestic situation? If we don't respond, both public opinion and relevant domestic manufacturers will be affected. At that time, we will lose some of the benefits that should not have been lost, right?"

"...There is no way, this is a loss that must be borne. On the other hand, if we can't make a firm choice in the face of such a national event, then these companies will not be in our ranks. beneficiaries."

"So, what do you mean, you also want to use this opportunity to clean up a batch of unsettled wallgrass?"

The opposite Chen Hao paused for a moment and replied:

"Let's put it this way. In fact, there are some bad people with yellow skin and white heart in these enterprises, but when we are not faced with important choices, it is difficult for us to screen them out."

"So, this is an opportunity and a test for them."

"Understood. Then I'll wait to see your results."

Hanging up the phone, Ye Zhou opened the scarf again, wanting to see the comments of the netizens above.

Unsurprisingly, those so-called well-known and big Vs really caught up with this trend, and a large number of people turned into yinfeng and began to step on the domestic chip manufacturing industry, similar to "things that have only been produced in China for 20 years, Yindu has been developed in a few years", "Yindu's chips are cheap and easy to use, and their performance can beat domestic immature chips", "Yindu's cultural advantages determine that they will also have an advantage in the field of technology". Such remarks are endless.

But this time, Ye Zhou's heart did not waver.

After these months of extreme stress and uninterrupted learning, he has grown from an unworldly graduate to a full-fledged decision maker.

So facing these clown-jumping decisions again, he will never lose his composure like he did at the beginning.

Because he knew that these people couldn't really do any damage to their grand plans.

When the rolling torrents of history carried an overwhelming rush through the dry riverbed, the toads standing on the banks of the river could not escape the fate of being drowned in the water.


On the other side of the ocean, the Strategic Analysis Office, several people who have decided the trend of this business war are discussing the official attitude of China.

"The response of the other party this time is very intriguing. According to our previous judgment, even if they do not immediately announce the corresponding price reduction or promotion plan, some marginal figures should come out to comment."

"For example, when the Yindu aircraft carrier was launched, didn't a military expert named Zhang Zhaozhong speak up? We judged that their purpose at that time was not to make a professional military commentary, but to use his interview to relieve domestic panic. "

"In fact, what happened later did confirm our guess."

"So this time their attitude strikes me as very strange - don't you think it's unusual?"

The first person to speak was an old man with white hair. He was the most senior strategic research expert among them. He used to work for the RAND Corporation and spent most of his life as the chief researcher.

"I find it odd too, but based on the information we've gathered, this non-response behavior is explainable."

"What's your explanation?"

"We think this is their arrogance. They have just made a purely domestic lithography machine and are still rapidly improving this industry chain. Such a huge achievement is likely to overwhelm their minds."

"It makes them think that as long as they master the core technology, they will naturally achieve commercial success."

"Our opponents have a term called 'national self-confidence', and I think their performance is an intuitive response to this so-called self-confidence - or, it should be called 'arrogance' more appropriately."

"They presumably overestimate the character of their domestic businesses and business owners, thinking that these people will give up their low-hanging fruit for a vain sense of honor."

"In fact, this kind of wishful thinking has been falsified countless times by history, even if it can't be done in their own country, at least most companies can't do it."

The white-haired old man nodded. Strategic analysis was never just a cold number. More often, he inferred the intention behind the opponent from numbers, facts, and a few words.

He now thinks that his judgment on this young man is very convincing.

Because he accurately grasped the center of gravity of the game.

This is a collision between two peoples, and the victory of this collision must depend on their domestic enterprises and people.

In order to obtain the support of domestic enterprises, our side has invested a lot of money, and made a major commitment with the endorsement of national credit, and finally exchanged the support of these businessmen.

In his cognition, this is the only effective and only safe way.

The other party obviously did not make such a plan. They want to rely on spiritual power to fight against the power of capital, which is a bit too taken for granted.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"Your judgment is justified, but, just in case, we still have to make plans."

"You immediately notify the downstream companies to increase the supply to the Yindu factory to ensure that they have enough chips to hit the market and obtain contracts."

"In addition, propaganda in public opinion must continue!"

"I want to make those business owners in Huaxia feel their disadvantage, and then after witnessing their official inaction, throw them into our arms!"

------off topic-----

Chapter 4, 10,000 words

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