Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 104: Black And White Turn Over

On December 3, conscience thought about the headquarters office in China.

Zhu Linan was sitting in the spacious conference room. Although it was already winter, there were still fine beads of sweat on his head.

Sitting across from him is the business representative of the ugly country, and the other party's request is very simple:

The conscience thinks that it must do its best to eat those chips that are backlogged in the warehouse because the customer broke the contract, whether they can use it or not.

"Mr. Robert, we have really done everything we can, we don't need those chips at all, but in order to support you, we have used a lot of cash flow to buy."

"These chips will eventually flow into the hands of our lower-level partners, and because you price us much higher than the market price, we can only recover less than 40% of the funds."

"This will eat into our entire year's profits! This is already our greatest ability!"

The white man sitting across from him turned a blind eye to his expression and said with a relaxed expression:

"You have made a lot of money in my country over the past ten years, and now is the time for you to repay, isn't it?"

"What's more, the price of chips will rise soon. The price war strategy has failed. We will return to the high-end market, and the pricing will also rise. You can keep the chips in your hands for a while. It’s a guaranteed win.”

The expression on Zhu Linan's face became more and more tangled. He knew that the other party's words were false, but he had no way to refute it.

What are you kidding?

Earn or lose?

If it is true that there is no loss, why don't you put the chip in your hands, not to transfer the risk, let us bear the loss?

He really wanted to tell the other party stubbornly that we don't want this batch of chips, and sell them to whomever you like, but this is definitely not something he can say from his standpoint.

To be a dog, one must have the consciousness of a dog.

The master wants you to clean up the leftovers, can you tell him that I can't eat when I'm full?

I could only bite the bullet and swallow.

"Mr. Robert, we know your kindness. Of course, we don't mean to refuse cooperation. It's just that the number is too large. Can you negotiate and help us reduce some shares?"

"Your share is already very low! If someone hadn't eaten the other share, the number of chips on your head would not be 20%, but 50%!"

"Do you still think this share is high? If you think it is high, then I can immediately report to you and fight for the right to debate for you, but I can't guarantee whether your share will decrease or increase at that time. already."

"......alright, I got it."

Julie sighed hard, picked up the pen, and signed the document in front of him.

Conscience thinks that they will face potential losses of tens of billions of dollars, because they simply cannot consume such a huge amount of chips that are not even suitable for personal computers. All they can do is to use the grants granted by the ugly country The resale right of these chips is put into the market slowly.

As for whether to make a loss or a profit after the resale, he must grit his teeth and bear it by himself.

This is probably the price.


At the same time, there is another company that has obtained the resale rights granted by the ugly country, but compared with conscience, the person in charge of this company does not seem to be pessimistic about the future.

When faced with the business representatives of Chouguo, he did not shy away from speaking bluntly about the complete failure of Chouguo's price war, but at the same time, he also clearly expressed his views.

"The price of chips will always continue to rise. The price war is your wrong move, but it doesn't actually cause you much actual loss. At most, you have lost some market."

"With the advantages of technology, I believe you can quickly recapture these markets."

"Of course, that's not my concern, I'm a businessman, and all I care about is whether I can take this opportunity to make money."

"Obviously, the chips are at a low level right now. If I can eat in large quantities and release them slowly, it must be profitable. Sir, do you think that is the case?"

The business representative across from him smiled and nodded, then said:

"You are a very shrewd and very visionary investor, and I am sure you will make a fortune from this business. However, are you really not thinking about raising some more shares? The more you invest, the more you earn. The more, this should be the consensus of investors, right?"

The man sighed, shook his head helplessly and said:

"I also want to continue to increase the share, but we don't have that much capital anymore. You know, we are investors in Yindu hsmc company, we just invested a lot of money in them, and now the flow of funds is difficult. "

"Understood. This is probably what you Chinese people call fate? The partner of hsmc company has once again helped his partner a big favor. A friend's friend is a friend. I believe that from this time onwards, the relationship between us will no longer be necessary. With the help of a third party, hsmc, isn't it?"

"Of course, thank you very much for your trust."

The business representative waved his hand and replied:

"Trust does not come from the beginning. I can tell you frankly that the reason why we are willing to accept you as our partner is that we have also conducted many rigorous reviews. I am afraid you have answered a lot of questions, right?"

"There are indeed a lot of questions. The Yindu people of the review team are long-winded, but your people present are more professional."

"Yes, our people have always had doubts about you Huaxia companies -- please forgive my abruptness, but it's true."

"I can understand, but like I said, I'm a pure businessman, and I don't have any official background."

"Yeah, if there were, then we wouldn't be smoking cigars together in this office."

Hearing the business representative's words, the man laughed, and in this happy atmosphere, both parties signed their names on the contract.

The man will take 50% of the backlog of chips, and these shares will all be delivered to him within a week.

After leaving the office, an intriguing smile appeared on the face of the business representative of Chouguo.

In his opinion, this man is really just a lamb to be slaughtered.

Those chips of his could indeed be sold, but that would be much later, after a complete replacement.

Because the ugly country will not immediately increase the price of chips, they will continue to hit the market with relatively low prices and regain the market.

This price is slightly higher than the price originally set by the Yindu factory, but far lower than the price they supply men.

If the man wants to sell the chip, he will have to bear a heavy loss.

So, he is just a taker.

However, what the business representative didn't know was that after he left, the man still sitting in the office also smiled.

After lurking for so long, it was finally his turn to turn over and become the master.

He solemnly took out his badge, which has accompanied him for nearly 10 years, but after two weeks, the badge and the company will disappear completely.

He stroked the groove on the badge, on which the four characters were etched.

Prosperous Group.

And his name is Ding Xiaowang.

Ding Xiaowang from FAW Group.

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